I was over at Problogger the other day, reading a post from Josh at Worlds Strongest Librarian – both good blogs to read through if you’ve got some time – and he was talking about how he got sponsors for WSL.
He ran a competition, asked people to submit an application to him and at the end of a month, he had sponsors.
The deal:
I ask for an application – you provide it, along with a 125×125 px image to use as your ad.
You get a month’s free advertising on Sleepless Nights, in the left sidebar over there, just above the No Clean Feed graphic.
At the end of a month, you can either choose to pay for another month’s advertising, or walk away from this whole deal with nothing lost, hopefully still sticking around to read me.
If everybody walks at the end of a month, I will run the same competition again, with new applicants and new ads, for another month long free advertising stint.
The Application:
Here is what I want from you.
I want you to email me with:
A 125×125 px graphic that will be used to link your blog.
Answers to these questions:
Who are you?
What makes you happy?
Why do you want to advertise on Sleepless Nights? (correct answers include – because I like Sleepless Nights – incorrect answers include – because it’s free stupid.)
Why is your blog/business special?
I will be accepting applications up until the 1st of March and I will announce the winners on the 14th of March.
When I say ‘month long’ I meant from the 10th to the 10th or the 20th to the 20th, regardless of how many days in the month. February is out of the running, so you’re not getting short changed.
Fine Print, that isn’t actually fine at all, because it’s the same size as everything else.
There will be 6 ad spots available.
I will be judging the applications myself, with some help from Frogpondsrock – who will also be running the same competition on her blog. I will be as impartial as I can. Our decisions will be based on your application – it will not be based on the size of your blog or business.
You don’t have to be selling something; you can advertise your blog.
I will not advertise for drugs, illegal activities or propaganda. I reserve the right to make that decision.
Everyone will be charged the same amount at the end of the month, no special deals, or more expensive ads for big businesses. I reserve the right to not tell you how much I’m charging in this blog post, but I will disclose it within emails.
My email address is veronica@somedaywewillsleep.com and please include the words ‘Advertising Competition’ in the subject line.
I’ve been thinking about how best to monetise Sleepless Nights for a while. It’s no secret that we’d all like to make some money from our blogs and I’m no exception. Personally I’d be happy if the blog would cover the cost of some chocolate now and again and that’s what I’m working towards.