Author: Veronica

  • Whoring again

    It’s the last chance to vote for me in the Bloggies if you are that way inclined…

  • Pooofball

    Remember how the day before I had Isaac, the cat managed to get herself UNpregnant? To the tune of 5 kittens?

    Yes. Well. I would like to retract the statement that we have five kittens. Instead, we seem to have four (4) kittens and one (1) pooofball.

    I mean this kitten? It’s so fluffy that you could tie it into a ball and use it for a pom pom on top of your hat.

    You can lick your fingers and give it a mohawk. Not a very good mohawk mind you, because it’s head is JUST TOO FLUFFY.


    It isn’t a kitten, it is just a ball of fluff with eyes and feet.

    Pom Pom

    It looks three times the size of it’s siblings, simply because of it’s fur. It is a pooofball.It is so fluffy that my photos don’t do it justice. I can just imagine it complaining to it’s mother about backyard teasing.

    ‘I’m not fat! I just have BIG FUR!’


    So the big question is, does anyone want a kitten that you could use for a mop? Free to a good home…

  • Water Broke.

    Went to the toilet, had a contraction, stood up and my water broke.

    Headed to hospital in hard labour now.

    Will get Mum to update later.

  • I know I know

    I know you’re all checking in on me, I can see it in my stats. You’re there, right between the google searches for ‘ben wa balls’ and ‘toddler sucking breasts’.

    FYI my toddler doesn’t breastfeed anymore. She just snuggles them when she’s tired. Or grumpy. Or hot. Actually, I think my boobs are the go-to thing for Amy when she is being needy. I should really have pushed for a soft toy attachment, no?

    Unfortunately, my silence has not been because I was off having a baby. Instead, I was playing midwife to the cat (who managed to get herself UNpregnant to the tune of 5 kittens) and nurse to one of the kittens that she ‘lost’ for 24 hours. I’m hoping it survives, but hey, if it doesn’t I have another FOUR to find homes for anyway.

    So that’s it really. Since I started this post, I have gone and had a shower, during which the baby dropped about as low as he can go without simply falling out of there. I’m uncomfortable, but not contracting, so knowing my luck it will still be another 3-4 days before he arrives.


  • 39 weeks.

    And hopefully the last photo I will have to post.

    Cos you know I would be really annoyed if in a weeks time I was posting a 40w photo and NOT photos of my new baby.

    39 weeks.

    Not flattering at all, but whoever said pregnancy was?