Author: Veronica

  • Merry Christmas.

    After a long and exhausting day (but fun, very fun), my house is quiet. It’s 7.40pm and while I can hear Amy playing quietly in her bedroom, everyone else is sleeping.

    I repeat, my house is quiet. You’ve got no idea how rare this is.

    It’s probably the best Christmas present I could have gotten.

    So to all my bloggy friends who celebrate Christmas: Merry Christmas. I hope your day was full of good food, good company and good cheer.

    To everyone who reads here who doesn’t celebrate Christmas, thankyou for reading this far! I hope you have a good weekend with happy children and stress free moments.

    And to everyone, thankyou. This year has been hard, so freaking hard. I truly appreciate everyone who takes the time to read, comment or email with me. From the bottom of my heart, thankyou.

    Amy moves too fast for me to take any decent photos of her:

    And Isaac, well, he is just cute:

    Tomorrow is going to be interesting as Amy and Isaac negotiate toy sharing together. Amy loves Isaac’s toys and spends a lot (A LOT) of time taking them off him and putting them up where he can’t reach them. I’m not sure how long until he gets really frustrated with her, but it’s coming. Prior to Christmas, he’s been stuck sharing Amy’s old toys (yeah, he’s a baby, he didn’t need new stuff) and getting the short end of the stick. Now, he has pretty shiny new (some of it new-to-him secondhand) toys that are HIS and Amy doesn’t like that much.

    She’s very three. Everything is hers. Apparently.

    I’ll let you know how that goes. If not here, probably twitter.

  • Twas the Night Before Christmas (With apologies*)

    Twas the night before Christmas, and all through the house
    a breeze was rustling, and a tiny grey mouse.
    He skittered through cupboards and under the sink,
    avoiding things that’d give him away with a clink.

    The children were tossing, hot and sweaty in bed,
    they had no idea what scurried overhead.
    Mum in her tank top and shorts pulled tight,
    she had hunted that mouse, all day and all night.

    She had chased him through rooms and over the bath
    sure that he was having a bloody good laugh.
    He seemed to twinkle and as she grew nie,
    he dashed away faster, leaving her far behind.

    Her schwacker in hand, she felt quite defeated,
    surveying his mess and all the things he had eaten.
    Until she remembered the tiny grey trap,
    set aside in a drawer and forgotten, like that.

    She dusted it off and baited it well,
    hiding it where she knew that mouse did dwell.
    She turned off the lights and made ready for bed,
    while visions of dead mice danced in her head.

    Then! Under the sink she heard a great clatter,
    Mother knew there was something the matter.
    She raced to the sink and there in her trap,
    lay the little grey mouse, squished with a splat.

    Twas the night before Christmas and all through the house,
    Not a creature was stirring, especially not any mouse.
    Mother had washed her hands with great glee,
    Now knowing her Christmas would be the best it could be.


    *With apologies to Clement Clarke Moore who wrote the original. You can find a copy of the original here, as well as some facts about the poet.

  • I’ve been a lazy blogger.

    Remember, months and months ago, I used to post every day? Do you remember that? I bet some of you are breathing a sigh of relief that I don’t do that anymore. I gave it up in favour of quality over quantity.

    However, it seems when I stop forcing myself to write every day, I look back at the end of the month and wonder how I managed to get so few posts together.

    It’s harder now, I’m splitting my time between three different blogs (this one, Veronica Foale and My food blog, in case you’ve been busy like me lately) and I’m running shorter on time. I’ve also found another thirty or so new blogs that I like reading and added them to my reader.


    Today I logged into my reader, after sort of glancing at it for the last few days and gulped. Lots of new posts in there. Lots of people I want to keep up with. I’m not sure if I actually have the time to click through to everyone though.

    So here is your chance. If you’ve written something in the last fortnight or so and you think I haven’t seen it (you’re probably right), leave me a comment here with your link and I’ll click over and check it out. Promise.


    We’re in the countdown to Christmas here.

    Tinsel hangs garlanded around the edges of the house. Pretty beads drape themselves from spare nails, hung willy nilly everywhere, threatening to decapitate me in the middle of the night.

    Isaac spends a lot of time looking warily at the tinsel, wondering if it is going to eat him while he sleeps.

    We don’t have a tree up though. We’ve been busy and lazy and haven’t gotten around to it.

    Do you think I could borrow one of Kelley’s? I hear she has hundreds.


    Geneticist appointment:


    Do you think the children have Ehlers Danlos?


    Isaac: definitely, very hypermobile, bruises easily,  happy to diagnose because his skin tears.

    Amy: shows signs, very hypermobile, very bruised, very stretchy skin, however no dislocations yet, or skin tears that I can remember. Probably. Bring her back in two years for another clinical examination.

    Until then, he is writing me letters of diagnosis for Isaac and a letter to be given to Amy’s school when she starts (in 13 or so months) to say that she has clinical signs and no, her mother doesn’t beat her, please ignore the bruises she is sporting.

    I call that a good appointment, considering in children, most doctors refuse to diagnose until they’re thirteen.


    Okay, confession time.

    I don’t have time to respond to every one’s comments via email anymore.

    So please, if I suddenly stop emailing you after you’ve commented, don’t stress that you’ve upset me! You haven’t, I’m just having to cut back on time expenditures. If you ask me a direct question, I will probably still answer you, otherwise check back on the blog because I will answer in comments.

    I hate those blogs, you know the ones, where the author never responds, never visits you back and doesn’t comment in their own comments. I don’t want to be a blogger like that. If I’m not emailing responses, likely you’ll see me in the comment section alongside you.

    Of course, if you email me outright I will respond, every single time. It’s only polite.


    So um, that’s me.

    Of course, half the reason I’ve been absent is due to a trilogy of books that sucked me in. If you like fantasy novels, I highly recommend Cecilia Dart-Thornton’s The Bitterbynde Trilogy. It is very very good. Curl up on the couch and read for 3 days straight type good.

    Now I’ve got to hunt down some of her other work to immerse myself in.


    Oh! Also! Kristen, over at Wanderlust, she is collecting flags on a little widget thingy. She is a little manic about it (in a good way), so if you live somewhere ‘out of the normal’ click over to her and let the widget find your flag. Or tell your friends in different countries to do it.

  • Sign the No Clean Feed petition

    The Australian Government, namely Senator Stephen Conroy has given the green light for a ‘Clean Feed’ to be applied to Australian internet.

    News posts here, here and here.

    In laymens terms, this means that come next August, MANDATORY ISP filtering will occur on all internet.

    It’s not up to the Government to say what I can and can’t look at on the internet. I am an adult and so long as my activity isn’t illegal (ch*ld porn) then the Government should have NO RIGHT to filter my internet.

    It is up to me to keep my children safe on the net. Not the Government.

    See NoCleanFeed for more details and if you agree with me, sign the petition.


    As a web publisher, this scares me senseless. Officials have admitted that the filtering, while effective against the kind of sites they are wanting to filter (a blacklist, if you will. who knows what exactly they will be deeming ‘not suitable’) there are also plenty of false positives, ie: sites blocked that shouldn’t have been.

    Does that mean I could ‘accidentally’ have Sleepless Nights blocked? Or what about you. What happens if your website gets blocked?

    I don’t agree with it. It is censorship plain and simple.

    Sign the petition against it. Please.


    Feel free to copy/paste this entire post to your blog if you like. Just remember to give credit to either OR

  • Fuck Teeth

    I would just like to say – Fuck teeth.

    Specifically, the two top teeth of Isaac’s, that partially broke through the surface 2 nights ago and haven’t moved anywhere since. They’re just sitting there, almost through, causing pain and angst and woe.

    So uh, fuck you evolution. I don’t like teeth. We should all just eat mush.

    Mmmmm, mush.


    I’d also like to say fuck you to my period and the period pain it leaves me with. Thanks to enough pain killers to down an ox, I’m able to move through my day semi-normally.

    It wasn’t much good this morning when the pain meds hadn’t yet kicked in and I was a ball of misery who couldn’t move, breath, or be touched without crying/moaning.

    It was bad.


    In other news:

    I haven’t really mentioned this yet, although a few people have found me already. I have another blog, a ‘writing’ blog. Slightly more professional and definitely darker. You can take a look if you like.

    Only mentioning it because I’ve got two posts up there that I wouldn’t mind you having a look at.

    One is on Tasmania, as part of Shannon’s ‘Around the world in 80 blogs’ challenge and the other is a humorous look at blogging that I’m quite happy with.