Yesterday we received the results of Amy’s blood test results for Coeliacs. It was negative for the antibodies commonly found in people with Coeliacs when they’re eating gluten.
Amy showed all the classic symptoms of a child with Coeliacs when we put her back on gluten. Tummy upsets and pain, bloating, rapid and insane mood swings, and finally, the big one, drastic weight loss.
My little girl? She weighed 1kg less than 8 weeks ago when she was weighed in the Paeds office. This is after a month back on a gluten free diet when she gained back some of what she lost. I suspect she probably lost 2.5kg (5+lbs) over the 3 weeks she was eating gluten. She looked like we hadn’t fed her. I could see every single rib and every single vertebrae. Poor little girl.
Add in the complete loss of impulse control, a severe regression into the realm of not toilet trained at all and the very sad little girl we had, well, we’ll just say that the Paeds are happy to diagnose Coeliacs even though the blood test was negative.
Apparently they’re only 70% accurate anyway. Plus, Amy only spent 3 weeks on gluten when they would have been happier to have her eating it for 6 weeks.
[Side note: 3 weeks of gluten nearly killed us. I’d hate to think of 6 weeks like that.]
At this point in time, they’re not happy to schedule an endoscopy for a definitive answer. The Paediatrician felt that it would be unfair to put Amy [and Nathan and I! we were going to refuse the testing until she was older anyway] through any more gluten, plus, he felt that she really didn’t have the weight to lose if we put her back on gluten. She’s only 5th percentile for weight, despite being 75th percentile for height.
Yeah, you try finding pants to fit her. Sigh.
So the diagnosis is Coeliacs. A life long auto-immune disease that can possibly make her very ill.
Looking on the bright side, Coeliacs is so manageable with a gluten free diet. Don’t feed her gluten and she won’t get sick. Easy!