Author: Veronica

  • No No NO!

    There are some things I swear I will never do again if I can help it. Most of these are work related but some aren’t.

    I will never crumb scallops. Time in the kitchen crumbing 8kg scallops 2 times a week has ruined scallops for me.

    I don’t want to work with fillo pastry. I will however, eat it and complement whoever made it, because damn that stuff is fiddly.

    I HATE mopping. With a vengance. Nathan mops our house, unless Amy spills something really sticky and it can’t be fixed with a cloth. Yes, that does mean I would rather get down on my hands and knees and scrub the floor with a cloth rather than mop it. I’m difficult like that.

    I will never sleep with someone twice my age. EVER. AGAIN.

    I will never spend time in a walk in freezer without wearing a jacket. Brrrrr. Also? I hate packing away groceries.

    I will never run, slip in oil and land under the dishwasher. Not if I can help it baby, that one hurt!

    I will never work until 1am alone. Motherhood is different.

    I will never jullienne enough vegetables to fill a 20 litre bucket. Nope, no way, no how.

    I will never make mayonaise from scratch by hand. My arm ached for days!

    I will never share house.

    I will never let anyone smoke cones in my (and my boyfriends) bedroom at 1am. NEVER. EVER. AGAIN.

    I will not tolerate kitty litter. Especially uncleaned litter boxes. *shudder* That one is so bad, I don’t want to think about it.

    I don’t want to ever have to lock a dog inside for any amount of time. Again? So bad I don’t want to think about it.

    I won’t eat mussels cooked in a restaurant.

    I won’t drink Woodstock Bourbon and Coke. Even the smell makes me sick now. Or vodka and coke. *shudder*

    What things won’t you do ever again?

    PS. Any of these things is subject to change as my circumstances do. 

  • Weekly Winners


    Needless to say there aren’t that many photos this week, but I did take some.

    Playing with Daddy

    Playing on Daddy’s lap with his sunglasses.


    Who was a grumpy Toddler?


    The scones I cooked this afternoon.

     See more Weekly Winners here.

  • Questions and Small Annoyances

    Hello! Glad that you could make it. Now, I would like to burden you bother you ask you some questions and fill your brain with mindlessness.

    I just tweaked my template. Does it suck? Is anything broken?

    Big shout out to Kelley who is using the same template and let me shamelessly copy her modified CSS, so that I could change the colour. Thankyou!

    Which is worse for you, brie cheese or chocolate? And is mixing them doubly unhealthy?

    I have to pee lots lately. My period just finished so I can’t be pregnant.

    My recliner won’t move back to a sitting position. It makes it hard to move so I can go pee. However, I think that peeing myself is not something I am comfortable doing, no matter how hard it is to get unstuck from the chair. (You know, except when I was in labour and I swear it was better than pooping on the table, plus getting up was kind of hard because I had a baby crowning. Anyways, moving on).

    Nathan bought me two (2!) blocks of chocolate yesterday. I wonder where they went, because they seem to have disappeared very fast. Maybe Amy learned to climb the cupboards while I was sleeping?

    Speaking of sleeping there hasn’t been very much of it happening here lately. As I write this she has just woken up and is needing to be resettled. It is 11pm. No, wait! Now she is out of bed. Be right back!

    Ah yep, there is that recliner problem I mentioned. I may have possibly gotten a tad stuck as I was trying to bound to my daughters aid.

    But I am back now and my injury will heal.

    The sleep I have lost though? I will never regain.

    She had a 30 min nap today, only because I let her fall asleep in my arms. To top that off she is waking up and getting out of bed 4-5 times a night. I get to wake up to the pitter patter of tiny toddler feet and the very loud, ‘MUM-EEE’ that she announces her arrival with.

    Good times my friends, good times.

    Now, I am off to find the last few pieces of chocolate and eat them along with a wedge of brie. Then? I am going to try and get some sleep.

    Tomorrow I will tackle the recliner problem.

  • I Can’t Cope Without A Nap!



    You would think after my last posts about sleep that Amy had been sleeping better. (Aside from a brief foray back into Revolutionary mode that it)

    You would be wrong.

    She is still waking often overnight, although getting herself out of bed has become more common-place. It isn’t unusual for me to be woken up by toddler feet in my bedroom up to 4 times a night.

    Hey, at least I get kisses too. Sometimes.

    You know what sucks though? When she throws her bottle of water down the stairs. Then I have to go and rescue it before she will consent to laying back down.


    However, that isn’t the crux of the problem. I can handle the night wakings. I am used to the night wakings.

    You know what sucks? Today is the second day of no daytime naps.

    I’m freaking out! She is only 17mths old! I was relying on day sleeps for at least another 6 mths!

    Yesterday I thought it was because we had to go out. She refused to sleep early and then? DIDN’T SLEEP IN THE CAR! She ALWAYS sleeps in the car.

    But yesterday she went right until bedtime (when we were still in the car) before having a nap.

    Today was just as bad. I put her down at her regular time, with her regular routine and BAM she smacked me down by not going to sleep.

    At all!

    I was up and down those stairs 100 (okay, I might be exaggerating, but it was at least 50) times, resettling and re-laying her in her bed.

    No good.

    Eventually Nathan took her out with him so I could have a (sanity saving, much needed) break.

    In the whole time they were gone (2 hrs, with a 35 minute drive each way) Amy had 5 minutes sleep.

    And that only when they were 5 minutes from home! And she was 45mins away from bedtime anyway.

    I am not ready to lose the day sleep.

    It will be alright, right? It’s just a phase, right?


  • The Good and The Bad

    Happy Valentines Day to everyone who celebrates it. It isn’t really that big a deal here (or at least I don’t think so), so we didn’t have anything planned.

    Lucky we didn’t because Pop’s funeral was today.

    Good times people, good times. Or not.

    I cried and Amy danced and then I got all teary and then Amy ran outside so she spent the funeral playing in the rose gardens with her Daddy.

    It was very hard and not something I want to have to repeat in the near future. Okay? You hear me? No one is allowed to die anytime soon.

    However, the good news?

    We got our settlement date today! Can I get a woo hoo?

    29th February!

    15 days time!

    So we will probably move 4-5 days after we get the keys, but at least now we know where we are at.