Dear Chocolate,
I have come to the conclusion that you are just a cheap substitute for what I crave. I don’t really crave your velvety softness, or your warmth, or your addictive properties.
I don’t care that you call to me at bedtime, after my daughter has gone to sleep. No longer do I want to taste you during the bad days. I don’t want to use you as an excuse anymore.
So chocolate, I know I will regret this terribly, but I am breaking up with you.
At the end of the day, you just don’t satisfy me like you used to. I find myself needing more and more of you to get the same feeling. At the end of the day, you provide me with a slippery slope to slide down at 2am, and while the journey feels good, the landing is never any fun.
I don’t want to need you anymore. You are constantly there, begging for attention.
I think in reality I am a savoury girl, but chocolate, you have ruined me.
At the end of the day, I would pick smoked salmon over you, brie over you and sushi over you. Harsh words I know, but very true.
I write this tonight, because I know there is no way you can sink your teeth into my addiction tonight. I am craving you badly, but I have no choice but to remain strong.
One day maybe we can have a relationship based on moderation, but not right now.
Please, I beg you, can we still be friends?
Love Veronica.
I am craving chocolate badly tonight, but there is none in the house. I tried eating cookies and cream ice cream but it was an exercise in futility, leaving me feeling more empty than before.
I desparately want sushi and brie cheese and smoked salmon, all things completely unavailable to me out here in the middle of grasslands and the day before payday.
I think it is stress.
While I said that we didn’t try this month, despite knowing when I was ovulating, I find that I didn’t really know when I was ovulating. I was relying on egg white cervical mucus to let me and then suddenly I had EWCM that lasted for 10 days. Very annoying. Makes me doubt my own body. So, we tried. And then tried. And then there was spotting exactly a week after we had sex. Exactly.
And so, my period is due on Friday if I have the same length cycle as last month. And I am waiting. I hate waiting.
So while I wait, I crave food that I can’t get. Scallops and smoked salmon and sushi and brie. All things that I have as treats when we can afford them. All things that we currently don’t have in the house. (All things that Amy would happily live on and makes me share, Hmmmmph)
Poor Nathan is feeling the brunt of the stress as I alternately try to kill him (saucepans are good), tell him to get fucked or cry over nothing. Poor Nat. How does he put up with me?
I know I am reading too much into things, but this is just a brain dump. Get it out of my head, out of my system and then I can wait patiently.
Grant me the serenity, to accept the things I cannot change, courage to change the things that I can, and the wisdom to know the difference.
All about the Zen, baby.
Now, ‘scuse me while I go and make a sandwich.