Are you at your wits end? (Yes!)
Are you contemplating beating things into very small pieces with an iron bar? (Oh god yes)
Have you seriously considered locking your children in their bedrooms? (or the closet… Just for a little while. But yes.)
Have you got things going on in your life that you can’t blog about, but you are seriously thinking of murdering people? (Please tell me I am not the only one…)
Has your toddler been so fucking clingy and needy lately that you are ready to send them outside with nothing but a stick? (Yes. Yes and yes. Or maybe I will sell said toddler to the Gypsies. I haven’t decided yet.)
Do need some time out? (I would kill for some time out)
Well let me be your wits end sponsor!
I will bring you chocolate when you need it. (Everyone needs chocolate sometimes.)
I can run interference while you go to the toilet/shower/eat in peace. (Because damn, what I wouldn’t do to poo/shower/eat by myself)
I know where the good cheese can be found. (Even if I can’t eat it right now)
I will hold your hand as you cry over that thing that everyone seems to think you should be over by now. (Because god, hurting over something is SO last year. Especially when that something is huge and life changing.)
And I have a good store of wine in the bathroom. (That I can’t drink. I actually bought it to cook with)
I am skilled at the bedtime song and dance routine. (And that person who has an angelic sleeping angel (who falls asleep easily every. single. fucking. night. can just go get fucked)
I know all the methods you can use to not smack the toddler. (These are very handy if you have a toddler like mine, who just LOOKS at you and then determindly does whatever she got in trouble for again.)
I am becoming very good at NOT strangling the dog. (Things which I will happily pass on to you in your hour of need, because GOD FUCKING KNOWS, if I have to clean up one more crap, or rewash a whole basket of washing because it was pissed on, I might just need you to counsel me.)
And all these skills for the everyday low price of NOTHING! Yes, that’s right, NOTHING. Nothing to pay, nothing to spend, absolutely nothing.
I will do all this for free because I love you. Honest. Just one condition…I need you to do the same for me.