I had a witty title for this post in my head last night as I fell asleep. Obviously it slipped out somewhere between my dreams of Evie twitching and my dreams of researching ever-weirder syndromes on the Internet. I think it’s a little exhausting that I continue to try and work out what is wrong with my baby, despite being fast asleep. Also, I’m pretty sure Wikipedia doesn’t normally have purple elephants and unicorns with sparkles.
We saw Evie’s Neurologist yesterday for the first time. They’d squeezed us in – creating an entirely new appointment at the end of the day, and Nathan and I sat in the waiting room while the receptionists clocked off for the night and a lone cleaner roamed the halls of the Paediatric Outpatient unit.
The Neurologist took a full history, watched videos of Evelyn twitching, referred to her EEG that he’d read earlier and told us that he’s pretty sure that these aren’t seizures that she is having.
What are they? No one knows. But they’re “not-seizures” and I spent an awful lot of time last night watching her “not-seize” while she slept.
On the upside, the Neuro seemed like a doctor who loves a good medical mystery. On the downside, that medical mystery is my tiny 13 week old baby, and we’re no closer to knowing what is wrong with her.
Her muscle tone is low and “concerning”. Her lack of any limb control, the same. She’s not hitting any milestones and we’ve just got to do the dreaded “wait and see”.
He spoke briefly of the possibility of a movement disorder, but again, we won’t know anything until she gets older and misses more milestones (or catches up – whatever the case may be).
Evelyn is an interesting case, and unfortunately, that’s not something you ever want your baby to be. Medically interesting is not a good thing, sadly.
Her feeding is starting to suffer as well, she’s having trouble staying latched as she sucks and her weight gain is slowing down. I’ll discuss that with her clinic nurse and with her Paediatrician when we see them next.
I just don’t know what is up with this baby of mine. They don’t think that she’s having seizures, but they don’t know what her weird movements are.
And horribly, they probably want to do another lumbar puncture. Her doctors will ring around the pathology labs to see if certain tests have been done, and/or if there is more spinal fluid of Evie’s available for testing – but there’s some tests that the Neurologist would like run, including gene testing, and that will involve another lumbar puncture.
I can’t even tell you how sick that makes me feel. One lumbar puncture is bad, two is fucking awful – but three?
So, that’s that. In the meantime, I try and feed her as much as possible, and we wait for her to do something that will point us all in the right direction.