Author: Veronica

  • How To….Survive Bedtime

    I wrote this last night.

    1- Survive Mothers Day, even though Toddler has had no nap. Survive dinner time even though Toddler has had no nap and partner is being too slow dishing up dinner to satify me and the screaming toddler.

    2- Get dinner eaten (I balaced the Toddler and my plate in my lap together. Clever much?) and cleaned up. Get NO NAP Toddler into her PJ’s and a clean nappy. Hugs and Kisses all round and then….

    3- 6.45pm hits and it’s BEDTIME!

    4- Listen to the Toddlers sigh of relief when you tuck her in. Kiss and then leave the room. Check back in in 5 mins and discover the Toddler fast asleep. Revel in the silence and get a few things done.

    ~~Take a 1.5 hour break from Toddler wrangling~~

    5- Decide to lay in bed and blog/watch TV mere moments before the Toddler wakes up screaming. Realise that it isn’t really the sound of your spare time running away, instead it is your brains running out of your ears.

    6- Cajol, hug, cuddle, snuggle massage, rub, kiss and snuggle the Toddler in an attempt to curb the screaming. Give up and administer Nurofen. Swap turns with your partner, until screaming stops.

    7- 20 minutes later the screaming has subsided into small snuffles and the Toddler has stopped crying that it ‘hursss’.

    8- Snuggle sleepy Toddler and leave the room.

    9- Hear the Toddler playing. Hope that she is still in bed. Have all your hopes dashed when a little head pops up over the gate and says ‘Ah Hi Mumeeee’.

    10- Sigh. Audibly.

    11- Pick the Toddler up and rub her back. Realise as you are rubbing that your toddler feels very snuggly. Like, skin to skin snuggly. Discover NO NAPPY on Toddlers bum.

    12- Find the still clean nappy and place it back on the toddler. Console yourself that nappy removal was a complete fluke.

    13- Discover that nappy removal was no fluke. Repeat steps 8 through to 12 four times.

    14- Remember reading something on the internet about backwards nappies. Replace the nappy back on the toddler BACKWARDS.

    15- Celebrate the lack of nappy removal. Seriously, if it was your blog that I read about backwards nappies on, let me know and I will edit this post to give you complete credit. I salute you, whoever you are.

    16- Snuggle toddler into bed, only to have her sit up and tell you ‘I hungeeee’.

    17- Sigh. Audibly.

    18- Wish that you were still breastfeeding for the eleventy hundredth time today.

    19- Heat up some left over mashed potato from dinner. Feed to Toddler. Or, in our case, hold the bowl while Toddler feeds herself. And yes, she was still in bed.

    20- Resettle Toddler with big hugs and kisses. Snuggle and leave the room. Listen to her sing herself to sleep before everything goes silent.

    21- Blog about it.

  • Dear Mummy

    Dear Mummy,

    I know I am a little late with this letter, but it has taken me this long to assure you that I am asleep, so I haven’t been able to get near the computer. I would appreciate it if you don’t look in on me right now though, okay?

    I know you said something about it being Mothers Day today, so I have gone out of my way to be nice. I slept in until 9am this morning, just for you!

    I wasn’t sure if Daddy was willing to let you stay in bed (he was) so I just figured that if I stayed in bed my very own self, it would just be easier on both of you.

    It took me a few hours to grasp it, but once I realised that you wanted kisses, I took every opportunity to kiss you silly.

    ‘Mummee? Tiss pleas?’


    ‘Tiss now?’


    ‘I tiss’


    I know that my kisses were sloppy, but sometimes the drool just escapes. You love me anyway, right?

    I love you so much Mummy, that I didn’t want to be separated from you all day. I admire how you coped so well, even when I didn’t nap. One day you will have to show me how you cook dinner one handed. It probably helped that Daddy prepped all the vegies for you. He is a clever Daddy, I heard you say so.

    Thankyou so much for teaching me how to crush garlic with the mortar and pestle. Smashing things has never been so fun and you didn’t growl at me once! I think I could become a Master Squasher. And not just of your boobs.

    Which, speaking of boobs, I still miss my boobies. I am pleased that you don’t scream anymore when I thrust my freezing cold hand down your top. Sometimes I just have to make sure they are still there, you know? I wish I could still have boobies, but you have told me that there is no milk left and I believe you. Truly, I do.

    Daddy thinks I am starting to swear, but I am actually saying ‘Sit!’. I’m not quite sure why it comes out as ‘shit!’ though.

    Everything I do and say contains and exclaimantion mark after it.

    ‘I sit!’

    ‘I Hungeeee!’



    But I know you forgive me because I am just so damn cute. Your words not mine.

    So anyway, to finish up (because I am getting very very sleepy here), I just wanted to say that I love you Mummy. Especially when you are busy. Especially when you need to pee.

    Love, Amy.


  • Weekly Winners!

    I know, I haven’t participated in Lotus’s Weekly Winners for a while, so here is my contribution. Also, Happy Mothers day!


    The first time she fell asleep without me holding her in AGES. WOO! Not that we aren’t still having sleep issues though.

    The river. I took this from the car as we drove across the bridge.

    Amy wondered of she would fit in the bin. I wondered if it was wrong to contemplate throwing her out.


    See more Weekly Winners here.

  • So Many Things To Do With Blocks

    Wooden building blocks have to be THE BEST toys ever. There are so many things you can do with them.

    Stuck for ideas? Never fear! That’s why I am here.

    1- You can stack them. (Hey, don’t you DUH me. Yes, you in the back. I heard you. Shush.) Then you can knock them over. Then you can stack them. Then you can knock tham over. FOR HOURS.

    2- You can build Teddy a house. Then you can play EARTHQUAKE and knock teddys house over. (Teddy carnage cannot be shown due to the disturbing nature of the images.)

    3- If you are a puppy, you can bury them. See?

    4- Great for gaining an extra inch height. No, those aren’t my feet. Nathan’s feet are much prettier than mine, so he modelled for me.

    5- You can spell inappropriate words. Leave messages for your partner in the kitchen. Hehe.

    6- You can sit for ages while your toddler tells you what the pictures are.

    ‘Loooook! Doooog. Looook Mumeeee, TAT! Loooook! DOG! LOOOOOK TAT. MUMEEEEE LOOK!’

    ‘Yes sweetie a dog and a cat!’

    7- Using a rolled newspaper, you can teach your daughter what to do when she see’s one of these. Clever girl learns fast.

    Things not shown:

    You can throw blocks at the dog. The dogs head goes CLONK when a block hits her. Poor puppy.

    The blocks make for great booby traps at 2am when you are wandering through the house to go to the loo. A better use of blockage would be to booby trap the study where Nathan is busy playing computer. His feet are tougher than mine.

    You can fill your glass of water with them. Or Mummy’s coffee. Or her bowl of soup. Really, they will bring up the level of just about any liquid substance. I like to think my daughter enjoys science. In reality, she just likes putting things in things.

    You can drop them on Mummy when she is laying on the floor. Mummy’s head goes THONK when a block hits her. Then Amy runs away, shouting ‘Wun, wun, wun, JUMP!’ Yes, she does indeed know when it is smart to run.

    All kinds of things blocks are good for…

  • I Only Just Heard

    Thanks heaps to Trish from My Little Drummer Boys for posting about the Million Blogs List. If it wasn’t for her, I probably wouldn’t have heard about it for AGES.

    So, thanks Trish.

    What the creaters are trying to do is get One Million Blogs registered on their wiki-like site. I HIGHLY recommend heading over and getting your blog added to the list.

    I’m # 1440