Author: Veronica

  • Housekeeping

    I have a few issues that need addressing. Then you can carry on your merry way, okay? You might have noticed I have a giveaway happening.

    Unfortunately, my email (I use Outlook) has promptly decided that I am completely unable to send messages. I can receive things perfectly, but nothing will send. I am planning to switch everything to my webmail, but because of dialup and the extraordinary amount of comments I am getting I can’t do that until the competition closes.

    Therefore, I won’t be responding to comments until probably Saturday night. And only then if I can make my webmail actually work properly. I will keep you all updated. If you want to chat to me about something (I totally want to speak to you, I have a lonely lonely existance and I love emails) you can catch me at okay?

    Secondly, my emails won’t send because I had to change ISP provider again, in the hope of getting ADSL. A certain company that I won’t name, because if you aren’t in Oz it doesn’t matter and if you are, you know who they are, seems to practise bully boy techniques on the smaller providers.

    Needless to say, after being told I had buckleys chance of getting ADSL, the bigger company (who incidentally, owns all the lines and infrastructure) assures me that my ADSL will be connected Friday week at the very very latest.

    I am quietly optimistic, but still refusing to hold my breath. Cross your fingers for me though, because I need fast internet to help fix my emails.

    And my final point, has anyone else heard of Alltop? Xbox4NappyRash told me that I absolutely had to join and until he sent me their way I had never heard of it.

    However, since going over and having a look, especially at the Mums and Dads sections, I think I might just become addicted. I mean, I need to find more hours in my day! All these new blogs to read. I think my head may just explode.

    Hell, I can barely keep up with the blogs I am subscribed to at the moment!

    (If you haven’t seen me for a while, please forgive me until I get ADSL. Then you can scream and shout and rant all you like. This means you and you and you and you and you and you and you and you and you and you and you and you and you and you and hell, I have probably forgotten heaps of you. Okay? I still read you, just more often than not it is through my reader.)

    And now, my daughter is screaming and Daddy hugs are just not making it better. No matter that it is bedtime and she was asleep.


  • Give Away Time !!!We Have A Winner!!!

    Did you know that it is give away time again? No? I didn’t either until I was over at the lovely Witchypoo’s place reading.

    Seems that I need to work out something to give away!

    Because I am in Australia, how about I give you $25 via paypal? That way I don’t have to worry about the postage costs, or remembering to go to to the post office. Also, it means that everyone can enter no matter where you are. I’m nice like that.

    To be eligible for the $25 (and yes, you HAVE to read this bit) I want to know what you would do if money was no object for you.

    And I do mean, if money was NO object at all.

    I will be very interested to hear what everyone has to say.

    Now, I do know that some people have an objection to paypal, so if that is the case, I’m sure you and I could work something out. A starbucks gift card or an online gift voucher or something. I’m not phased, as long as it is all to the tune of $25AU.

    Also, you can grab yourself a second entry (because who doesn’t need TWO chances at money!) by subscribing to my feed.

    Everyone wants to know about my issues with Amy sleeping and how we can’t seem to fall pregnant for a second time. Hey, you can always unsubscribe if after a week you decide you hate me.


    I will draw the winner Saturday using a random number generator to pick the winner. I will then get in touch with you via email, or you can check back here to see who won. I am going to draw it Saturday because of the time differences. I mean, you would hate to get here Friday your time zone, to find out that entries had closed.

    Anyway, go on and leave me a comment about what you would spend unlimited amounts of money on.

    You can find the list of participants here.

  • What You Need

    There I things I have found, that will help you get through a day when no one (except for my MUCH LOVED partner) has had any sleep.

    First, you need a puppy. A puppy provides HOURS of toddler entertainment. Hug the puppy! Kiss the puppy! Strangle the puppy!

    If you don’t want to be bothered overly by the running! and the chasing!, you need to de-tooth and de-claw the puppy. Just a heads up from one who knows.

    [And yes, everything Amy and Seven do, does indeed require an! exclamation! mark! Suck it up]

    Second, you need an ENTIRE pack of unopened colour pencils. Preferably cheap and crappy pencils because they will be well used after today.

    Remember to provide paper with the pencils or you will be cleaning them off the walls. Also, if your child is still in nappies, remember to not let them play with pencils nappy-less. Amy? Pencils are not used for examining yourself, okay?

    Thirdly, books. Books are good when you are feeling tired.

    Fourth, a mattress. I laid on the couch while Amy jumped, snuggled and generally ran amok on the mattress. Bliss.

    Things we used today that I don’t recommend.

    A tub of butter. DO NOT TRY THIS AT HOME. I do these things so you don’t have to.

    Okay, so I didn’t GIVE her the butter. She may possibly have climbed onto a chair, reached onto the bench and proceeded to find and eat the butter. With her fingers. Mmmmmm. All this while I was trying to read my book. When Amy went silent I knew she was into mischief.

    A bunch of celery.

    Who knew that a bunch of celery could be so much fun? Eat it, play tug of war with it, shred it, there are SO MANY things you can do with celery. Plus, it is much easier to clean up than mashed potatoes. And it was only going to be used for soup stock anyway.

    A sock bag full of odd socks.

    All our odd socks (and currently all our underwear, all out paired socks and everything else odds and ends like) are kept in a cloth bag until I can be bothered sorting them.

    Socks are so much fun IF you tip the entire bag onto the dog while she is sleeping and then belly flop into the pile as well. Hours of entertainment.

    Or at least 5 minutes.

    Until I start to swear that the sog is going to be de-toothed and de-clawed because DAMMIT! there went another pair of my underwear.

    If all else fails? Follow through with your plan to visit grandparents.

    ‘Hi Nan!’ ‘Hi Mum!’

    I may have been less than talkative, I may have been grumpy, but by god, there was someone else chasing Amy around. It did mean that her nap was an entire 8 minutes long and was taken in the car seat on the way home, but hey, someone else chased her and kept her out of trouble for me for a while.



    I gave her a bottle of warm (unsweetened) chamomile tea to take to bed. Lets see if it helps for tonight. She did fall asleep pretty well, but then again she was completely wrecked.

    As am I.

    Good night.

  • Midnight

    It is midnight and here I sit, trying to craft a post that makes a small amount of sense.

    I’m not too stressed about the lateness of the hour, seeing as how Amy screamed until 10.30pm. I figure that she has to regain the sleep SOMEWHERE and she may just sleep in for me.

    Or not, you know, as she sees fit.

    I maintain my lack of stressing about it, because GOD KNOWS Nathan has had enough sleep, he can play with her in the morning while I sleep.

    Sleep is a sanity saver, dontchaknow?

    Yes, I did just have to re read that entire first paragraph and remove unrelated words from it. I may just be a little bit ready for bed. Anyways.


    Seven vomited on the beanbag today. It was my fault for throwing some rather oily food outside where she could get at it.

    Funny thing? I didn’t know she had vomited until I sat in it.

    Yes, you read that right. Sat. In. It.

    And even then, I assumed I was sitting on a babywipe.

    (What, you don’t have random babywipes laying around your house, making the furniture soggy? Oh, um, me either.)

    I didn’t realise it was vomit until I went to get out of the beanbag and put my hand right into the oily, stinking, cold mess.

    Even though everything has been cleaned up (yes, even me) I swear I can still smell it.



    I have a whole post about our grey water and septic system and how whoever plumbed this house up WAS A FUCKING CRANK, but that can wait until tomorrow.

    Needless to say, Nathan and I spent the afternoon digging holes, unblocking pipes and trying to understand how ANYONE would think that having a water pipe running uphill would actually work.




    I wrote this at midnight last night and set it to publish at 11.59pm. Unfortunately I didn’t check the date and it didn’t actually publish.

    Amy woke at 3am and decided screaming was all the rage, even though I tried to persuade her otherwise. She wasn’t in any form of pain because Nurofen flatly refused to fix her.

    She woke this morning at 7.30am, so I have had approximately NO sleep. Send help? Please?

    I am going to fix the time stamp so it looks like it posted last night. Just because I can.

    xx V

  • CD30 (Approach With Caution. Blogger Grumpy)

    Today is Cycle Day 30 (CD30, see?).

    Today is 12 days (hell, sometimes even 15 days) before my period is due. I have a 42 day cycle. I have learned to live with that.

    My period started today.

    Fuck fuck fuckity fuckity fuck.

    10 days early is very very early, so I am almost suspecting that it is more irregular spotting. That said, it is heavier than spotting, but not quite as heavy as my period yet.

    It just shits me that we can’t seem to get it together. It is always one thing after another fucking with my cycles, my body, my head.

    I will be going to see my GP to get a referral to a Gyno this week. I’m not entirely sure what the waiting period would be to get in, but at this stage I am prepared to wait if it means that something is getting done.

    When I had my ultrasound done Monday, the sonographer saw a small blood clot, that was dislodged with all his poking and prodding. My instincts are telling me that this [bleeding] is more than just one small blood clot being passed (hey, I saw the clot. It was small, allright?).

    Some part of me is worrying that what he saw may possibly have been something trying to implant, but he POKED ME and messed it up. Then my head tells me I am being stupid and that isn’t possible.

    [Tell me that it isn’t possible please]

    So, I am bleeding [AGAIN! cue groans] and I am cramping [AGAIN! cue groans] and my mother has been too busy to go out looking for yarrow [that the wallabies have actually nibbled to death! cue groans].

    So it seems that there will be no pregnancy this month. It also seems that we may need further investigations done to find out WHAT THE FUCK is going on.

    I’m thinking a semen analysis wouldn’t go astray either. Luckily Nathan agrees.

    Now ‘scuse me, I am all done banging my head on the brick wall and I have a lemon and honey drink that needs sipping. Then my bed and heat pack are calling me.


    PS. Any and all advice welcomed EXCEPT for comments about relaxation. I am relaxed dammit. I will be less relaxed if you tell me to be so. Also, similar stories of woe welcomed. It’s all about the solidarity.