Suddenly, the world looks so much brighter. This last three weeks has felt interminable. It’s been horrid. Horrid I say.
She has a blood test tomorrow, this daughter of mine who won’t sit still to have a splinter pulled. We will head to the hospital and arrive 20 minutes early so they can put numbing cream on her arm. Then we will do everything we can to get a little blood out of her.
Then we’ll need to work out what to celebrate with.
23 responses to “Can I just say…”
Oh I’m so pleased for you that this is over!
No idea with celebrations… if it were me I’d probably do something like take us all for ice cream… but i have no idea what she can and can’t eat with the whole gluten thing. >_<
No suggestions sorry but yay for no more gluten.
hmmmm not sure?
But WOOHOO! to no more gluten!
Do the happy dance…But go easy on your joints sweetie
How about a huge pizza!
Seriously, congratulations. Here’s hoping things get better,
Triple choc cake???
Yeah!!! You survived! If you’re ever captured and tortured, you can think of this time and know that you will be ok.
Yay for no more gluten!!!
How about another round of chasing butterflies?!
hip, hip!
chocolate for the celbration. always chocolate. you know that!!
You made it! YAY! I totally second the butterflies suggestion!
Woo-hoo! How about getting her a pet wallaby and three new puppies? They’d be so fun to have in the house for about the first 15 minutes and it would make really good blogging material. :p
Phew! You did it! Have been thinking about you all this time!
Thank goodness. So glad it’s all over. Good luck with the blood tests (both taking and results).
Hmm, not sure about the celebratory food – aren’t you guys avoiding dairy as well? How about fudge? I have no idea how it’s made but I think it’s mainly just sugar. That should do the trick!
How about this Freak of Nature Cake?
CHOCOLATE. And hugs. 🙂
Yum yummy!
Not sure if she has had numbing cream before but look out for allergic reaction and possibilities of not working – just in case. My EDS daughter had massive allergic reaction and it did not work when little. Truly hoping this doesn’t happen for you. No more gluten – I am so so so pleased for you all. xoxoxoxo
Get copies of the path results, too, for future reference when some bizarre medico demands that she goes back on gluten “for further testing”.
Then bring him over to my vegie patch….
Whew. I’m glad THAT’S over. I could feel the tension from here.
Ice cream!!!! Hooray, you made it!
a chocolate frog.. 🙂
You can get that cream at the chemist. Put it on BOTH ARMS. We numbed Boo’s arm and then they had to use the other, un-numbed, arm.
Celebrate with Gelati, I’m pretty sure it’s gluten free, at least the one in my freezer is. And balloons and bubble blowing.
Yay! No more gluten!
wondering how the test went and how you celebrated.
YAY!!! I’ve been thinking about you.
How many days to detox?