Well things with this pregnancy have been pretty similar to the pregnancy with Amy.
I got morning sickness early.
Morning sickness went away at about 12 (ish) weeks.
I felt the baby move for the first time at about 12 weeks.
I didn’t fit into my clothes comfortably anymore.
My boobs got bigger and hurt lots.
Stretchmarks in stupid places. Like behind my knees and calves.
And the crowning glory?
When I was pregnant with Amy, at about 21 weeks, I caught a stomach bug, puked all night, lost a ton of weight and never really recovered. It also made my pregnant belly look merely fat.
Last night, at nearly 20 weeks, my body decided that SOMETHING had upset it. I then spent all night puking [in my outside toilet. In winter. How rude].
This morning, I am still sick and exhausted, food looks disgusting (although I have forced down some easy tomato pasta and half an apple) and I seem to have lost 5kg (10lb) overnight if my clothes are anything to go by. I also don’t seem to have a baby belly anymore.
I am just hoping and praying that this isn’t the precursor to having Amy’s pregnancy repeat itself.
[When I was pregnant with Amy, because I lost weight due to the stomach bug, my CFS jumped in and promptly made my entire life miserable. I couldn’t eat more than 1/2 a cup of anything at a time, I vomited alot, I lost weight, I developed acne and I was so exhausted I spent most of my time in bed.]
I already couldn’t eat more than 1/2C of anything without wanting to vomit, even before last night.
I am already exhausted and just trying to keep on top of things enough (like weight gain and as much of it as I can get) so that I stay healthy.
Cross fingers that it was just a freak coincidence and that tomorrow I will feel amazing and healthy and stuff.
</end whining>
Also, for anyone interested, here is the recipe for easy tomato pasta.
Easy Tomato Pasta
Grab yourself a can of diced tomatoes (400g [14oz]). Place the tomatoes into a blender (I have a bullet blender that I adore) with a teaspoon of salt, a teaspoon of sugar, some cracked black pepper and a tablespoon of good quality vinegar. (I used white balsamic)
Blend until completely smooth.
Cook yourself enough spaghetti to feed about 4 people (you know I throw my food together, rather than measuring anything, don’t you?) and drain. Throw the spaghetti back into the (still) hot (now) dry pot, and stir through the tomato mix.
Serve with fresh chopped basil and maybe some grated parmesan.
It is good pasta. Trust me. I also added about half a clove of garlic to the mix when I blended it. Roasted capsicum, fresh herbs, chillies, or onions would also go nicely with it.
Also, can someone tell me how Amy can eat 2 HUGE bowls of bright green spinach soup last night and tell me she wanted ‘more! YUM!’, and yet all she can tell me with this pasta is ‘YUK!’? She doesn’t even mean the yuk because she is finishing up her bowl of it right now.