Harvest time. Dinner tonight will be all vegies from our garden. I’m pleased with our efforts.
Author: Veronica
Gluten Free Cheese Crackers
I’ve been searching for a recipe for Gluten Free cheese crackers for a few weeks and after coming up with nothing that tempted me, I threw everything together and made my own.
Here is what you do –
Take 200g of chilled butter and cube it up.
Add 110g of Rice Flour, 110g of Tapioca Starch and 130g of Potato Flour. Set it to mix until it looks like fine breadcrumbs.
Then add 230g of finely grated cheese.
and mix until the mixture starts to look a little clumped together. Add 1/2tspn salt, 3 spring onions, finely chopped, 5 cloves of garlic crushed and a bunch of parsley, finely chopped and mix some more.
It should start to hold together a little more, like this –
While the mixer is running, add 2 tablespoons of milk and mix until it balls together.
Pull it out of the mixer and shape into 2 large sausages. Wrap them in cling wrap and freeze for 30 minutes.
Once it’s been in the freezer for 30 minutes, preheat your oven to 180C (350F).
Slice the rolled dough into slices about 5mm thick (1/4 inch) and place onto a tray lined with baking paper.
And then bake for 15 minutes, or until golden brown and crisp.
They’re delicious.
Ingredients: (your American weights are guesstimated to ‘close enough’ with my calculator. It will still work)
230g cheese, finely grated (8 ounces)
200g butter (7 ounces)
110g Rice Flour (4 ounces)
110g Tapioca (4 ounces)
130g Potato Flour (4.5 ounces)
1/2 tspn salt
5 cloves of garlic (optional)
3 spring onions (optional)
a bunch of parsley, about 1/3 c chopped
2 Tbsn milkMethod:
Mix the butter into the flours until it resembles fine bread crumbs. Continue mixing and add your cheese, it will clump together a little after a while. When it does, add your garlic, salt, spring onions and parsley. Mix it some more until it starts to pull together and then add your milk. Mix for another minute, or until the milk is all combined.
Shape into sausages and wrap with cling wrap. Freeze for 30 minutes, before pulling them out of the freezer and slicing into 5mm slices.
Bake at 180C (350F) until golden brown and crispy.
Catching up
Firstly, I can’t promise that I’ll give this post my whole attention, because there are cowboys on my TV. Cowboys, wearing chaps and riding bucking creatures. In all honesty, I’m writing this post in the ad breaks, spending the rest of the time staring at the chaps.
And the bums. Let’s not forget the bums.
Yes. I do have a small thing for cowboys. Shush.
It’s also pouring with rain, so I’m not even able to hear the cowboys properly. That might be a good thing though.
I spent all day baking, levelling and freezing the layers for my BIL’s wedding cake. It was fun. I miss baking with proper flours and not having to weigh and measure and count 4 different types of flour to make things work.
Now I’ll I’ve got to do is make a ganache (a few days before), make some buttercream, source a large cake platter and get a giant list written up of things to do.
My children are sick. Snotty and grotty and I’m fairly sure Isaac is cutting another tooth. I’m sleep deprived. But then, that’s what I get for calling my blog Sleepless Nights.
I’ve also been writing an awful lot. Like, submerging myself in the writing until I dream my characters and spend hours having imaginary conversations inside my head. It’s not made me a great mother or partner that’s for sure.
I was thinking last night: Bravery is sticking your nipple back in the baby’s mouth once you’ve been bitten. That? Takes balls. Isaac is going through a bitey nibbley stage. He’s also spending a lot of time crawling up to me just to lick my leg or arm, and he loves licking my laptop, so I’ll suggest that these teeth are the problem. Either that or he just likes tasting things.
He does everything at high volume too, just like his sister.
Tomorrow we have a Memorial being held by the Palliative Care people here. It’s going to be shit. I’m taking a box of tissues. Think of me at 3pm EST. Or you know, in about 18.5 hours.
And that ends my updatey time post. Sorry about the drivel.
But you know, chaps and cowboys and stuff.
Yesterday, I headed into Gallery 71 in Hobart to take photos of Mum’s ceramics as she set up for her exhibition. I had a ball and got to snap some photos of the other work there.
After I spent all day editing and shaking children off my legs, you can see the finished results here, on Flickr. (Go on, click! It won’t kill you!)
I’m hoping to get to photograph some of the work there at the opening Wednesday night, because oh there is some beautiful stuff. And I’ve only seen a small part of it!
Mobility without pictures
My son wakes from his nap. I can hear him in his cot, gooing and giggling at himself. I creep up the hallway to see whether he is likely to go back to sleep, but he hears me instead. I can see him wiggling and smiling, just waiting for me to come and get him. I pick him up and kiss the softness of his exposed skin, he doubles himself up into a ball and laughs, long and loud.
Smiling, I carry him out into the lounge room and lay him down on the floor. A moment later, I lay down too. I kiss his stomach while he laughs at me and we roll around and around, playing and laughing. He loses interest and starts to climb up against the couch, standing on his two feet. Racing to grab the camera, an idea for a blog post pops into my head ‘Mobility in pictures’.
Setting up the camera, I snap a test shot or two before Isaac notices me. He drops to all fours and crawls towards the camera. Slowly I crawl backwards, however it’s been a long time since I crawled and my son, he is much faster than I am. Giggling madly he catches me and I have to hide the camera as he tries to eat it.
I distract him, trying to get him to stand up so I can photograph it. He obliges, just as the camera goes dead.
Flat battery.
As Isaac hauls himself to standing again and looks around for his praise, I’m rummaging through my handbag, looking for the spare battery I know is in there. Successful, I snap it into the camera and turn it on.
I suspect this battery is dodgy, seeing as how it was in the camera that got a bath.
Sighing, I give up on the idea of a photo blog and instead find the battery chargers so that I can take photos tomorrow.
I sit down to write and Isaac spots me, crawling up to stand at my knee and whine while I write. After he bites my knee for the second time, I give up (again) on the idea of getting any work done. Soggy knee’d, I lay back down to play.
My children clamber all over me while I write blog posts and chapters of books in my head. Sadly, I can’t magically transport the words from my head to my computer and so later, when they’re sleeping, I will have to transcribe them.
But for now, we’re playing on the floor.