I have a few issues that need addressing. Then you can carry on your merry way, okay? You might have noticed I have a giveaway happening.
Unfortunately, my email (I use Outlook) has promptly decided that I am completely unable to send messages. I can receive things perfectly, but nothing will send. I am planning to switch everything to my webmail, but because of dialup and the extraordinary amount of comments I am getting I can’t do that until the competition closes.
Therefore, I won’t be responding to comments until probably Saturday night. And only then if I can make my webmail actually work properly. I will keep you all updated. If you want to chat to me about something (I totally want to speak to you, I have a lonely lonely existance and I love emails) you can catch me at my.sleepless.nights@gmail.com okay?
Secondly, my emails won’t send because I had to change ISP provider again, in the hope of getting ADSL. A certain company that I won’t name, because if you aren’t in Oz it doesn’t matter and if you are, you know who they are, seems to practise bully boy techniques on the smaller providers.
Needless to say, after being told I had buckleys chance of getting ADSL, the bigger company (who incidentally, owns all the lines and infrastructure) assures me that my ADSL will be connected Friday week at the very very latest.
I am quietly optimistic, but still refusing to hold my breath. Cross your fingers for me though, because I need fast internet to help fix my emails.
And my final point, has anyone else heard of Alltop? Xbox4NappyRash told me that I absolutely had to join and until he sent me their way I had never heard of it.
However, since going over and having a look, especially at the Mums and Dads sections, I think I might just become addicted. I mean, I need to find more hours in my day! All these new blogs to read. I think my head may just explode.
Hell, I can barely keep up with the blogs I am subscribed to at the moment!
(If you haven’t seen me for a while, please forgive me until I get ADSL. Then you can scream and shout and rant all you like. This means you and you and you and you and you and you and you and you and you and you and you and you and you and you and hell, I have probably forgotten heaps of you. Okay? I still read you, just more often than not it is through my reader.)
And now, my daughter is screaming and Daddy hugs are just not making it better. No matter that it is bedtime and she was asleep.