I was going to write about blogopolis and then just link you to the post that I wrote before Aus Blog Con, wherein I described all my issues with social situations and then let you read it. And then I thought, HEY! You guys are special, you probably deserve a whole new post of me talking about issues.
So. Blogopolis.
It’s in a fortnight now and while I am very excited, I am also refusing to think about it too hard, in case I freak out and have to hide under my bed covers for a little while.
I have social anxiety. I never know what to say to people. I freak out and panic before walking into a room filled with people and I either end up talking too much, or not enough. That’s the short version.
Because of this and because I have had the pleasure of meeting a bunch of my blogging friends at previous events, I have to consciously remind myself to talk to new people and to seek out people I want to meet, rather than just hiding in the corner with the women I am comfortable with.
Being pushed out of my comfort zone can only be a good thing and I am working on attending as many things as I possibly can. If nothing else, I am getting fantastic at hiding a panic attack under a frozen smile.
Blogopolis is freaking me out in a number of ways:
1) I am worried I won’t get to meet the people I am desperate to meet.
2) I am freaking out that people won’t like me because
a) I seem standoffish (no, I’m just trying not to lose my shit) or
b) I am hiding in the corner, with my nose in my phone, freaking out on twitter.
3) I have nothing to wear because my jeans don’t fit me anymore and
4) I am going to get lost. This is the least likely thing to happen, but I’ll panic about it anyway, because that’s what I do.
Logically, I know that most of these things won’t come to pass. I’m sure I’ll be fine and if I’m not fine, I am going to pretend like hell I am.
So please, if you see me in a corner freaking out, come and rescue me. I would love to talk to you.
And in the event that I’m not freaking out and you want to talk to me, then come say hi. I am not scary and I really want to meet you too.
The strangest thing about my social anxiety is that despite it, I quite like people.
Also, as an ending to this rambling, quite crappy post – I collect business cards, so if you’ve got a blogging business card, I WANT it. I’m planning on slowly pinning them all to a wall near my desk, and I need more in order to start. So if you can help with that, I want your card.