Last night I woke up at 3am. Evelyn was pressed into my chest, snuggled tight. One cat was asleep in front of my knees, another cat was sprawled out behind my knees. Nathan snored next to us all. Briefly I wondered where the other 50% of the cats were, before deciding not to think about it in case I summoned them accidentally.
Needless to say, night weaning Evelyn, and keeping her in her cot all night is not going so well.
In fact, I think I’ve given up. She’s a pretty snuggly sleeping companion.
I tried, believe me, I tried. But after two hours of screaming (from 1am-3am) she wore me down and I gave in. Really, I am not at my best in the wee hours of the morning, and turns out, Evelyn is as stubborn as I am. She’s just more high pitched about it all.
School goes back in just under a fortnight, and I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t counting down the days. Not because my children have been difficult – exactly the opposite if anything. They’ve played together well, hardly fought, and they’re pretty awesome.
But I have work piling up, lots of it. Things I put on hold for the school holidays are starting to nag at the edges of my attention, and I am desperate for a little bit of alone time without someone needing me immediately and loudly.
Anyway. Not long now.
Unrelated: I need a new bra. Bonds very kindly sent me through some bras to trial a few months ago (whoops, hey, sorry Bonds), and I was hoping they would be great for when my milk supply dropped.
Little did I know my breasts were going to expand in size again, leaving me exploding out the edges of the DD bras they sent. Yeah, it’s not going to work for me, which is a shame.
I’ve made tentative plans to go and buy a new bra next week, but our car has been at the mechanic now for more days than I care to count and I’m loathe to even think of the bill when it arrives.
Sadly I think my breast supports may have to wait.
In the meantime, Eve thinks my non-fitting bras make a great hat.