Sometimes I just get so angry that I could happily beat things to death. Especially at bedtime.
Amy is never the reason I am angry, I accept that some nights she has trouble falling asleep and needs me to go and cuddle/resettle/kiss her eleventy hundred times.
No, I get angry at things that are preventing Amy from falling asleep.
Like when she will have just settled, and then the dog will insist on dragging the cat around the house growling, while the cat yowls and then, when I finally have them separated, Seven will bark and Amy will get out of bed just to tell Seven to ‘Shhhhh Dog!’.
Or, when she is just falling asleep and then a cat will jump into her bedroom, prompting cries of ‘Kitten! kitten! Here pleasey!’ from Amy, again with her needing to get out of bed.
And then again, when she is finally settled and all the animals are outside so that I don’t kill them with my rolling pin, or god forbid, my bare hands, the kittens will hear her in her bedroom (she sings herself to sleep) and jump onto her window sill and meow.
And then she will get out of bed, and then Seven will jump up against her gate whining and Amy will spend all her time trying to climb over her gate, so she can hug Seven and then I will finally get Seven AWAY FROM THE FUCKING KID and I will get Amy BACK into bed and settled and everything will be sweet until Seven decides that she needs to pee and scratches to go outside, right outside of Amy’s bedroom.
So, I will put Seven out, and put Amy back to bed, then Seven will scratch to come in and bother Amy A-FUCKING-GAIN and I will curse the person who put 2 of the bedrooms right near the outside door.
THEN, I will bring Seven inside and wonder why the fuck I bothered because she obviously didn’t need to go outside in the first fucking place BECAUSE SHE IS PEEING IN MY CLEAN FUCKING LAUNDRY A-FUCKING-GAIN.
And then, Seven will settle and Amy will settle and I will stop visualising murder and death and a padded room….
And then…
Amy will have a bad run of diarrhoea needing me to change her nappy 4 times in 20 minutes.
And I will repeat everything ALL OVER AGAIN.
Hi, My name is Veronica and this is MY LIFE.
20 responses to “Bedtime Woes”
One day this will all be a distant memory
frogpondsrocks last blog post..Mystery revealed (yay)
I feel for you and right now I’m just crossing my fingers and toes that this sort of scenario doesn’t pay any visits upon my household in the near future. We’ve had enough bedtime troubles for a lifetime already…but then again, so have you!
Here’s to no repeat performances by Seven and the kitties!
SusanBs last blog post..Quick Fix Pics
Hi my name is Holly and if you need any of those animals removed I know a good trapper.
HRHs last blog post..What to wear when trapping beavers…
The second one is guaranteed to be easier. Max is my difficult one, although he was the easier baby.
Memarie Lanes last blog post..Paint the Town Red with Machete Mike and the Hairless Yeti!
I hear you, it does get a little better when they get older no bums to change and you can yell at them to leave the cat or dog alone and get your ass in bed!
Jenns last blog post..My Parents Love Me!
cute blog.. ๐
bloody animals and bed time..
Hi, My name is Veronica and this is MY LIFE.
love it..
Tazs last blog post..forever friends..
I just love the sympathy from mother…
Xbox4NappyRashs last blog post..An unlikely hero?
Its always the animals ๐
In our case its stupid kids outside playing on our front garden instead of there own but as its “council” property we are not allowed to say anything about it (even when there throwing a football against our children’s windows)
Laura McIntyres last blog post..Proud
*backs away from the mommy*
((hugs honey)) It can only get better… right? xx
Marylins last blog post..Wait a minuteโฆ
LOL, I’m laughing, but really, I do sympathise!
Jentys last blog post..Photohunt: Water
Hi, my name is Barbara and I also want to kill. We have no animals – ours is usually external factors which is better because I end up wanting to murder people and that’s always more acceptable than killing poor defenceless kitties and pups! Sorry for the diarrhoea though, that’s just not fair. Well done for being able to spell it – I had to copy and paste it from your blog into my comment!
Barbaras last blog post..173/366 – Play Misty for Me
Good grief, this is what I have to look forward to?
anjas last blog post..A follow on.
Umm, anja, is there something you’re not telling us?
Things will get better. 6 months from now the kitty and seven will be older and more settled. Maybe even Amy will go straight to sleep by then..
No Anja, your children will be perfect sleepers from Day one…. promise….. **snigger snigger**
Hugs V,
When we were 6 people living in a 2 1/2 bedroom house, we had hoons racing up and down the street JUST when WGO had drifted off nigh nighs. Infuriating !!!!
Widdle Shamrocks last blog post..Silly Sunday
Now I remember why I always resisted the temptation to keep pets as well as kids! You’ll have to sleep when/if Amy has a nap during the day .
Oh, I am right there with you.
tiffs last blog post..Irony.
Your mom kills me!!!
AND you just made me stop bitching and moaning that all our bedrooms are on the 2nd floor, which means we climb the stairs umpteen million times a day to change diapers/nappies. NOW, I will do so happily, so that at night when the dogs are running amok and the cats are insane…it’s all away from the bedrooms. It’s all perspective.
Hyphen Mamas last blog post..Corn Flakes?
Oh my word! I know exactly how you feel, and I no longer even have a toddler! My youngest is six years old and last night, for instance, I was ready to pound something or someone into the ground by the time I got her settled into bed. It wasn’t her fault. It was everything around her! Not to mention my own fault in letting her stay up too late and sleep in the next day. Summer break has screwed us up bigtime.
Sometimes I’m in the worst mood possible by the time the house goes quiet, and I just want to sit in the middle of my floor and cry. It’s a horrible way to end the day. I’m not even hormonal and pregnant!
Amazing! That article was wonderful to ready, so interesting. I will tell my friends about your blog.