Dear Council Workers,
Hi! I appreciate that you are doing your job, but I would just like to know why the hell you are washing the road. My daughter and partner are both asleep and I am taking the few moments I have spare to do some things.
Please STOP WASHING THE FREAKING ROAD outside of my daughter’s bedroom window, because if she wakes up and ruins my free time I will be rather pissed off.
I mean, freaking hell! All you have to do is wait a few days and it will rain! Sheesh!
And don’t look at me like that when I wander outside to find out what the noise is. Really, I don’t care what you think. Just piss off.
Thanks, Veronica.
Dear Seven,
When there are workers being noisy outside of the house, I don’t need you adding to the noise by barking to let me know that there is noise. I am dealing with it okay? Bark when it is dark to let me know there are people out the front. I would appreciate that.
I know you just want to be comfortable, but when I get up to let the cat out I am NOT inviting you to steal my bean bag. It is the only place I can sit and use my laptop until I get a desk and I can’t sit on top of you. Nor can you lie on my lap while I work.
Also, while we are at it, if I catch you peeing on the clean washing again, even though you had just been outside for an hour and the back door was still open, I may just feel the need to turn you into an OUTSIDE dog.
And the chewing of my underwear. Can you stop that? Please? I am down to 4 pairs of knickers and it will be a few days until I can buy more. I can see you digging through the clean laundry looking for it. Why can’t you chew sticks? Or the toys I bought you? Or your own feet? Because I need my underwear dammit.
Thanks, Your Owner.
Dear Amy,
Thankyou for sleeping nicely this afternoon. Also thankyou for not waking up when the workers were screeching outside of your window. I really didn’t want to have to go and throw dog poop at them.
Love, Mummy.