The kids and I are all sick, Amy is slowly coming off her gluten high and being nicer, just as Isaac refuses to sleep. He screams in his cot while Amy swirls and twirls in front of me, just our of reach of my grabbing arms and the hairbrush. My stress levels are through the roof and today’s bedtime is not a good one.
Every time I cough I feel faint. It’s just a bad chest cold, not an infection, so short of staying in bed for a week, there is not a lot I can do to help it move along and fuck off already.
Can you hear my maniacal laughter at the thought of actually getting to stay in bed?
Aside from that, things are good here. So much nicer now that Amy is off gluten, even if our time out count today was much too high (throwing food, throwing toys, she got into a bag of flour, etc etc). We’ll hopefully see the results of those tests in about 3 weeks.
So that’s me.
How are you?