Author: Veronica

  • Ultrasound!

    Ultrasound June 18 2008

    Funny isn’t it, how an ultrasound can change everything. We thought we were 8w6d today, however, on an ultrasound I am 7w3d. Now, the technician said that it was too large of a gap for her to have made an error, or for it to be something wrong with the little one.

    So, we conceived 10 days later in our cycle; which ties in with my counting of days anyway. I wasn’t sure if we were having a 28 day cycle or a 38 day one so we covered all our bases, hehe.

    Adjusted due date is the 1st February.

    The heartbeat is more than 160bpm and the technician said that she could see no reason whatsoever to worry about viability.

    So now that just begs the question, how the fuck did I get a positive pregnancy test, seeing as how I wasn’t using an early, sensitive test; and seeing as how I actually tested 9 days past ovulation; 5 days before my period was actually due.

    I can only attribute it to higher than normal HCG levels, but I haven’t had a Beta done, so who knows.

  • Pregnancy Tests

    I was 14. I was sitting in a toilet, at school waiting for a pee stick to show one line or two. I sat there, waiting, watching the second hand on my watch click. Tick. tick. tick.

    I waited the allotted 3 mintues, peering at the stick intently. Turning it on an angle, just to check.

    At the end of the 3 minutes, the pee stick was negative. I could breathe again. The next day, my period started.

    Now, at the time I was in a steady relationship and I was on the pill. We were however, busily involved in exploring the differences between girls and boys and because I have a latex allergy, well, you know how things go.

    While I was with him, I spent an awful lot of money on pregnancy tests. Luckily, my pill worked beautifully and I didn’t get pregnant. Not to him.

    I think the nerves I felt when I was waiting for that first pregnancy test to show a result, were the exact same nerves have felt waiting for every single pregnancy test to show a result.

    Counting the clock seconds, watching the stick and angling it, just in case I wasn’t looking at it properly. Perfecting my pee stick squint, years before I needed to have it perfected.

    I remember peeing on the stick that told me I was pregnant with Amy. I was 17 and it was Christmas eve. I held the stick in my hands, leaned up against the wall and slowly slid down, until I was sitting on the bathroom floor. I sat there with my future clutched in my hands, while Nathan waited in the loungeroom watching TV.

    I watched it turn darkly positive before even a minute had passed. I looked at it and then rushed to show Nathan. We hugged, kissed and then I promptly rang a friend.

    I might have been only 17, but we knew how we wanted our life to be and having children young tied in with our plans.

    After the positive test thrill with Amy, I went many months without the need for a pregnancy test. Until we started thinking that having the children close together would be a good idea.

    I got negative after negative after negative. All with that same feeling of nerves and fear/excitement in the pit of mt stomach.

    So, after we had been trying with concerted effort for months, I swore I wasn’t going to buy anymore pregnancy tests. I had one test that sat in the bathroom cupboard for months, unused. I just couldn’t handle the thought of seeing another negative again.

    So, it took a lot of courage for me to be able to take a pregnancy test this time. I took it and waited. My second line didn’t show up for a few minutes and when it did, it was faint. I spent the entire day, picking up the test and looking at it. I still do.

    It just feels so surreal, a positive result finally, after so many negatives.

    A good surreal, but surreal all the same.

    I have an appointment for an ultrasound on Wednesday afternoon, hopefully I will be back with half decent scan photos to share with you.

  • Stripped Bare

    I was never a girly girl. Sure I had female friends, but looking back I think we may have spent more time bitching and fighting than we ever did being friends.

    I got along well with the guys. Guys are easy, they talk; they don’t talk and if they don’t talk you aren’t left stressing about WHY they aren’t talking. They rarely do the bitchy, snippy, talk behind your back and get everyone to all dislike you together thing that girls do (I say rarely, because in highschool there was one boy who would).

    To be honest, I thought girls sucked. They were moody and pissy and they used to backstab and who really needs that kind of crap in your life?

    This is now where all my problems lie. I can relate to blokes, I can talk to them, hell I live with one (and have lived with two who weren’t related to me previously) and we haven’t killed each other yet.

    I have alot of trouble relating to women. I don’t ‘get’ it anymore and I have trouble making conversation, I can’t relate to Sex in the City, I have never had a manicure, a pedicure, a facial (although I have given one once. to a boy) or a girls night out.

    I have never enjoyed shoe shopping, (love the idea of sexy shoes, the reality of finding and trying on shoes makes my head explode) I want to find clothes that fit and then leave the shop as soon as possible and I haven’t bought makeup in years (although I do need to order a new foundation).

    So you see, add this all up and the idea of joining a playgroup and being social with other women has me quaking in my boots. What do I say to them? How do I relate to them? Sure we all have kids and that is a good starting point, but what then?

    Blogging has been the first time I really managed to connect and relate to women and honestly, I have met some awesome women here in the blogosphere. Unfortunately all the blogging in the world does not help me overcome my fear of women.

    They talk! About stuff!

    I’m not really a shy person, it’s more that I get nervous and being nervous makes me loud and talkative. AND THEN, after I have been nervous and loud and talked too much, I get home and think ‘CRAP! I was nervous and loud and I talked too much and I behaved like an ass and no one will want to speak to me next week.’

    So then, I go along again and I don’t talk much at all. And then people think I’m snobby because I didn’t talk much and I end up going home thinking ‘Fuck it, I should have talked more, because really, anything other than monosyllables would have been okay’.

    And I can’t win.

    I had a mothers group and it was awesome. The ladies in it were lovely and so were the kids, but it is just too far away for me to be able to go along anymore. And even though the ladies were so lovely, I still came home feeling like I was an ass for talking too much, too loudly, or an ass for not saying much at all, but I miss going along. I miss getting to see Amy play with other children her own age.

    I can’t help but think that I am probably being selfish, letting my own issues get in the way of Amy meeting and playing with children, but I just can’t seem to get over this one.

    How do you do it? How do women get along with each other?

    Obviously I missed the class titled ‘Women and Friendships: A Guide’ because I am utterly fucking clueless.

    And it sucks.

  • Amy and Naughtiness

    Amy – eating something she shouldn’t be (a battery to be precise).

    Me – ‘Spit! Spit it out, Spit!’

    Amy – spits

    Me – ‘Thankyou. You’re being very naughty right now, you know that?’

    Amy – ‘No I not!’

    Better content to follow later this evening when I have had time to actually craft something.

  • Amy-isms and Pregnancy Update

    Amy today with my hand in hers

    Roundey roundey darden
    [mumble mumble] teddy bear!
    One tep, two tep,
    Tickle tickle tickle!


    Round and round the graden,
    Like a teddy bear,
    One step, two step,
    Tickle under there! ]


    Amy: ‘Mumeeeee!’

    Me: ‘What?’

    Amy: ‘I tucked!’

    Me: ‘Are you stuck?’

    Amy: ‘STUCK!’

    Me: ‘Okay, I’m coming.’

    [She was standing on top of the dryer. Again]

    Amy: ‘Mumeeee! Yay! Jump!’

    Me: ??? *catches leaping daughter*

    Amy: ‘Yay! Tiss?’

    Me: ‘Kiss.’

    Amy: ‘Okay, go down now.’


    [Last night at 1am]


    Me: Stumbling to her bedroom. ‘Come here, have a cuddle, do you need a drink?’


    Me: ‘Here, have a cuddle and then lay down.’


    Amy: ‘Do ‘way! Noweeeee, OUT OUT OUT DET [get] OUT’

    Me: Sigh. ‘Lay back down then.’

    Amy: Screams. ‘No touchy me! Owwwww hurts! NO YOU DET OUT’

    Me: ??? Spends the nect 10 mins patting her back while she screams at me to ‘do ‘way no touch ME’, but screams worse when I leave.

    Amy: Sigh, snuffle ahhhhhhh. Falls asleep.

    [Repeat every half hour until 4.30am when I gave Nurofen]

    Sigh, damn teeth.


    ‘Mumeeeee, I poooed!’

    (I hear the sounds of Amy removing her nappy, sadly I am not fast enough to get to her before her nappy falls off)

    ‘Ewwwwwww! Pooooooooey!’

    I grab the nappy and discover…. a slightly wet nappy with one pea in it. Obviously she dropped a pea down her pants during dinner and thought she had pooped. Not sure whether to be proud, or scared that her first instinct is to remove a poopy nappy herself. She still refuses to sit on her potty though, claiming it ‘hurssss legs!’. Will be buying a new potty sooner rather than later.


    So, lots of talking lately and lots of development. She counts to 5 alone and further if I am helping. She finds nursery rhymes [aside from Round the Garden] boring and would prefer to dance to whatever music is on shuffle. She sings to Nirvana and Metallica and can head bang as well, although I have no idea who she learnt that from.

    I am 8 weeks pregnant tomorrow and still haven’t been able to get an appointment at the doctors to schedule another ultrasound. Not because the doctor is busy, but because everytime I ring I get an answering machine and then I forget to ring back. Sigh.

    The pregnant exhaustion has set in and I find myself feeling like a train wreck most of the time. I am napping when Amy naps and staying in bed later of a morning (thankyou Nathan) but I still feel fucked. And I am still spending alot of time retching.

    Ah well, it will pass.
