I hadn’t had enough sleep when my children started to argue this morning. Amy reacted (poorly) to Isaac calling her a pufflehead and Isaac reacted (loudly) to being called a ragamuffin, because don’t you know that is all WRONG, because Amy is the ragamuffin and Isaac is the pufflehead.
In case you can’t tell, my children have a lot of hair. Tangly, messy, big hair. Amy looks rather Russell Brand-esque this morning in fact.
And the whining. My GOD, the whining.
The school holidays are finished and it feels like I spent most of that time in the hospital with Evelyn. I might be a little bitter about this, as I struggle with a lack of sleep today and children who seem equally tired.
Evelyn had trouble staying asleep last night. Every time I settled her, she’d seize and wake herself up again at the end of it, crying. The medication hasn’t helped with the seizures at all, but it has made her incredibly sleepy. Which would be okay, provided I could sleep too, without someone shouting, or pulling hair, or demanding that I attend to their wants. Apparently I am the only one who can feed them, or something bullshit like that.
We’re in this weird limbo at the moment – the baby is still having seizures, the metabolic results still aren’t back, her current medications aren’t helping and we don’t follow up with her Paeds team until Thursday.
Thursday is alternately very soon and an age away. Time is fluid when you’re dealing with something like this. Elastic and taffy-like, stretching and drawing together.
So, we wait.
There’s an awful lot of waiting in situations like this.