Chickens, babies and a cameo by my cat

by Veronica on October 31, 2012

in Animals

The other day, I got excited because I finally thought I’d found where my Araucana hen was laying her eggs, and that she’d gone broody to boot. Unfortunately, a couple of hours later, I spotted her off the nest – only to discover she was actually pretending to sit on duck eggs and nary an egg of hers in sight. Which is a shame, as Araucanas lay blue eggs and a) I wanted to show the kidlets and b) I want Araucana x Pekin babies.

lavender araucana hen

She’s not the brightest chicken in the shed and every day since I thought she’d gone broody, I’ve discovered her in the duck’s nest, pretending to lay eggs and pretending to be briefly broody. Hopefully she’s just practising for when she does finally come onto the lay. (More cracked corn!)

In other news, my favourite hen:

blue red pekin chicken hen

gave me very pretty Pekin babies.

blue red pekin bantam chicken babies

Lavender Pekin chick

Blue Red Pekin and chicks

blue red Pekin and chicks

The father is this guy, looking very alert and upright because I had the dog with me:

Black Pekin Rooster

And while I’d hoped for either blue or lavender babies, and expected black chicks – I didn’t expect to get two white babies! Either way, I’m pretty pleased and hopefully I’ll get another clutch out of her this season.

tabby tom cat

And this guy that I found rolling around in the driveway. Sure, he’s not a chicken, but he’s lovely in any case.

Cait October 31, 2012 at 5:56 pm

Awww, so cute 🙂

Marita October 31, 2012 at 6:05 pm

Sooooo much cute

Rusty Hoe October 31, 2012 at 6:13 pm

They are so cute. I must show this to Mr Grumpy as I have requested a groovy chicken coop and chickens and a couple of ducks as my 40th birthday pressie next year. He just rolls his eyes at present, but even he couldn’t resist such cuteness.

cat@jugglingact October 31, 2012 at 6:48 pm

What a beautiful kitty! I also need to show you guys our chics – they are so cute

Marylin November 1, 2012 at 5:18 am

I just about choked when I saw the picture of the cat… it could actually *be* Rocky.
Gorgeous cute photies hon! x

Achelois November 1, 2012 at 3:31 pm

I know I haven’t been around and you must think poorly of me for it Veronica. My feeble excuse -is health stuff which I will not bore you of here. I have been reading Veronica & Twitter is overwhelming me trying to find you amongst all the Tweets that I don’t know where they come from frankly. A few paltry ‘ likes ‘ via Facebook to your mum & that sums it up.
I am sorry.
You have been so much in my thoughts but in my head & not said to you is rubbish of me, just not good enough. I hope in my heart that you do know that despite my terrible silence many moments over & over each day & night my virtual hand reaches out to hold yours because in virtual reality it is strong not the withered thing it has become to me. I hope that you can accept my genuine apology, as ever I seem unable to keep it simple by way of explanation. ….

Onto these wonderful photos. They woke me from my stupor. I know I have said this before but I just wish we had the land to accommodate the same splendid experience, a hint of jealously creeping in which I am not normally prone to. It just takes me back to my childhood, I actually don’t think our brood were quite so handsome but to me they were perfect. Although I never gave a thought to their perfection when it was time to roast them, make splendid soup with their stock etc… as a child it was just part of the process. Despite not having much money I will not eat what I call ‘antibiotic eggs’. I know you know what I mean by that. So thank you Veronica for sharing, I can honestly say that these photos had me smiling in a way I haven’t for too long.

Oh on the cat front, we have an addition, a beautiful grey & white kitten, she is laying beside me in kitty bliss. Could it be that this post of yours is the one that inspires me to blog again, I hope so, perhaps I could start with just a photo of the new love of my love, the kitten called Blossom.

You are an inspiration Veronica, for so many reasons. Its time to hit submit for I am dithering now & wondering if I had just said sorry simply it would have been the better way but I think you deserve more than that. x

frogpondsrock November 1, 2012 at 7:54 pm

You can make lists on Twitter Achelois. Clcik over to Veronica’s twitter profile and next to the buttonn that says “following” there is a little button with a person icon on it. Click on that and it gives you a drop down menu, click on Add or Remove from lists and then you can create a list and add your friends to the list.
Then when you log into twitter you go to your profile page and click onto your list and then you can just see what the people on your list have been doing/tweeting.
I use lists to keep track of all kinds of people. art galleries, museums, idiots, etc etc

Bronnie November 2, 2012 at 10:19 pm

Awww, loving your animals ….

Harry D Fish November 5, 2012 at 8:12 pm

Not the brightest chicken in the shed? I lived with her for 18 months. She’s a dumb as a box of hammers. I bet she’s laying somewhere sekkrit. I used to find nests when mowing. Smelly rotten eggs.

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