It was our anniversary yesterday.
A year ago yesterday we got married. A year ago today, I started to miscarry. A year ago tomorrow, I lost a baby. It’s a strange time of year. Introspective, but not sad. Maybe if I didn’t have Evelyn, I’d be sad, but I do and everything that happened a year ago was the lead up to falling pregnant with her. The pregnancy that failed paved the way for the pregnancy that succeeded and here we are, twelve months on.
We spent the day doing not very much at home. Nathan watered the new trees that we’ve put in, carrying buckets backwards and forwards all over our paddock. Isaac ran around, ending the day on an incredibly festive spirit by colouring his face in green and red. Amy cried, tired after a long Monday at school and Evelyn slept. I did a bit of everything, including more words on my current WIP.
If you look over into the sidebar you can see that I completed NaNoWriMo with days to spare. A week to spare in fact. I’m rather proud of myself, because November hasn’t exactly been a stress free month. If you’re interested, my novel synopsis can be found here. Feel free to tell me how much you like it, I’m currently running on a mix of chocolate and ego and my ego meter needs refilling.
I’m enjoying the writing. Fiction is a lot of fun, harder in some ways, but a lot easier in others. My characters have rather nicely taken over and are currently running the show – I’m just the one writing it down for them. I reckon it will finish up somewhere around 100k words, but we’ll see.
In any case, nothing new is happening. Evelyn continues to twitch. Two weeks ago she started holding her head up when she was on her tummy. That lasted a whole two days (long enough for the Paed to see it, at least) before she lost that skill. Her vision seems to be getting a bit better, unless she’s tired or upset, or there is too much background “noise”. (I think I’ve said this. Recently in fact. Am I repeating myself? I repeat, reality is a bit warpy when I’m writing fiction.)
So she’s back to trying to eat the floor when she’s on her tummy. No signs of rolling over yet, nor can she grasp toys yet, or hold onto things. We’ll get there, it’s just a slow process. We see the neurologist again in a bit over a fortnight, so hopefully he has some ideas for us by then.
In summary:
I love my husband still; having a small baby makes having a miscarriage a year ago not that sad; I win at NaNo and am entirely awesome; and the baby is still odd- adorable, but odd.
How are you? What’s going on in your November that I have missed? Fill me in. (And yes, I mean YOU. If you’re reading here, I’d like to know how your month has been. Stop second guessing yourself. I honestly want to know. Tell me your stories.)