Category: I’m getting married

  • An almost wedding and life




    They tell you that your first line has to be your hook, in order to get readers, reading. But sometimes, life gets on top of you and starting a blog post anyway you can is the best you can do and the worst of blogging rule breaking. You can do it anyway you know, because it’s your blog and I’ve given you permission.

    I’ve been walking around today in a perpetual state of minor panicky-ness. Almost a panic attack, but not quite, I merely wanted to lock myself in my bedroom with ten or fifteen distractions (puppies! kittens! small children! e-books! iPhone apps! only some of these things were available) and ignore the world for today.

    It isn’t what happened however, despite my patented head in the sand method and a few declarations of “I don’t even want to think about this yet, so we’re not discussing it” and I was Productive and Stressed and probably Bitchy as well.

    The wedding is in forty hours and steadily counting down. We had our rehearsal this evening, and I thought I was calming down, until I got home and realised that no, I was not in any way calm and I should probably take a sleeping tablet and go to bed.

    We had our rehearsal this evening, while the children tried to kill themselves on a giant slide (it was FINE) and people jogged around us. It was kind of weird and I couldn’t stop giggling during the vow practise. Sorry Nathan,  I wasn’t laughing at you, I promise. But we pretended to get married and there you go. Suddenly it’s all very serious and important and stuff. It’s a little weird.

    After that, I went to Bunnings and bought myself twenty pots of flowering plants, to plant myself an “aisle” to walk down. Nathan has declared that he is no-way-no-how digging holes for me, so I may have to press gang one of our brothers into digging holes while I boss them around.


    My to-do list of Things That Absolutely Must Get Done is growing (cover a cake in white icing! put down new lino in the toilet! coerce Nathan into dragging the ceramic pot filled with strawberries out to the orchard! put up a marquee! bother a duck to see if we have ducklings yet! hide!) and my head is close to implosion point. A warm bath would be lovely, but my joints are absolutely so crappy at the moment that it would do more harm than good.

    Isaac is, however, well on his way to being Back To Normal, and all that that entails. While I am bemoaning my loss of free time while he stared into space, it’s been rather nice to have him well again. Weight loss stabilised at a little over 2kg and he’s eaten well (ish) today, so I imagine that it won’t take him long to gain it back. Fingers crossed.

    This blog post had absolutely no cohesion at all. I’m sorry.

    Also, I just deleted over 300 spam comments without checking them, so if you got caught in spam recently, I’m sorry. I just couldn’t bring myself to trawl through offers of Christmas viagra (give your wife a boning hard present) and Russian brides (alone this dark long season of holidays?).

  • Grief, stress, grumpiness and man, I am tired

    I am getting married in just over a week.

    I discovered today that we don’t have as many tables as I thought we ought to, seating is a bit iffy (picnic rugs anyone?) and everything is needing to be tied together. If we add in an IRL fight with someone (and I am RIGHT and you are WRONG and being an IDIOT) and a Big Thing* happening at the same time, I have my hands a little full.

    Okay, they’re a lot full.

    Adding to this, the entire house has been stricken with some form of ‘flu and we’re all whining at each other, while we fight for space on the couch and which DVD we want to watch.

    To top it off, I appear to be getting my period. Cycle day 57 people. FIFTY FUCKING SEVEN. Tomorrow should be cycle day one. ARGH.

    And the cherry on top? I dislocated my GOOD knee yesterday.

    Never mind Internet, never mind. It will all be FINE, but you know. If bursting into tears while venting during a DM conversation last night is any indication, I’m a little stressed.


    When I was a kid, each year before my birthday, Nan would take me to a musical at the Theatre Royal. It would make up part of my birthday present and frequently we would get front row seats, which was very exciting.

    One year, the musical was Les Miserables and it was a HUGE performance at the Derwent Entertainment Centre. It was even more exciting because Nan was part of the cast, singing in the choir. I spent weeks down at her house before hand, listening to her sing while she learned all of the songs.

    After it finished its run, Nan gave me CD’s with the entire performance recording on them. Somewhere in a couple of house moves and a very active destructive toddler (Amy) I lost two of the CD’s.

    But, for a long time, Les Miserables was my go-to music when I was stressed.

    Screaming baby at 3am? Play Les Mis.

    Angry at Nathan for working all night and then needing to sleep during the day (the cheek!) Play Les Mis.

    Sing the songs, listen to the words and calm back down.


    I hadn’t listened to any of the songs from Les Miserables for years now.

    Nan is dead and some things just don’t need poking.

    But, I was talking to Nathan the other day and I mentioned “Lovely Ladies” as a song to make you smile, in a warped sort of way. And so I found it on Youtube, along with the entire musical score, care of someone uploading it.

    And you know what?

    It still works on stress. Of course, it makes me sadder now, but there is nothing like a good musical for making you feel ever so slightly better.

    In a warped sort of way, anyway.

    *I should be able to announce the Big Thing early next week. I’m just waiting for some things to fall into place.

  • Wedding plans. I appear to be running out of time

    With a wedding set to happen in 23 days, I’ve realised that days are not as long as I thought they were and that months will fly by if you give them a chance. Just because whining grumpy children make seconds feel like minutes, they don’t actually appear to have the power to extend time.

    I’m not sure if that is a good thing, or a bad thing.

    It’s probably good.

    From being a little stressed about wedding things a week ago, now I’m feeling quite zen about the whole thing. Sure, I need to buy stacks of paper plates and work out where I can buy wooden forks from, but the spit is organised, an old family friend has gifted me the sheep to go on it and I have friends and family descending on the house the day before in order to help with preparations.

    If we can’t get things organised with all of the extra hands, then we deserve to have things left undone.

    There are a few things that I absolutely need to do before the wedding and one of them involves buying a new bra.

    [insert music of doom here]

    I hate bra shopping. Hate hate hate. But as the ever so lovely Renee pointed out when we were discussing bras at the Problogger event (as you do) – I need to be wearing a different size bra. I gained weight and it seems that a good portion of that weight landed on my breasts. Nathan is thrilled to bits about this, but I’m not convinced.

    The other thing I need to do is start seriously preparing my children for the sheer amount of relatives that we’re going to have up here – something that I’m not sure the kids are going to cope with. Isaac hides in the bedroom whenever his cousins come to visit, and he LIKES them. Amy sort of understands that the wedding is a party, but she just wants to put up the wedding tent and “live in it Mummy!”

    It’s going to be interesting, at the very least.

    And, both children need a haircut. Amy will be fine, but Isaac has a tendency to scream blue murder and require a straitjacket type approach in order to get his hair clipped.

    I visualise lots of flying time in my future.


    I’m getting married Internet!

    PS, I have completely forgotten to invite a bunch of people. This is a bad thing.

  • 10 weeks. The countdown begins. (PS, I’m getting MARRIED, SOMEONE HELP)

    The last few months have flown in a haze of interstate trips, small whiny children, rain and miserable weather. I looked at my calendar today and freaked out a little at how far into this year it is. September is almost over? What happened September, I was counting on you!

    Anyway, today marks ten weeks before my wedding, which I am alternately excited about and panicking about the stuff! left! to! do!

    I have to send invites out soon (the lovely Toni is making my invites) and make sure that my cake and cupcakes are coming along nicely (thanks Cat and Watershedd!) and then, I have to sit down and prepare with my family for what is happening when and who is eating what and where can I find enough haybales to seat people during the ceremony and does anyone have magic grow powder so that I can coax my orchard into a semblance of maturity?

    In the middle of all of that though, I know that things will be okay.

    I have my dress.

    The Celebrant is booked.

    We have food mostly organised.

    Everything else is gravy, really.


    Anyway, one thing that I thought I might do and haven’t yet had a chance to pursue, is to see if any brands, or small businesses would like to help out with the wedding, in return for my eternal grattitude, plus advertising/in content mentions on Sleepless Nights, Twitter and Facebook.

    We’re also planning on trying to live stream the wedding for friends and family who live on the mainland/internationally, who may want to watch us tell everyone how much we love each other and try not to laugh inappropriately.

    The dress is from a small shop somewhere in Melbourne and cost me $15 and the leggings I am planning on wearing are from We Love Colours.

    So you know, if you’re a business, or representing any businesses that would like to be involved in my low key country wedding, I would love to hear from you.

    And if you’re a friend who lives too far away to come, would you like me to live stream it? What is the best way to do that?

  • Our wedding, sick children and eggs. Lots of eggs.

    I awoke at 3am to Amy, staring at me.

    “Mummmmmy, my ear hurts.”

    She coughed a little for good measure, as I stumbled out of bed and towards the fridge for panadol. This is why I buy panadol when my children are awfully healthy – it’s because I don’t want to be short of it at 3am.

    I dosed her up, tucked her back into bed and fell back asleep myself, praying that she wasn’t really getting sick, as the things I had planned for today really didn’t require two children in attendance.

    When my alarm went off and I stopped pressing snooze repeatedly, I woke Amy up.

    And then I woke her up again five minutes later.

    And then again, 10 minutes later.

    “But mummy, my bones are really very tired today.”

    I was still hopeful that I would be able to send her to school, up until she dozed off during breakfast, before coughing herself awake again.It appeared she was actually, unfortunately, ill.

    Instead of school, that would have been a lovely break for me and fun for her, she got to come to see our Celebrant with us, while Nathan and I dealt with the legal stuff that we needed to get married.

    Both children were very well behaved, in the scheme of things and I was quite pleased. We’re now all official with our legal intentions to marry and birth certificates looked at and everything. That is exciting.

    26th of November, we’re getting married.


    In other news, which is unrelated to everything else, I collected 14 eggs today. FOURTEEN. Even though I am using eggs as fast as I can, I am not using eggs as fast as my chooks are popping them out.

    I’ve asked Nathan nicely (demanded) to make me a sign to put out the front, offering eggs for sale, but he is terribly busy with other things (slacking off) and hasn’t. Yet.

    All of this is to say, if you’re in Tasmania, in the Hobart ish area and would like to buy some proper free range eggs, then I’m your girl.

    When I say proper free range, I mean, my chooks have access to an acre of pasture that is mine 24/7 and they frequently roam the 10 acres of pasture that surrounds me. They are proper free range and the eggs are delicious.

    I also have duck eggs to sell, but supply of these is not as reliable as the chook eggs, so email me first.