It doesn’t rain, but it pours.
Thankyou all for the lovely comments on my last post. My boob is hardly sore at all now and I am feeling human again. Wonderful things these antibiotics.
However, this morning I discovered that THING that is the bane of mothers lives everywhere.
That THING that causes blogger mother especially to cringe and count the amount of hours they now won’t have left for blogging.
That THING that makes for a shitload of work and washing, all needing doing before bedtime.
I discovered headlice.
I got one louse out of Amy’s hair and two out of mine. Inspection of Amy’s hair shows no eggs that I can see, and when Nathan looked through my hair, he didn’t find any eggs either. (But then, he didn’t really know what he was looking for).
I have combed my hair, I have conditioner-ed (is that a word? To bad, ’tis now) my hair and combed it through. For AAAAAAAAAAGES and found no more bugs.
Bugs and hair aside, do you have any IDEA the amount of washing you have to do when you strip THREE beds? Yes, three, Amy sleeps in a cot/single bed together remember?
Lots of washing.
Lots and lots of freaking washing. ESPECIALLY when the small one won’t sleep on just a plain sheet. No, she needs a fluffy blanket underneath her sheet and one on topof her sheets, for her cheek to rest in because they are SOFT.
I got 2 machine loads of bedding just out of Amy’s bedroom. Remembering that I have a 7kg washer. *sigh*
A lot of washing.
Thank god I didn’t find more than one louse in Amy’s hair. Can anyone imagine trying to hold down a Toddler so that you can comb their hair out, over and over again?
Not my idea of a fun time.
The only place I can think of, where I may have had some small contact with children, was the Doctors surgery on Sunday. All their chairs are cloth covered so I think I may have picked up a louse there. It is the only thing I can think of, because no one else I have seen recently has headlice.
(Yes I do know this, I have rung everyone)
However the combing will continue until my hair falls out I am satisfied that no nits could POSSIBLY remain.
Even if that means sitting on Amy while I comb her hair twice a day.
**UPDATED: Thankyou so much to Jenty, who has nominated my blog for the bloggers choice awards.
Now I’m going to be a vote whore and ask you to pretty pretty please go and vote for me. Please? With cherries and whipped cream and whatever else floats your boat. Please?