Bedtime Miracles and Weekly Winners

You know how my daughter wakes up every 2 hrs? Yeah, you all get that?

Well, after yesterday and all the tears and the stress, she slept through the night.

Yes, you did read it right. Amy. Slept through the night. From 9pm – 7.30am without waking up. There were a few whimpers at 5am, but she settled fast (read: 30secs) and went back to sleep.


So here is to hoping that is becomes a regular occurence. I did wake up with porn star style boobs, (rock hard and massive) but Amy had a feed this morning and has helped out there.

Anyway, onto the order of the day.


Cheeky Girl

Only one photo this week, mostly because I didn’t remember to take the camera up to Launceston with me. Pity really, because there were some great photos I could have taken.

She is such a cheeky girl, I took this photo this morning as she chased me around the kitchen giggling.


26 responses to “Bedtime Miracles and Weekly Winners”

  1. Sarcastic Mom Avatar

    Congratulations! Great to have a night like that, isn’t it!? Watch out though… it could just be PCM. πŸ˜‰

    She is adorable! The WW post will be up in 4 hours!

    Sarcastic Mom’s last blog post..You know you want to nibble him.

  2. kim aka frogpondsrock aka mum Avatar

    Porn star boobs WOW!!!!Great photo.. xxx

    kim aka frogpondsrock aka mum’s last blog post..Rollup! Rollup!Rollup!.. It’s time for Hoopla.

  3. SusanB Avatar

    Congratulations! I bet you woke up to a bright and beautiful world! It’s amazing what a difference a good night’s sleep can make.
    Here’s to many more in the future!

    SusanB’s last blog post..Life Images

  4. Bettina Avatar

    woohooo!! Yay Amy, Yay YOU. And I’m sure your hubby was “Yay porn star boobs” lmao

    Makes you feel good when they sleep doesn’t it?

    Bettina’s last blog post..Smiley Saturday

  5. Jessica (aka Rose) Avatar

    Oh, I am so jealous. Little L, at 5 months, is still feeding every two to three hours at night. Sometime around 4 am I give up and pull her into bed with me. I swear that she nursed constantly from 5 to 7:30 this morning…
    Hope your little one is sleeping soundly as I type!

    Jessica (aka Rose)’s last blog post..Two sides of the same coin

  6. river Avatar

    Way to go Amy!!
    Don’t you just love those baby giggles and having to run slowly so they can occasionally catch you.

  7. Jientje Avatar

    Thank God for little bed time miracles and porn star boobes! Hehehe! Cute picture!

    Jientje’s last blog post..Weekly Winners Oh so quiet, ….

  8. Tiffany Avatar

    Yay Amy!
    Love that photo too. Cheeky girl!

  9. Taz Avatar


    nice sleep there..

    great pic too..

  10. Xbox4NappyRash Avatar


    Xbox4NappyRash’s last blog post..Bicycles

  11. mountainmama Avatar

    Woohooo! Bet you loved that! (Bet you woke in the night and wondered what was going on, too….heheh)
    Love those big cute baby blues…and where’s our porn star boobs shot? Lotus gives us rack…! πŸ˜‰

    mountainmama’s last blog post..Weekly Winners, Sunday Meme

  12. Secret Agent Mama Avatar

    Congrats on the sleep filled night, hon!

    Amy’s cheeks = Mishi’s Wish to Bite

    Secret Agent Mama’s last blog post..Weekly Winners!

  13. Karen MEG Avatar

    HUGE milestone .. not just the porn boobs (although they are a bonus… I wish I kept mine).

    Adorable picture, she is getting big and I love her baby blues!

    Beautiful picture on your banner too, Veronica. Happy new year to you and your family!

    Karen MEG’s last blog post..Love it…what’s it called again?

  14. Tasina Avatar

    One picture is enough when it’s that cute.

    Tasina’s last blog post..Weekly Winners 01.06.08

  15. SuzanneSays... Avatar

    Love those cheeks!!

    My three all slept through the night at two weeks old, I kid you not. Now, before you go banning me from your blog, let me tell you how I paid for that with ALL three of them:

    When they turned two, they gave up sleep altogether…for 1-2 years, no less!

    The only saving grace of it all is that they are 6 years apart in age, so there were a few months in between that I actually did get some sleep.

    Now, two of the three are teenagers+ and they’re doing it all over again.

    SuzanneSays…’s last blog post..PhotoHunt: Delicious

  16. mp Avatar

    One Pic..good boobs and sleep..
    YEAH for you!!

    mp’s last blog post..Sunday Weekly Winners

  17. Jenty Avatar

    She has beautiful eyes!
    Well done on the sleeping milestone! That’s wonderful πŸ™‚

    Jenty’s last blog post..Real life encounters

  18. Jenn Avatar

    Whatta cutie!! πŸ™‚ I loved the porn star boobs for a night out! lol but really it was the only time in my life I had BIG hard lovely boobies!! πŸ™‚ Now, after breastfeeding three children they are totally SHOT! Oh well… still fun to play with! lol
    Glad to here your sweet little miss slept through the night for you!! I couldn’t even imagine getting up in the night any more!! Poor you! πŸ™
    Is it okay if I add you to my blog roll??

    Jenn’s last blog post..I HEART Chris Brown! <3

  19. Leslie Avatar

    Porn star boobs. Now, you should have taken a photo of that!

    Amy is adorable, as always. How wonderful that she slept through the night! Looks like your on to something!

    Leslie’s last blog post..It’s What I’m Into

  20. Leslie Avatar

    Okay, grammar rules don’t apply to me.

    “Your” should have been “you’re” in my comment above there.

    Leslie’s last blog post..It’s What I’m Into

  21. julie Avatar

    Yay!!! Yay!!!! Hooray!!! OMG that is the best thing in the world when a kidlet finally finally finally sleeps through the night!!! Congratulations!!!

    And Amy is just too adorable!

    julie’s last blog post..Weekly Winners

  22. Cinn Avatar

    Yay! I’m so happy that she slept through the night. I hope you got some good sleep.

    Cinn’s last blog post..Resolutions, Revisited

  23. Burgh Baby's Mom Avatar

    Woo hoo! Go, Amy!

    Now, could you have Amy give Alexis a little talk? She’s still trying to kill me with sleep deprivation.

    Burgh Baby’s Mom’s last blog post..When I’m Wrong, I’m Wrong

  24. Dawn Avatar

    Thank the lord for sleep!

    Dawn’s last blog post..NaNoWriMonday – 1:8

  25. Judith Shakespeare Avatar

    You got some sleep? YAY.

    Once again, cute as a button… and now she sleeps too! πŸ™‚

    Judith Shakespeare’s last blog post..And I Laughed When They Said That About Hamlet…