
Saving Humanity?

by Veronica on October 12, 2010

in Ehlers Danlos Syndrome, Headfuck

After the nightmare that was my Gyn visit recently, I went to my GP to ask about the new drugs.

Surprisingly (ha!) with a close family history of blood clots, I shouldn’t be taking anything to make my blood clot, except under direct medical supervision, which we assume means only if I’m in hospital being monitored. I’m incredibly annoyed that they were prescribed without pertinent questions being asked first.

I had a good whinge about the medical system and got myself referred to a different Gyn, in a private practice. So dammit, I’m going to be listened to, even if I’ve got to pay for the privilege outright.

With the EDS, a family history of blood clots (from the other side of the family) Gyn issues and everything else stacking up, my GP quipped that our family had all these issues, so that the rest of humanity didn’t have to.

Which sort of hit home.

I try really hard not to count the labels were dealing with, but we’ve got a whole host of things going wrong medically.

A veritable melting pot of fuckedupedness.

I mean, sure I can laugh about it, but what a nightmare.

And once, just once, I’d like to be not saving the rest of humanity from disease. You know? It just feels like a little much for one person to deal with.

They’re definitely not wrong when they tell you that one broken gene leads to a host of issues.

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There are things you don’t want to hear when you go to the doctor.

Like – You have the back of a 60 year old. When Nathan is only 28.

His back is bad. Really bad.

There are arthritic changes, a bulging disc, some compressed discs, bone spurs, narrowing of the nerve canals and degenerative issues.

Never gonna get better kind of bad.

Sure, loads of physio should help in the short term, but as far as I remember, nothing can be done for bones that are arthritic, or bones that are breaking down.


I’ve been seeing a Gyno for my insane periods and heavy bleeding/cramps like labour pains. That’s the backstory.

I went to see them yesterday, to follow up on how the trial of a contraceptive pill went.

[paraphrasing, as best I can, because somehow, telling you without the conversation added is too hard]

‘So, how did the pill go?’

‘HA! Badly. Really badly. I came off it early because it was bad.’

‘Bad how?’

‘Mood swings, depression, increased dislocations, etc etc. Bad.’

‘Well, in situations like yours, we really like to try the contraceptive pill.’

‘Yes, but the pill doesn’t agree with me.’

‘I can see. And you seem very against trying it again.’


‘So, we’d like to try the Mirena.’


‘Huh? No?’

‘I have anecdotal evidence to tell me that the mirena would be really bad for me’ [he tries to cut in] ‘and YES, I KNOW that the progesterone supposedly doesn’t leave your uterus, but really, my body is so sensitive to progesterone that I don’t want to trial the mirena.’

[he looks very spluttery]

‘We would like to try the mirena. If you don’t want the mirena, then we’re looking at things like gonadatropins and they’ll make you gain lots of facial hair and will deepen your voice and -‘

‘Well I don’t want to trial those either.’

‘If you’d try the Mirena, we wouldn’t have to look at gonadatropins.’

‘I don’t want the Mirena.’

‘Gonadatropins will make you gain a lot of weight… wait, I’m going to consult with my boss.

[A few minutes later, his boss- the doctor I saw last time enters.]

Hi Veronica, so you trialled the pill?’

‘Yes. And it was awful. I stopped it after 3 weeks because I couldn’t cope anymore.’

‘What happened?’

‘My joints fell apart, it felt like I was walking on a wobble board instead of a pelvis, I was angry and sad and it was horrible. So I stopped.’

‘Good, that’s what we discussed. So really, our next option is the Mirena.’

‘I don’t want the Mirena.’

‘It’s really the best option.’

‘I don’t believe it’s the best option for ME. I think it will make my joints worse and YES I KNOW the progesterone won’t leave my uterus, yada yada, I’m not willing to put a coil into my uterus to just see.’

‘We’re really running out of options here, the Mirena…’

‘No. I am opposed to IUD’s on ethical grounds too and really, I don’t think poking my internal organs with metal and making them angry is going to make me feel better on the whole.’

‘Ethical grounds?’

‘Yes. I don’t like how they work.’

‘Do you KNOW how they work?’

‘I know a plain IUD doesn’t prevent ovulation or conception, it just prevents implantation. I know the Mirena with it’s progesterone generally prevents ovulation, and also that it prevents implantation in the event that conception occurs. I don’t want the Mirena, I don’t want something I can’t stop using myself if I get bad. I can’t afford to wait weeks until I can get in here to be seen and fixed and HONESTLY, I’ve been on the wrong side of side effects and statistics for so long, I’m not prepared to mess around with things.’

‘Right. Well then.’

‘Can we try something to help with the cramps and pain instead of trying the mirena? ‘

At this point, I feel like I’ve been fighting the doctors to get ANY sort of health care that doesn’t involve inserting a foreign body into my uterus and leaving it there. Not to mention the absolute shock on their faces that I wouldn’t accept the Mirena as ‘the best possible thing’ [all hail the fucking copper coil] and wouldn’t be badgered into it. Not even with the ‘you’re gonna grow facial hair and get really fat’ scare tactics that the original doctor was using. I mean, fuck.

Eventually, the doctors agree on a course of action, medication wise and send me away with a script.

45 minutes later, I get to read all about the reasons I should not take a drug to help my blood clot.

Like, don’t take the drug if anyone in your immediate family has had a blood clot. Both Mum and Nan have had blood clots.

Don’t take the drug if you have bruising, especially bruising without trauma. Hello fucking EHLERS DANLOS.

Don’t take the drug if you have irregular periods. Um yeah, that’s part of why I’m seeing a Gyno. I’m 21, I’ve had periods since I was 12 and I’ve had 2 kids, my periods should be fucking regular. They aren’t.

I’m just so tired of having to fight the doctors for things that might help. Tired of them not asking questions they should before they prescribe something. Tired of being treated like a disobedient child, for not falling into line and letting them do whatever ‘they think best’.

Tired of feeling like these bandaid fixes don’t do anything towards working out why my body isn’t doing regular periods, why I bleed for 10-12 days each period, why the periods feel like labour pains, and why I’m having hot flushes.


I’m booking an appointment with my regular GP to discuss the new tablets before I even think about taking them. Somehow, knowing how my body works and which side of the stats I fall on, I’m a little concerned about taking something to promote blood clotting.

On the upside, there was a Med Student there during the whole appointment and I got ages to talk to her about Ehlers Danlos while the doctors were consulting in the other room. She was lovely and interested to know how EDS presents in normal cases.

So good deed done. Even if I still want to bang my head against the wall.

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I feel blurry.

by Veronica on September 18, 2010

in Headfuck, Life

Blurred vision.

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This post comes from my friend, Kristin, who is going through a really tough time at the moment and can’t post it on her own blog.


It’s hard to tell where it started. Perhaps it was the night I stood in the kitchen. The kids were in bed, he was down in the basement doing god knows what, lifting weights probably. I was alone. I was angry. My body was trembling. And that is when the thought entered my mind. That I could take a glass, one of his glasses, a Guinness glass, and throw it against the wall and it would feel very good. I had bought him a set at Target last year. They were large, over-sized drinking glasses. I stood for a moment and tasted this thought. I had never thrown anything against a wall, never broken anything before. I didn’t think highly of people who did these sorts of things. But wouldn’t it feel good?

It wasn’t just that he had been reading my private emails. It wasn’t just the elaborate lie he had made up to cover up the fact that he had been reading them. Nor was it the lie upon lie upon lie before that. No. It was the eight years of stifling every sharp-edged truth that rose up in my heart lest it disrupt the precarious balance of his emotions and tilt him into a slide. A slide into what? I didn’t want to find out what. I lived in fear of that what.

In the end I picked up the glass and walked to the stairwell and in one easy motion chucked it against the wall where it smashed into a thousand, glorious splinters.

A glass thrown against a wall in an empty room. Immature, perhaps. Fateful, it would turn out. But so clean and honest. I turned and walked quietly to my room. Did I know then that I had aroused the slumbering beast?

It’s funny how when tragedy falls we act so surprised, as if we never saw it coming. This was my very reaction three days later when I sat in my bathrobe filling out the witness statement as the police took photographs. I couldn’t believe any of it was actually happening. But looking back all the signs had been there. I had lived in fear of this moment for months. Years, really. I had gone so far as to pack bags and prepare a safe place for myself and the kids to stay after each legal meeting, just in case, knowing that he would be agitated by the discussions over child support and alimony. I woke often during the night, nervous and on edge. I felt trapped and afraid living in the same house as him during our divorce, waiting for my settlement so I could get out.

No one had ever laid a hand on me in anger before, ever. Not my father, not a boyfriend. No one. I had only seen my parents argue once in their 16-year marriage.

When I sat in the Victim’s Assistance office of the county courthouse, just before my husband was released from jail, I told my story calmly and with careful attention to detail. In truth, I was both exhausted and terrified. I never thought I would be sitting here. I was intelligent, well-educated. Wasn’t this something that happened to other people with different lives?

I told her about the phone call I received from jail. He wanted to make sure no one at his work found out lest he lose his job, was quick to point out that we both relied on his paycheck. He blamed me. Asked how I could do this to him. I didn’t do it, I said. Well, it was your fault for making me angry, he said. The victim’s advocate shook her head. Typical abuser response, she said, no accountability. She was the third person to tell me this.

I am still digesting these words. Abuser. Victim. I don’t like the way they sit in my gut.

I relayed my concern for my children, who seemed by turns angry and stunned. My daughter, 7, sitting alone at the kitchen table, staring off into the middle distance. My son, 5, full of turbulent emotion. By the close of the weekend they were yelling, hitting, kicking, crying. My daughter in the bathroom, my son on the outside, “I’m going to break down this door!” I tried to pull them apart, hold them, comfort them, isolate them from each other, scold them, talk to them, nothing worked, nothing. They were like two broken satellites hurtling through untempered black space. Lost.

* * * * *

I try to imagine what it was like for them, how this must have rocked the simple order of their world. What was it like through their eyes?

That morning they are watching a movie. I come downstairs and sit on the couch with them and I can tell right away he is angry. He immediately begins to pick a fight. He demands I apologize for the glass throwing incident three days before. I tell him I don’t want to argue. He persists, is clearly worked up. Please, not in front of the kids, I say. He walks to the kitchen and picks up a large ceramic artisan bowl my father bought for me before he died. It is my favorite bowl. Do you want me to throw this against the wall? He lifts it up and holds it precariously, tilting it from side to side. No, I answer. Apologize, he demands Please, I say again, not in front of the kids. The children are silent, their movie forgotten. They look back and forth between us. My heart beats fast. I avoid his eyes. They are like steel. He badgers, needles, provokes. I ignore. He disappears upstairs.

I wait. I wait until I think he is in the shower and then I go upstairs to get some clothes for my son, who is still in his pajamas. But of course he is waiting for me.

What did they hear next? Probably nothing for a while, as I try to defuse the situation, talk him down as I retreat backwards into my room. And then? His yelling? Did he even yell? I don’t remember. The door to my room banging open, the pursuit, the crashing of fists through the bathroom door, my screams. His animal-like wail. By this time I can hear them crying downstairs. Then they see him run down the stairs and flee the house–the police had been called–crying, his fist bloodied. The 911 operator is telling me to repeat myself, slow down, breathe. This is when I hear them sobbing outside the splintered bathroom door. My son is clutching his blanket. I let them in, lock it again and hold them close until the police arrive.

* * * * *

Here are the facts:

• On Saturday August 14th, my husband was arrested and jailed for domestic violence.

• He was released on $1,500 bail the following Monday and given a 72-hour no contact order that applied to myself, the kids and our residence.

• I was urged by the Victim’s Assistance unit at the courthouse to file a restraining order to extend this.

• I was urged by my lawyer not to file a restraining order as this would interfere with our Collaborative Divorce case, which was fully negotiated and settled, but not yet drafted and signed by us.

• Instead, my lawyer filed a temporary order extending the no-contact order until our divorce is finalized. It allows me to remain in our current house until then and gives him limited contact with the kids. I am responsible for paying the mortgage and all household and child-related expenses and he has been ordered to start support payments. The support payments will not cover the expenses of the house.

• Two days after my husband was released I was out front doing yard work with my son when he said, “Is that Daddy?” I turned around to see a car identical to my husband’s driving by the house. We live on a dead-end street. It had driven by once, turned around at the cul-de-sac, and was driving by a second time.

• I was told by the Victim’s Assistance unit at the courthouse to immediately file a police report seeing as my husband had violated the no contact order.

• I was told by my lawyer not to file a police report as the police would again arrest my husband and then he might not sign the divorce agreement.

• I didn’t file a police report.

• Since the incident on the 14th I have had no direct communication with my husband other than the phone call from jail. I have been told through my lawyer that he wants financial restitution from me for the expenses incurred by him for having to hire a criminal attorney and pay for anger management classes, all of which he deems to be my fault. He is now refusing to sign the divorce agreement and instead asking for a reduction in alimony payments to compensate for this.

• I have incurred several thousand dollars in legal expenses getting a temporary order filed in lieu of a restraining order and otherwise dealing with the fallout of this incident.

• He has never apologized to me or expressed concern about the trauma experienced by the children on that morning.

* * * * *

I’m not sure I can properly convey the way violence can shift a world. I have a jar of compost scraps on the kitchen counter that is full. I need to empty it. The compost bin is at the far end of the backyard where the lawn meets a thick stand of trees. I won’t go empty it.

I’ve had a locksmith out to change the front and back locks and I’ve changed the code on the garage door. And still, at night, I don’t sleep. Every sound, every creak of the house settling, sets my heart to racing. The kids are in the next room and they feel so far away. I want them closer.

I used to think nothing of going out to the mailbox.

I have dealt with a lot of setbacks in my life. I have lost my parents. I have been through break-ups, left old lives behind, started over time and again. I have the drill down. I know how to catch my breath, get up and dust myself off, tuck my humor back in my pocket and head off down the road.

But this. This has quite knocked the wind out of my sails. Because this man is the father of my children and I can’t take their hands and walk off down the road without him. He will always be there. And just when I think I’ve turned a corner, he’s found a new way to break me, financially, emotionally, psychologically. And now the threat is physical.

My own blog has sat silent now for two weeks. I have so much inside me that I want to say but I’m afraid to say it because there is the silent threat of a backlash. Will he sign the divorce documents or not? If not, I stay in a house I can’t afford and we start over again with new lawyers, another 15k down the drain. Will he respect a piece of paper telling him to stay away? Or ignore it as he did earlier this week?

People ask me if I recognize him as the man I knew during our marriage. The truth is yes, I do. Only darker and more amplified. It’s myself I don’t recognize. I don’t know this woman who is paralyzed by fear and stunned into silence. I never dreamed mine would be the face of domestic violence.

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We were driving home this afternoon, after an Early Intervention appointment and various other things, when someone threw a rock at Isaac’s car window.

Our car was almost on the highway when we heard the crash and felt the car shudder. Nathan spotted the rock rolling away in his rear view mirror and pulled over.

Luckily, SO SO luckily, it missed the window by about 6 inches and hit the side of the car instead.

You can see where it hit near the petrol cap and scratched. That window you can see in the corner of the photo, that’s where Isaac is.

For Tasmanians, we were leaving Chigwell, on the sliplane to the Brooker Highway when it was thrown. There is a bank there, on the left of the car, with houses, back fences and lots of scrub. Speed limit 100kmph.

The rock was thrown HARD – hard enough to shatter a window if it had hit and it was a large rock. Because whoever it was was above us, there was no way they were aiming for anything other than the windows.

I am still shaken and so so angry.

This rock, it could have killed my son. I hope whoever it was is proud of themselves and they’re bloody lucky that Nathan didn’t catch them.

The person had bolted, but the rock lay in the middle of the road still, with our paint on it.

A large rock, thrown hard at our window.

We called the police from my BIL’s house about 5 minutes later and they came and looked everything over and filed a report for us. The officer was lovely and understood exactly why we were so upset. He was also amazed at how large the rock was, normally only pebbles are thrown. Heh, normally. Rocks shouldn’t be thrown at cars. EVER.

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