There are some things I swear I will never do again if I can help it. Most of these are work related but some aren’t.
I will never crumb scallops. Time in the kitchen crumbing 8kg scallops 2 times a week has ruined scallops for me.
I don’t want to work with fillo pastry. I will however, eat it and complement whoever made it, because damn that stuff is fiddly.
I HATE mopping. With a vengance. Nathan mops our house, unless Amy spills something really sticky and it can’t be fixed with a cloth. Yes, that does mean I would rather get down on my hands and knees and scrub the floor with a cloth rather than mop it. I’m difficult like that.
I will never sleep with someone twice my age. EVER. AGAIN.
I will never spend time in a walk in freezer without wearing a jacket. Brrrrr. Also? I hate packing away groceries.
I will never run, slip in oil and land under the dishwasher. Not if I can help it baby, that one hurt!
I will never work until 1am alone. Motherhood is different.
I will never jullienne enough vegetables to fill a 20 litre bucket. Nope, no way, no how.
I will never make mayonaise from scratch by hand. My arm ached for days!
I will never share house.
I will never let anyone smoke cones in my (and my boyfriends) bedroom at 1am. NEVER. EVER. AGAIN.
I will not tolerate kitty litter. Especially uncleaned litter boxes. *shudder* That one is so bad, I don’t want to think about it.
I don’t want to ever have to lock a dog inside for any amount of time. Again? So bad I don’t want to think about it.
I won’t eat mussels cooked in a restaurant.
I won’t drink Woodstock Bourbon and Coke. Even the smell makes me sick now. Or vodka and coke. *shudder*
What things won’t you do ever again?
PS. Any of these things is subject to change as my circumstances do.