So today I was sitting on the couch with Amy, reading my book and sharing her 2 minute noodles (don’t judge me here).
When! All of a sudden! A GINORMOUSLY HUGE SPIDER crawled out from behind a picture. Luckily, said picture was on the opposite wall to Amy and I, so we were able to observe the spider.
My thoughts?
‘Geez that is a big spider. That is one big fucking spider. I don’t think I have seen a spider quite that big for a while. My word am I glad it is on that wall, not this wall. Uhmmmmmm “Natty?!!! Come here please and rescue us?” from the ginormously huge spider that looks like it could eat my face.’
Amy’s thoughts?
‘Look! Mummy! Spidey! Spidey Mummy, LOOK! Spidey! Dere! Big Spidey! LOOK! LOOK! LOOK! Can you see? SPIDEY MUMMY!’
Yeah, I think I passed my total lack of fear onto my daughter. All she wanted to do was get close enough to touch it!
So I made Nathan come inside and rescue the spider from our toddler. What? Me? I wasn’t going near the thing! I might not be *scared* of spiders, but I am not going to taunt one into jumping on my face and nomming on me!
A container was procured and said spider was captured with a minimum of fuss. If you don’t count Amy REALLY wanting to touch the thing.
Then? Nathan went and released it near our boundary fence, away from toddlers, pregnant partners and cats. It can go about it’s business without fear of toddler attack.
But – before Nathan released it, I totally photographed it to share with you. I hope *someone* at least squeals.
And honestly, no joking, this spider was at least as big as my hand when all my fingers are splayed out. And no, I don’t have small hands in the slightest. This spider could give my cats a run for their money. Actually, if I had to put money on it, I would bet on the spider walking away while the cats nursed injuries.
It was that big.
And yes, I watermarked it so that no one could steal the image and use it without my permission. Somewhere, someone out there is googling for GINORMOUS SPIDER IMAGE. I don’t want them pinching mine.