Beating my dead horse

(Which is better than beating a live goat, just for the record)

And in case you haven’t read enough of my dramatics and opinions lately, I wrote a satirical piece about Tree People and how we ought to deal with them in an ideal world. You know you want to read it.


5 responses to “Beating my dead horse”

  1. Kitty Cat Avatar

    Beating? Or Fucking? 😉

    1. Veronica Avatar

      Beating, obviously. No one fucks dead horses. Except maybe glue factories.

        1. Kim @ Frog Ponds Rock Avatar

          Once a horse is dead, it is pretty well fucked.

  2. Capitalist Avatar

    I’m writing a satirical piece about welfare recipients and how they still take the free money even when it isnt shit out by the glittering rainbow coloured unicorn political omnipotetent crush of their choice. In a clever use of irony I address what is clearly a dictatorship loosely clothed in communist red.

    Read it, you know you want to