Some days, I feel like I’m suffocating under the needs of these children of mine. There is always someone who needs feeding, dressing, or changing.
Add breastfeeding into that mix and I’m getting a little ‘touched out’.
I love breastfeeding. The way Isaac’s head nestles into my breast, the huge smile when I get my boobs out in order to feed him, the way he snuffles and gulps until he’s satisfied. But in this, the last few weeks before Isaac will be getting a meal consisting of all solids, where milk will become only part of his diet (and don’t get me wrong, I’m not intending to wean, I fed Amy until she was 19 months), this last little bit? It’s hard.
It’s really fucking hard.
I love them and I love this. I love it, truly I do.
But sometimes, you’ve got to be okay with admitting that you don’t always like the dirty bits of motherhood. The 3am vomiting. The toddler poo that has ended up at the small of her back when she really should be crapping on the toilet. The tears and the snot and the anguish of being asked to pick up your toys, leave the cat alone, don’t sit on your brother, Amy look where you are going, are you listening to me? Well are you?
The bits I love, far outweigh the bits I don’t like. That doesn’t however, make the horrible bits any easier to like.
Amy is still ‘STILL HUNGRY!!!’ (with capitals and exclaimation marks, because that is how you talk when you are TWO!) but we’ve implemented a plan of chopped vegies and fruit in the fridge in iced water (thankyou DrMim) and all snacks will be grabbed from there. Other things I think are acceptable are cheese and crackers. If she won’t eat them, she’s not truly hungry and can wait for mealtimes.
Potty training. Ugh. I don’t even want to talk about that yet. Let’s just say that nothing has worked and move along. Nothing to see here…
My good wrist is clicky today. Fuck. My bad wrist? Well we just won’t talk about that either. Or any of my other joints.
I applied for a blogging job a few days ago. I haven’t heard anything yet, but to be honest, the extra money would be really handy. Not to mention, it’s blogging on a topic I am really passionate about. (No, it’s not parenting. Blogging jobs for parenting blogs are as rare as hens teeth!) In the interim, well, in the interim, we’ll just putter along doing what we’re doing. We can afford to eat and pay bills and really, that’s all we need.
I have come to accept that toddlers don’t listen and babies never do what you want them to do when you want them to do it. I don’t like it, but I accept it.
These biscuits. Awesome. The dough is so good I wasn’t sure any was going to make it to the oven. SO GOOD.