I used to be able to write while I listened to music. Not anymore apparently because I just had to turn my music off so I could write a coherent sentence.
Unfortunately, the ability to write a coherent sentence does NOT actually give me anything good to write about. So damn.
My daughter is playing by my side, absolutely covered in pen. She seems to have discovered that drawing on paper is not half as much fun as drawing all over her legs. Oh wait! Now she is climbing up onto my lap. Joys! After holding her by her feet and swinging her from side to side, much like a pendulum, I have managed to extricate myself from her grasp for long enough to write this sentence.
She is chewing on my knee now.
Oh wait! Now climbing me sounds good again.
Okay. I am back. She has been placated with a cup of peas. Peas you ask? Yes peas. My daughters love of peas is amazing. She would happily eat peas (slightly minted thankyou!) for every meal.
So now, what was I blogging about? You don’t know? Shit. I didn’t tell you yet, did I.
In amongst all the pea getting, hot water and toddler dodging, spoon manhandling and leg climbing, I completely forgot what I was going to talk about.
Maybe about the complete lack of Tasmania bloggers about the place. (Do you know any? Do ya? Huh? Tell meeeeeeeeeeeee!)
Or about how I feel so far different to the other kids in my age group. (Yes, kids. Do you know, they are going out and partying? How. Much. Fun. Or not.)
Maybe about how Amy drew on the wall in pen and I had to scrub it off. (I haven’t told Nathan this one yet. Ooops)
Or how she has tattooed her dolls heads. (She wants them to be like her Poppy apparently)
We discovered today that milk + frozen berries + the blender = Amy’s favourite beverage. (and healthy too!)
We also discovered that tomato stains the carpet (and Ajax is fantastic for getting it out)
Also that the Toddler likes copying what Mummy is doing (by spreading food into the carpet as I am Ajaxing food stains out. She used the exact same hand movements I was)
I have noticed that she does a very distinct set of movements when she needs to wee, probably about 30 seconds before she actually does. (yes Amy, we are going to buy you this fun thing called a potty!)
So anyway, does anyone know of a meal you can make entirely out of condiments? Maybe with a few peas thrown in? I seem to have a cupboard full of sauces and not much else. *sigh*
That’s okay though, we will survive. You know why? Because I still have peas. Yay!