Sadly, I still have no phone or internet *cries* and sitting down typing this feels a bit strange! I have forgotten how! (not really)
BUT! I thought you all might be missing me and need a bit of an update (wow, has anyone else noticed, adjusting to someone elses keyboard is hard work?) so I need to say thankyou to Mum for a) letting me use her computer and b) watching Amy while I do so.
Amy has been sleeping through the night every second night or so (can we say WOW!?). I’m not entirely sure WHY, but hey, you will hear no complaints from me! Maybe it is because the new house has paper thin walls and she has no choice but to sleep through the noise? Who knows.
The house needs alot of work. Luckily most of the jobs are small and can be done by us. The bathroom is a bit of a shambles with the pump inside (Mum mentioned this, tank water needs a pump to get to my taps) but since Dad and a friend fixed it, it is much better.
The laundry is in the bathroom as well as it being the only space to put my big chest freezer, so currently there is standing room only. BUT! I have a bathtub! I haven’t had a bathtub for 3+ years. It is lovely.
The unpacking went well, everything is just about where is needs to stay. I need more bookshelves though *sigh* Do you think my books are procreating overnight?
I *should* have internets back on Tuesday (it seems so far away *cry*) and then I will be able to read my emails and look at all my comments. As it is, I am saving reading them until I have time and leisure to read them properly.
Even more exciting than that? We got a puppy today. Amy has promptly named her ‘Buttons’ and the name seems to have stuck. (Still am not sure if Amy was pointing at the Pup or at her tummy. Never mind)
Photos will be produced as soon as I have internet at home.
Miss you all!