We had the Clinic Health Nurse out to visit us this week, to weigh Evelyn and measure her. You know that there was a small amount of confusion as to how far along I was when I gave birth, and no one has agreed on anything.
I said 36 weeks, minimum. The early ultrasound said 34 weeks. Evelyn’s nurses in Special Care agreed that she was acting like a 36 + week baby, and so did the doctors. The clinic nurses however, they couldn’t decide, and we’ve had a number of confusing conversations regarding actual age, versus corrected age and how many weeks to correct by, and really, I get a headache thinking about it.
Evelyn has now, at four weeks old, reached the size of a regular newborn. Slightly heavier than Isaac at birth, slightly lighter than Amy, she is teensy tiny, in a huge kind of way. (Honestly you guys, I cannot believe I birthed two babies as huge as Evelyn is right now. CANNOT BELIEVE.) During weighing, she was 3.17kg, or a spectacular 6lb15oz, with a grand total weight gain of 760g in two weeks.
[Digression: Turns out, Isaac was only 6lb10oz at birth – not the 7lbs I’d been told by a midwife with a conversion chart. I didn’t realise this until Evelyn was weighing more than Isaac at birth, yet wasn’t quite 7lbs. When I announced this to Nathan, he was all “why does this matter?” and I ended up shouting at him, because THESE THINGS MATTER TO WOMEN. And it doesn’t make Evelyn’s 5lb2oz seem so tiny when her brother was only 6 and a half pounds.]
So, four weeks old. Or full term corrected. Or two weeks old corrected. ONE OF THESE IS RIGHT.
See also: headache.
In any case, prematurity is not holding her back.

Yes, that’s right, she’s smiling. Smiling properly. Grinning at her siblings. Smiling at me of a morning. Delightedly pulling faces at my breasts. My breasts get most of the smiles at the moment, which doesn’t surprise me – they’re spectacularly good breasts.
She’s also stopped sleeping for 20 hours a day and is requiring entertaining and talking to and extra attention. In fact, she’s lying across my lap as I type this, trying to eat her fists. She’s practically a real baby now.
[Second digression: I was watching the news last night, and there was a piece on doll making. They showed some of those “real dolls”, you know, the ones that are meant to look like newborn babies? In any case, the lady discussing them was gushing over how REAL they look and how they’ve been mistaken for real babies when they’ve been left alone in cars. I looked at my real baby, snuggled up to my breast and back to the “real dolls” on TV, comparing them.
LADY, if you think your “real dolls” look anything like an actual baby, then your eyesight needs checking. Either that, or you birthed demon spawn and have no other field of reference. And if someone thought that a “real doll” was an actual baby left in a car, it’s only because it looked terribly terribly sick and in need of immediate medical attention.]

Accept no imitations.