Evie was 12 weeks old yesterday chronologically, and around 8-10 weeks old corrected.
This is her doing her very best attempt at lifting her head during tummy time.
At 12 weeks:
– Her head control is poor, especially when she’s tired.
– She rarely unclenches her fists and hasn’t yet discovered her hands. Nor does she put them in her mouth. They’re still wildly waving appendages that smack her in the face often.
– She light gazes intently, but isn’t interested in faces, people, or toys. Probably because she can’t see them properly.
– Feels floppy a lot of the time. Her Paed says that her muscle tone isn’t bad, but she still slumps in my arms and needs holding/cradling like a newborn when she’s being held.
– Sleeps most of the day and all of the night. She will have a 6-8 hour stretch overnight without needing a feed, and then another 3-4 hour stretch after that.
– Rarely cries. Actually, only cries if she is cold, uncomfortable, or wants to go back to sleep. Will whimper sadly when she’s hungry.
– Still seizes regularly and has only intermittent sight. Her peripheral vision is better than her central vision and she sees movement a bit.
– Looks like this:
So basically, she hasn’t hit any developmental milestones, her seizures continue and she is divinely edible. She likes music and will keep her head resting against my mouth while I talk or sing to her. She is terribly difficult to entertain, because of the sight issues, and if you don’t speak to her for a minute, she forgets you’re there, gets really sad and then jumps when you speak to her again. She recognises my voice and will settle when I pick her up – provided I speak at the same time, otherwise she gets terrified with her magical ascent into the air.
Also, this –
I am so in love with this photo.
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