Category: I’m getting married

  • Wedding: More photos

    Yesterday I published photos of my wedding and afterwards, I was quietly chastised by a few people (in the very nicest way possible) who seemed to think that I ought to share more photos. I hadn’t shared lots, in order not to bore you all to tears, but it you all appear to like the photos very much.

    Last night and today I got some more photos from the ever amazing Tan’s camera (Tan did the flowers) and some photos that my grandfather took. I am inordinately grateful to the both of them for emailing through their photos, as more photos are never a bad thing and the rain meant that we didn’t take any staged photos.

    If you like, I can share more as they arrive in my inbox.

  • A wedding in a paddock

    The amazing cake, made by my friend Catherine.

    We’ve known each other since we were babies.

    So, it rained. Starting an hour before the ceremony, it rained and continued on throughout the rest of the day, meaning I don’t have nearly as many post ceremony photos as I would like.

    But that’s okay.

    Isaac refused to carry the rings or walk down the aisle, hiding in my neck like a koala instead.

    My mothers friend did my flowers and they made me happy every time I looked at them. My house is now full of gerberas and I love it.

    I think that’s about it. I’m still exhausted, I think it’s going to take a week to recover. I could not have gotten through yesterday without the amazing help from my little brothers friend Rhiarna (not pictured) who worked tirelessly and therefore has my eternal gratitude. Also, Tan (who did the flowers) and her daughter and daughters boyfriend .

    Amazing people. Really.

  • Married!

    I will have more photos tomorrow when I’m not quite so close to the brink of exhausted collapse.

    Oh and yes, Isaac wore his boots because he didn’t want to wear shoes and I didn’t have the energy left to argue. It was good enough that he wore a new tshirt.

  • I’m getting married! TODAY.

    Here we are, on the 26th of November. My wedding day.

    We’re slowly pulling together the last of the details and food prep and I expect I’ve got a very busy morning ahead of me. The nice weather predicted came a little early and today is grey with a good chance of rain, but honestly I’m not too bothered.

    I promised you a live-stream and here it is. I’m hoping to run a test for it at 10am AEST, before the wedding proper at 12.30pm AEST.

    You are absolutely more than welcome to watch!

    Live video from your iPhone using Ustream

  • Fifteen hours. Give or take. Take, most likely.

    In fifteen hours time, thereabouts, I will be getting married. I’m excited and nervous all rolled up into one – we have a lot of things to get prepared tomorrow morning and I expect to be very busy.

    I wanted to update you all on a few things however, because people have been asking.

    Yes, I will be live-streaming it. I will embed the live stream here, so that you can watch easily, without hunting for links. There will probably be a few tests in the morning, but the actual wedding starts at 12.30pm AEST and you can watch then.

    No, we’re not going away afterwards because Isaac won’t let us leave him. We’re not terribly bothered at this point – although after the stress and work of organising a wedding, I can see why people insist on escaping immediately afterwards.

    Actually, I think that’s it. Wish me luck, I’ve got to go and organise a playlist now.