An ideal night would be:
– Having someone else make me roast lamb with gravy. Then that someone doing all the dishes afterwards, dressing Amy for bed, placing her in bed and not hearing anything from her until 9am the next morning.
– It would include a house that was warm, someone to bring me tea and toast so I didn’t have to move (or maybe hot chocolate) and a foot massage.
– TV shows that weren’t shit.
– A warm bed when I chose to dive into it and a restful 9 hours sleep before I had to arise in the morning.
It would NOT include:
– Amy throwing her dinner all over the highchair table, sitting in it, fingerpainting with it and then refusing to get clean. (It was pumpkin soup)
– Amy refusing to go to bed, despite her bed being being warmed with a heat pack. Screaming for 30 mins while she protested the indignity of a gate that she couldn’t move and then throwing her cup full of milk away numerous times before finally falling asleep.
– Weather so cold that they were thinking of closing our road (we made it home, but it is snowing).
– A toilet that is outside in the -3C weather when I am pregnant and needing to pee 3 times an hour.
– A dog that barked over nothing and woke the toddler. A dog who is on her VERY VERY last chance before I start putting her in the shed overnight so she can’t crap on the floor.
– A toddler who then needing resettling eleventy hundred freaking times before falling back asleep and honestly, I am not holding my breath yet.
– Writers block.