
Exhausted, mentally, physically

by Veronica on February 9, 2014

in Amy, Ehlers Danlos Syndrome, Isaac

I had to walk up the road (200m) this morning to discuss an incident in which a neighbour’s dog killed a bunch of my baby chickens. By the time I got back, I was exhausted. It’s not a strenuous walk – the road is flat and easy. But my foot fell apart as I limped home, unable to quite work out which bone was out of place.

Yesterday I had one ulcer hiding in the bottom of my cheek. This morning, both sides of my mouth are ulcerated. My skin is breaking out, my brain is foggy and I am Tired and Run Down.

The school holidays were wonderful, but I’m wrung out. I need a week of laying on the couch reading books, drinking chicken soup and doing nothing.

My joints are flared, my shoulders keep falling out of place and I am feeling like my blood pressure can’t work out how low it wants to fall.

Look, this happens every few months. It’s actually been a while since I felt this terrible, and it’s nice to have had a break in the middle from the see saw that is my health.

But today I feel crappy, and exhausted. I have things I need to do, I have things I want to do. I have children to feed and watch and play with, but uuuuugh.


School is back, which is a bonus. Isaac began Kindergarten last week, and his first day went amazingly well.

Isaac first day of school 075

Isaac first day of school 098

I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t looking forward to this week, with 2/3 of my children at school, and Evelyn still napping regularly.

Hopefully, I can rest, recharge, and stop feeling like I’m being pressed into the ground by the sheer weight of the exhaustion I have.

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Let’s play a guessing game.

by Veronica on March 23, 2013

in Amy, Evelyn, Isaac

I was looking through my photo albums the other day, and pointed out a photo to Nathan. He nodded, acknowledging that he’d seen it, and pretty much ignored me.

“Honey, which kid is that?” I asked.

“Evelyn, right?”

“Nope. Isaac.”

He came back over and had a closer look at the photo, which is what I expected. I make Nathan look at so many photos of his children – children that he sees every day – that I can forgive him for acknowledging and then ignoring me.

“Wow.” He said.

Internet, there can be no doubt that our children look very much alike.




I wonder, in twenty years, will I be looking at the baby photos and having to hunt down their dates to work out which child is which?

And, for regular readers, can you guess who is who?

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Exhibit A: Where did my baby go?

Exhibit B: I have THREE children. How did that happen?

Exhibit C: It was a cold morning and she is FUZZYWUZZYADORABLE.

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So, Internet. Everything has kind of gone to hell around here in the last few days.

Amy has had conjunctivitis and has been home from school for a week. This morning, Nathan and I discovered that she couldn’t hear 3/4 of anything we said. Luckily, we had a doctors appointment booked already, because it turns out she has what is commonly known as glue ear and has gone quite deaf. This explains why I’ve spent the last few days demanding to know why the TV is turned up so far.

Both of her eyes are bright red still, despite drops, so we walked out of the GP with stronger antibiotics to help clear up her sinuses, which will hopefully let everything fix itself.

Also a good thing that we had a doctors appointment today: Yesterday, I realised that Evelyn was having what I thought might be seizures.

Worse than that, she was having what looked to be lots of seizures, not just one out-of-the-blue convulsion.

I managed to catch some on video, dutifully showed the doctor, wondering if he was going to tell us we were being ridiculous, only to have him look quite concerned. This, I might add, is our incredibly laid back GP, who never seems concerned about anything.

He agreed that they certainly looked like seizures and is currently organising for us to see the hospital clinics, as soon as we can for follow-up. Probably early next week.

Her jaundice still hasn’t cleared up, which could be causing them – which wouldn’t be so terrible. Except then you wonder why her jaundice isn’t clearing up, when she’s feeding and gaining weight so well.

Around in a loop my brain goes.

They’re not terrible seizures, involving mostly eye flicking, rolling and blankness. They last anywhere between 15 seconds and a few minutes and she’s unresponsive while they occur.

She’s only 33 days old.

It hardly seems like we could have broken her in a mere month!

This is why new babies need warranties IMO.


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