
It’s no secret that I dislike early mornings with the kids and find school mornings inordinately stressful, even if I do have everything laid out and organised the night before. Let’s face it, I am just not a morning person and would much prefer to greet the day slowly, from the warmth and comfort of my bed.

But, that’s not how it goes once your child is at school. Most mornings, I’m lucky if I even manage half a cup of tea, before we’re out the door, dropping Amy off at school.

However, once the chaos of the actual drop-off is over and done with, we come home and Isaac and I have a leisurely breakfast, while he watches cartoons and I catch up on things I need to do.

With school holidays happening at the moment, I may be getting a slower start of a morning, but that is counterbalanced by the amount of attention my children need. And frankly, at this point, I’ll forgo a lie in, in favour of no screaming/fighting/kicking/hitting/toy stealing/whining. Which is what it feels like my school holidays have been made up of, so far.

I think half of the problem is that this is Tasmania and while the calendar says that it is Spring out there, my weather flat out refuses to play nicely and it’s been cold and windy. Cold and windy means that my children have been inside more than out and it’s starting to do our heads in, just a little.

I took the kidlets to playgroup today and LO, it saved our sanity. Isaac only had two meltdowns, and Amy painted plaster figurines, leaving me mostly free to chat to other mothers and herd Isaac into the playdough table.

After that, they weren’t even that terribly behaved in the supermarket! I am, exhausted, of course, but so are the children, so it’s not too bad.

And all I can say is, how long until school goes back? (8 days)

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My children have been screaming at each other for hours. Amy has done something to Isaac, but Isaac has touched something of Amy’s and it’s just this big convoluted mess of screaming and sibling angst and apparently I’m not paying enough attention to either of them, despite ending up with both of them in my lap at every opportunity.

We’re all sick, with some sort of fluey cold thing, and I’m due for my period, which means my joints keep falling out of place. Exhaustion levels are high, as are levels of snot soaked tissues (and shoulders and knees – thanks Isaac) and PMS.

I spent some time looking back through old photos, like I always do on Sunday and now I’m sad. I’ve got PMS and I miss my grandmother and the week of slightly warm weather has decided to disappear and nothing is working how it should, least of all my body. Shoulders are not meant to go crunch when you roll over in bed.

Some days, I would like to just go back to bed and stay there. Some days, it all just feels like too much and I’d like to trade back the dead grandmothers and autism and Ehlers Danlos for a door that isn’t quite so tough.


My children before they got all angry with each other:

Our sunset the other day:

And these, that make me miss Summer so terribly.


My garden – before the frost killed everything.

See more Sunday Selections here.

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Things I know, the slightly exhausted edition

by Veronica on August 19, 2011

in Blogging, Life

Things I know was such a success last week that I’m doing it again.

  • I know that flying into Sydney is exhausting, even when you’re having a great time.
  • I know that dinner with Fiona and Watershedd will make you laugh lots and talk even more.
  • I know that Penthouse suites sometimes have mirrors on the roof and the Internet can’t agree whether this is creepy or cool. Neither can I.

  • I know that being on floor 56 is very high up.

  • I know that working with brands can be fantastic, if done well. I’m writing a post to be published over the next few days about brands and conversation and communication and the importance of it all. Expect the post on Monday.
  • I know that coming home is sometimes the best bit about being away.
  • I know that red shoes make me happy.

  • I know that my house didn’t flood, even though the river made it up to major flood levels and Nathan rang me a little worried on Thursday afternoon. There is very little I can do about flooding when I’m in a different state. The river has receeded now. Thank god.
  • And finally, I know that personalised Cornflakes boxes are very cool. SO COOL.

What do you know this week?

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A photography kind of week methinks

by Veronica on November 15, 2010

in Life

Last week I woke up to a paddock filled with droplets, the water weighing down the seed heads on the grass. It was so bright when the sun shone that I couldn’t look at it directly and the small childlike part of me wanted to run through it and get soaked, kicking water everywhere.

When I went inside to get my camera, even without dancing with the droplets, I was soaked to my knees and my shoes were so wet that throwing them into the shower to clean off the mud and grass seeds was the drier option.

I changed shoes, grabbed my camers and then carefully moved through the grass, taking photos.

After the drama of last week, taking photos was restful and I was able to forget the comments and reputation destroying that I was witnessing here.

My thigh high grass was laid over, the weight of the water much too much for it.

I may have soaked 2 pairs of jeans and 2 sets of shoes, but it was worth it.

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Happy Birthday to me!

by Veronica on November 12, 2010

in Life

It’s my birthday today!

Happy Birthday to me!

And considering that none of you can actually throw stones at me, I can tell you that today, I turn 22. I know! Ancient. (We won’t talk about how old I feel though, okay?)

So, because it’s my birthday and you all love me, can we have an unofficial delurk day?

Yes. I said it. Stop hiding in the shadows in the back and come out and let me know who you are.

I’d love to meet you, if I haven’t already.

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