So, today is day 3 of intermittent contractions and no baby.
Some are more painful than others, but really? Nothing is actually progressing. I suppose the only good thing to be said is that I have had bloody show, so something must be happening down there, right?
The baby has dropped firmly into my pelvis, making breathing so much easier. I will totally take needing to pee eleventy hundred times a day over not being able to breathe any time.
I think I’m more relaxed now. Now that things have at least started to happen, I am able to relax into these last few days (weeks?) lots more easily than a week ago when I couldn’t breathe and everything hurt.
Sure I want to be done sooner rather than later, but I’m embracing the zen, knowing that nothing I do will really move things along unless they are ready to be moved along anyway.
It probably helps that the contractions have been stopping overnight, leaving me to sleep mostly in peace. Hehe.
Head on over to FruitFemme and congratulate her and Scully on the birth of their son, whom I can only assume is gorgeous. A leap into big sisterhood for Khubz!
And it’s that time again. Time for you to nominate your favourite blogs for the Bloggies! There are loads of categories, fitting just about all the blogs you read.
We’ll just blame my pregnancy brain for the complete lack of links when I published this. That and the fact that Amy kept shutting the laptop lid so I was in a hurry to just finish.