Author: Veronica

  • Six Words

    Susan from Momabetes (she also can be found at James and the Giant Moose) tagged me for a meme.

    I know, I know, you hate me. I hardly ever do memes.


    1) Write your own six word memoir;
    2) Post it on your blog and include a visual illustration if you’d like;
    3) Link to the person that tagged you in your post, and to the original post if possible so we can track it as it travels across the blogosphere;
    4) Tag at least five more blogs with links; and
    5) Leave a comment on the tagged blogs with an invitation to play!

    Lets see, a 6 word memoir.

    Needs more sleep to function normally.


    Or we could try…

    May explode under stressful circumstances. Avoid.

    Or or or!

    Needs chocolate and hugs to function.

    But the one that seems to fit me best is…

    Amazing cook, indifferent housewife, fantastic mother.

    You can find examples of my amazing cooking here.

    My terrible housekeeping here.

    And my mothering skills here. (Okay so that link? Is more like my negotiation skills, but you know. Negotiation is a big part of motherhood, right?)

    So there! I am not going to tag anyone for this (heh, you know I just can’t be bothered doing all the links and all the comments right?), however I invite you to share your six word memoir in my comments. Or not. As you see fit.

    As a side note, Nathan and I just finished watching the movie Planet of Terror.

    There is alot (a freaking lot!) of gore and I watched a good portion of the movie with my eyes covered, but if you can cope with that kind of thing I highly recommend the movie.

    It is so fucking funny. I pissed myself laughing through most of it.

    Have you seen it? What did you think?

  • Ducks? Mmmmmm

    Kat asked me…

    Let’s see… how about this:

    1. How did you meet your man?

    This is too long of a story for today. I do promise to tell you guys one day though! Wait for it, it will probably take me 3 posts to tell the whole story.

    2. When you were a kid, what did you want to be and do when you “grew up”?

    I swore black and blue I wanted to be a vet. For years, I wanted to be a vet. Then I changed my mind and decided I wanted to be a chef. After completing part of a Certificate II in Kitchen Operations and working full time in a kitchen (towards an apprenticeship no less) I quit my job.

    I still love and adore working with food, but honestly, I don’t think I could be a chef and a mother. Not at this point in my life.

    Eventually, after the kids are all in school, I want to study nursing.

    3. Are you grown up yet?

    No. definitely not. I am 19 and I think I have a whole heap of growing up left to do. That said, I am mature (you can tell, right?) and I don’t enjoy alot of things people my own age do.

    4. What has been your most embarrassing moment with Amy so far?

    Well, how long do you have?

    I don’t get embarassed very easily. I tend to just laugh as Amy does stuff, I mean, how else would I cope? The funniest (albeit red face inducing) was the time Amy popped one of my boobs out in public. From the top of my shirt. In front of a group of teenage boys. As red as I went, I nearly pissed myself laughing at their faces.

    She also tells everyone out in public ‘Mummee boobies!’ and pats my chest.

    5. How much time do you spend reading/writing blogs every week?

    I used to spend alot more time than I do now. Since I moved into this house, I probably spend 2-3 hours a night writing and reading. My internet connection sucks, so I don’t get done nearly as much as I would like.

    This explains why if you are on blogger, you haven’t had a comment from me lately. It takes me ages to load the comment form and generally fails a good 4-5 times before my comment will go through. After 3 refreshes I tend to get impatient and swear I will come back later. then I forget.

    6. How many kids do you want to have?

    4. or 5, maybe. I want a big family. You know, when we finally get #2 happening!

    7. If you could go anywhere in the world on vacation, where would you go?

    France, but not Paris. I want to see rural France and eat their food. I would also love to have ‘real’ sushi at a sushi bar in Japan.

    8. Who is your best friend?

    To be honest? Nathan. But if you are talking best ‘girl’ friend I don’t have one anymore. I miss having a BFF to talk to. Alot.

    9. Do you like ducks?

    Yes! Alot actually. Even though they are messy, noisy, bossy creatures, I really like ducks. I am actually wondering if getting a few muscovy ducks after winter would be such a bad idea. Although they would probably end up down at the river and NOT here giving me eggs and young ducks for the table. Hmmm, I wonder if there is any cash in raising ducks.

    10. Why?

    Because they give large delicious eggs. Because they are one of my most favourite roast meats.  Because I am always thinking about my stomach.

    As a side note, Amy ADORES ducks. She has a few books and some blocks with ducks on them and she loves them. I even caught her kissing the duck blocks the other day. Very cute.

    I have Burgh Baby’s question and answer half written in a draft. It was a tricky question and I need to answer it with my tact firmly at the front of my mind.

    If you like, you can ask me more questions. I promise to try to answer them.

    Also, if you have a spare moment, you should go check out this interview between Xbox4Nappyrash and Frogpondsrock. I nearly died laughing. Trust me, it is worth the click.

  • Good Reading

    Yesterday I asked everyone what you wanted to hear me (see me?) talk about. Lulu asked about what books Amy likes to read and what I liked as a child.

    At the moment, Amy is going through a horribly independent phase and I am NOT ALLOWED to read books to her on pain of toddler screams. All books must be read ALONE and away from everyone. She will bring a book to me if she wants me to validate something (‘Dis cat?’ ‘Yes, that is a cat’) for her, but that is it.

    When I do get a chance to read to her (when she is feeling sooky, or tired) I have some favourites of hers as well.

    This is a counting book by Graeme Base with various animals on each page. The best bit about it is that there are recurring frogs in every scene and there are generally hidden animals in the drawings as well. Amazing book, simply for it’s illustrations.

    This book I think I bought more for me than for Amy. One of my best memories is Dad playing his guitar and singing Puff the Magic Dragon to me. Every chance I get, I make him sing it to Amy now.

    Amy has a book of colours and this is her favourite page. Not because it is pink, (if anything red or orange would be her preferred colours) but because there is a ‘bablooooon!’ And ‘shoooos!’ on the page. I refuse to show the front cover because it is an American book and the title ‘Colours’ is spelt incorrectly. (For me)

    It is a classic, but I still love it. Amy will sit more still for these stories than she does for others. Some days I can even get 2 or 3 pages read before she decides she wants to do it herself.

    I think Amy loves this book so much because we sing it, rather than read it. It also has balloons and a dog to point out.

    I can never resist Dr Seuss. Fox in Socks is my favourite along with The Lorax.

    Our favourite part of the story is the end when all the tweetle beetles battle in a bottle with their paddles, and the bottles on a poodle and the poodles eating noodles….they call this a muddle puddle tweetle poodle beetle noodle bottle paddle battle. (Is it bad that I know that by heart?)

    Amy giggles every time.

    I couldn’t take a photo of Amy’s most favourite book though, because she is fast asleep cuddling it. That one is ‘Each, Peach, Pear, Plum’ and I love reading it. Very simple words and not a long story at all.

    This was my favourite book when I was very little. I know now that Mum hated it and I reckon I probably made her read it twice a day. Sorry Mum.

    When I was older I loved anything and everything by Enid Blyton, The Silver Brumby by Elyne Mitchell, The Chronicles of Narnia etc. You could generally always find me with my nose in a book.

    Nowadays not that much has changed, except the amount of free time I have to do it in.

    This is my bookshelf in the dining room.
    1- Fiction. Nothing amazing.
    2- James Herriots complete works. A couple of the Dune books.
    3- More fiction. Marion Bradley, Barbara Taylor Bradford, Jackie Collins. Junk food for my brain.
    4- Robert Jordon’s Wheel of Time Series.
    5- Various new books. All fiction, all very good.
    6- Sara Douglass. 2 of her trilogies. Great fantasy writer.
    7- David Eddings. Lots of his books.
    8- Christopher Paulini’s Eragon series. Trust me, the book is TONS better than the movie.
    9- Robin Hobb. X4 of her trilogies. Great fantasy writer.
    10- Amy’s books!
    11- Cook books.
    12- Angela’s Ashes and ‘Tis by Frank McCourt. Circle of Nine Trilogy by Josephine Pennicot and Dave Pelzer’s 3 books (‘A Child Called It’ is the first book).
    13- John Marsden’s Tomorrow series and Ellie Chronicles.
    14- DVD’s. Because I am not all literary and posh all the time.

    And below is my bookshelf in the study.

    I have 2 bookshelves in the study this size. Since I was able to put most of my books in the dining room, these bookshelves aren’t overflowing anymore. I used to have just as many books stacked in front of the shelves as were on them. Ooops.

    Eventually I want to have my entire dining room with floor to ceiling bookshelves, just so I can stand in the middle of it and spin around.

    I might just love books a little too much.

    Thankyou Lulu, this was a great fun post to write. I enjoyed it.

    Burgh Baby’s Mom? Barbara? And Susan? I will try and have your posts up in the next few days. Everyone else, you can feel free to suggest things you want to see me write about.


    And to finish off, a pox on Telstra! A pox I tell you! They went out to my exchange, fiddled with my line, declared that there is a problem and decided that they don’t know when they are going to fix it.

    Oh yes, they will fix it. Just not today. Or tomorrow. Or anytime that they can put a date on.

    (The date on the computer systems? was November 10 2011. Yeah, I’m not going to wait that long)

    I have to ring back on Friday to see if they know anything more. Until then, dialup all the way baby. Still.

  • Got Nothing. Sorry.

    Humorous Pictures

    Nope, there is no blog inside my head today. Check back tomorrow for a ‘real’ post.

    I promise I will have something better.

    Hey! I have a good idea, if there is something you want me to write about, tell me in the comments. I will get my ass in gear and write it tomorrow for you. With linky love. Anything is game.

    Also, tomorrow I got my fast internet connected whci should mean that you see me about more often. if I haven’t been to visit you lately (because I SUCK badly and I am sorry) then feel free to let me know in the comments and I will rectify the situation. Mmmkay?


    Amy has been full on lately. And by full on, I mean the the kid never stops.

    2am? PLAYTIME! 4am? PLAYTIME! 5am? PLAYTIME!



    And yes, everything she does deserves capitals and exclamation marks.

    I am having to nap every day as soon as Amy does. This means that nothing gets done, but hey, at least I have had an extra hours sleep.

    [Sleep is god. Don’t knock the sleep]

    Currently we (meaning I) don’t have any cold weather clothes, so we are spending alot of time inside. I know, I need to buy clothes that a) fit me decently and b) stop me getting frostbite [in freaking autumn? heh].

    Also, we need some play equipment that Amy can play on without my heart stopping. The slide, while she loves it, is either wet or too hot to slide down, as well as being unsafe if I am not standing right! there! next to her (her feet get tangled in the ladder and there are spiders).

    [It is Tasmania. We went from 37C to 8C in 24hrs]

    So, indoor play with a 19mth old.

    So far we have tried acrobatics (Amy takes all the couch cushions off the couch and jumps from the couch, onto the cushions). We have tried cooking (Amy cries while I cook. She refuses to help unless helping actually means eating).

    We have built block towers (I build towers, Amy destroys them, Seven eats the blocks, Amy screams at Seven). We have played ‘Help Mummy Fold The Washing’ (Amy takes all the clean washing and covers Seven in it. I try and fold faster than those two can unfold).

    We have watched TV (until my eyeballs felt like melting). We have listened to music (Amy WON’T dance with me. Refuses in fact. If I hold her and try to dance, she squirms and tells me ‘Amy go DOWN! Me wanna go down now!’ which actually sounds more like ‘A-me go DOWN! Me ‘anna ‘o DOWN ‘ow.’ all slurred together.)

    Did I mention the climbing? Amy CLIMBS. And then STANDS UP. On the arms of the couch, on the back of the bean bag I am sitting in, up the bookshelves, onto the bench!

    So at the end of the day, I am left with this god awful cabin fever and a sense of unaccomplishment (is that a word?) not to mention a train wreck of a house.

    I love my life.

    And my frazzled hair. And nerves.