Author: Veronica

  • Things You Find In Random Places…

    Like in the search members section of NaBloPoMo, where I found this.

    Now I know that it is meant to be Salt Lake, Utah; but seriously, hasn’t someone noticed this kind of thing before? And I really don’t think that the comma in the middle fixes it, or makes it better in any way.

    And more to the point, if a good Samaritan (me) left you a comment letting you know that Sweetie, you really need to add some letters to your location because at this point in time, it looks REALLY BAD, don’t you think you would change it?

    (Note: She hasn’t changed it, nor did she acknowledge my comment.)

    I did leave out her photo to protect her privacy though, because I’m nice like that.

    Poor girl.


    I think my laptop is possessed.

    It went from being a perfectly good, well behaved laptop, to randomly opening my disc drive at every opportunity.

    I’m typing away and click! Disc drive pops open.

    Plugging the computer into the power? Click!

    Sitting a good 3 feet awy from it, not touching it? Click!

    It must be hungry.

    Maybe I need to feed it a disc and see what happens.

    However, every time it happens, I can’t stop my imagination kicking into overdrive and imagining my laptop trying to eat my fingers with the dvd tray.

    Laptops don’t like blood, right?



    Oh and just to add to the things in random places, I found a sippy cup full of milk in my underwear drawer, a half eaten apple (not mine) under my pillow, 3 books (also not mine), a blanket, a teddy and a pen in my bed.


  • Look! Look!

    Okay, here I am showing my total Mummy blogger roots.

    Hey Lotus? Look! Look what is sitting in the middle of my lounge room!


    Okay, so yes, I am very excited that we bought a Dyson today. We have been saving all our gold coins for a while for ‘just in case’ money. Yesterday, we saw Dysons on special. Today we cashed all our gold coins and bought a Dyson.

    And Oh My Freaking God can these things suck! Vacuuming is no longer an easy job – no, now I worry that the vacuum might just pull the carpet off the floor with the power of it’s suction.

    My floors look so much better, simply for one vacuum with this thing.

    It’s so good, you can suck flies out of the air with it.

    (Thankyou Nathan for proving that to me today.)

    After vacuuming with this, I can totally see how people end up in Emergency with vacuum cleaner related injuries. Trust me, I do not think it would be a good idea to stick your penis in a Dyson.

    A slightly clogged Hoover? Maybe.

    But not a Dyson. Just don’t do it.

    Dyson: Use it on your floors; not on yourself.

  • Good News!

    Great news! Nan’s main tumour has shrunk by more than half (from 23x26mm to 16x9mm) and the smaller secondary nodules (that weren’t targeted by the radiation) have also shrunk (from 7mm to 5mm and 7mm to 6mm).

    So the lifestyle changes, dietary changes and everything have all contributed to a really positive result. They don’t want to see Nan for another 2 months, because at this point in time she is healthy and well and they don’t want her to have treatment that will make her sick until she needs it.

    So the next appointment will be in 2 months time!

    Looks like we are going to have a great Christmas!

    (Also, a photo post will be up shortly, just so I can annoy Lotus, hehe. You hear that hun?)

  • Cravings

    It’s funny, I haven’t really had any cravings this pregnancy. Sure I occasionally say to Nathan ‘I could definitely eat some …. if we had some’ but it’s never dire enough to make me beg him to go to the supermarket for me.

    Not that begging for a supermarket trip would work, seeing as how the closest one is a bit over 30 minutes drive away. Sigh.

    I drink a lot of milk and I’m a little worried if I run out of chocolate, but that’s nothing that I didn’t do before I was pregnant. I also eat a lot of fruit and salad, but again, nothing that I don’t do when I’m not pregnant. I didn’t crave much with Amy’s pregnancy either. I ate a lot of egg and bacon sandwiches, but I like eggs and bacon anyway so I don’t think it was that unusual.

    The only strange thing is I will eat Vegemite when I am pregnant and normally I detest the stuff. Generally with butter on Saladas (dry biscuits) *shudder*

    But it got me thinking, what kind of things do other pregnant women crave?

    So, I did some googling.

    [If someone got to your site by googling ‘pregnant cravings’ or something similar, Hi! *waves* That was me.]

    So my [oh so scientific] research has turned up lots of different cravings. Women saying that they craved Hungry Jacks or McDonalds, chocolate paddle pops, coke, fizzy drinks, lollies etc etc.

    It makes me wonder if we use pregnancy as an excuse to eat more junk food than we normally would? Especially as a lot of women seem to be confessing that they still ‘crave’ the junk foods even though they aren’t pregnant anymore.

    Not that I am judging, I’m just wondering is all.

    However, an equal amount of women are saying that they craved fruit, milk, salad, steak and vegetables and really healthy stuff. Goes to show how pregnancy affects us all differently!

    Now for some slightly unusual cravings…

    – One women says her friend craved Radiant Washing Powder. Yuk! Instead of eating it (which she wanted to do apparently) she washed all her curtains in it and hung them up to dry inside so the smell went through the house. Definitely a much safer way to deal with a washing powder craving!

    – Gravel. Ugh. Can you imagine how it would feel in your teeth?

    – Belgian Chocolate ice cream and chives. Together. Very um, interesting?

    – The smell of cumin. She said she carried a little tin of cumin around so she could sniff it during the day. Now that is interesting!

    – raw red onion slices dipped in honey mustard.

    – squashed up mars bars with pickles

    – French fries and ice cream

    And last but not least…

    – “I craved air fresheners especially the orange and lemon ones. I used to just stand in a room and spray and smell”

    Hey, at least her house would have smelt good!

    So I’m curious, did you crave anything when you were pregnant? Anything weird? Any stories to share? I promise I won’t mock you!

    And if you’ve never been pregnant (because a pregnant Xbox would be interesting to say the least) do you find yourself craving foods sometimes?


    Thanks to Yahoo Answers for most of these cravings.

  • Pleading Insanity

    So I wasn’t going to join NaBloMeHo this year. I had no intention of blogging every day in November, because hell, it’s hard enough to blog every second day at the moment.

    And then I realised. I don’t have to join NaBlo.

    I am STILL a member.

    So I clicked over and had a look around all the stuff I had left undone from last year (old blog address: check! old feed address showing someone else’s feed: check! outdated photos and about me: check) and started updating things, you know, just in case.

    Then I thought about it some more. Sure I don’t think I could blog here every day for a month. Not unless you all want to be bored to tears of me. But I could blog over at my food blog every day for a month.

    Seriously, how hard can a month’s worth of recipes be? I have THOUSANDS of recipes in my head that I adore, picking 30 to share throughout November can’t be that hard, right?

    So, I will be here about as regularly as I ever am with the normal stuff, but you will also be able to find me over at my food blog every day in November.

    Sure, there isn’t much up there at the moment and don’t expect me to post anything until Saturday, but at least there I’m not going to bore you all to tears!

    Oh and somehow the code for the NaBloMeHo badge refuses to work for me. You can find me HERE if you are participating too.

    Add me as a friend (if they ever get the add friend thing fixed), stalk me, leave me silly comments, whatever you like. Hehe.