So I don’t think I mentioned it, but last week one of my cats had a kitten. A tiny little ginger tomcat that Amy adores.
Eventually I will tell the story of how that kitten came to be living in my bathroom cabinet with it’s mother (funny story, no really) but not tonight.
Tonight, I am much to exhausted to talk about kittens.
Instead, I want to talk about death.
And destruction.
Namely, the death I intend to inflict on the father of said kitten.
We have 2 cats. They aren’t desexed because we didn’t have the money to get them done. Shuddup about the stupidity of not getting them spayed, because honestly? I’ve heard it all before, mostly from my subconscious at 2am.
So, 2 cats. One of which has had a kitten. So, that leaves ONE cat, not pregnant or lactating.
Unfortunately, that second cat? She wants babies. She wants them bad. She wants them SO bad that she sits underneath my bedroom window all night yowling for her boyfriend.
Who is only to happy to oblige her, seeing as how male cats and teenage boys are incredibly similar and spend a whole bunch of time thinking with their penis’s.
[Side note, should that be penis’s or penii?]
Unfortunately, in the obliging, he doesn’t seem to feel the need to be quiet.
This means that at 2am, I end up with cats screeching underneath my bedroom window while they get their freak on. Even the torrential rain last night didn’t put them off, they simply burrowed under the house and screeched and screamed UNDERNEATH MY PILLOW. Underneath the floor.
Which in turn, sets Seven off.
Seven isn’t a large dog, but man oh man, can she bark.
Nathan and Amy manage to normally sleep through all the cat sex and barking. Me however? I wake up if a fly buzzes near me.
The only way to shut ANY of the animals up is to let Seven out to chase the intruder cat away (no seriously, she is like a big brother. A big brother who might just kill the suitor if she catches him).
So for the last three or four nights, I have been kept awake by all the animals in my house.
I swear, if I get my hands on this ginger tom cat, I am going to squeeze his neck until his eyes pop. He’s lucky I don’t shoot.
Damn lucky.
Please, for the love of god, just ONE night where I sleep through? Please? Without animals waking me up shagging, or barking, or meowing? Please?