Category: Life

  • Funnies To Keep Me From Going Insane

    Thankyou so much to I Can Has Cheezburger for these photos.


    funny pictures

    funny pictures

    We are due at the mortgage brokers at 1pm. I am so nervous now, even though I wasn’t over the weekend. Send good thoughts.

  • Weekly Winners, And The Big Reveal


    Amy’s newest trick is to sit on the arms of the couches.


    Now, remember when I told you all about how I had BIG NEWS! and I wasn’t allowed to share yet? Weeeeell, Nat and I discussed it and he doesn’t mind if I blog about it now.

    So anyways, the story first and then the photos.

    Last week, one of Nathan’s work colleagues told him about a house for sale, quite cheap (read: 50k cheaper than other places about the place) so Nat and I enquired about it, thinking that it would probably have been sold already. (Yes, it was that cheap). It doesn’t look pretty on the outside, but the inside is nice, very comfortable, and we really liked it. (They could have cleaned up the yard for the photos at least, sheesh! It has had a lot of work done since these photos were taken btw)


    Anyways, we made an offer and the owner accepted. It has so much potential for us to do things to it. Plus the yard is HUMUNGOUS, see? Can you see the teensy tiny fence in the back of the photo? Near the power pole? That is the boundary line.


    Woooooo Hoooooo!


    The kitchen has a large bench running alongside the edge of the photo that you can’t see, and the kitchen/living/dining are all open plan. No more slaving in the kitchen all alone. No, now I will be able to throw things at Nat if he doesn’t help fast enough.

    SOOOOOOO, we bought a house! (insert squeals and jumping up and down here) Well, almost. We speak to a finance broker tomorrow, so please, cross every little thing you can, send us all the good thoughts, pray, whatever you do. Please, we need this house. I neeeed to get out of these rental properties. I need to stop moving. When (not if) we move in there, it will be our 6th move in 3 years. *sigh*

    I will update tomorrow when we get home with what the Mortgage broker said. Either be ready with champagne, or with tissues and chocolate. K?

    See more Weekly Winners here.

  • I Wonder How People Find Me Here

    People search for some strange stuff to find me here. Along with these searches, I also get the regular ones, like – sleepless nights, sleepless toddler, sleepless nights toddler/baby, how to make your toddler fall asleep etc. Anyway these ones here are some of the different searches I have had in the last week.

    extra long ladies dressing gown – So that you can keep your ankles toasty and warm I guess?

    the sound of you eating annoys me
    – The sound of anyone eating with their mouth open annoys me, but hey, HOW are they eating exactly?

    tickling with feather stories – Well, there was this one time…

    japan sucks balls – Ooooookay. If you say so. Not having balls myself, I wouldn’t know.

    am I ovulating my opk says no – Honey, if your predictor kit says that you aren’t ovulating, then you probably aren’t ovulating. Either that or you are doing the test wrong.

    toddler falling asleep with milk in her mouth – That’s okay, it will either dribble out and you will end up with a crusty faced toddler, or she will swallow it. It shouldn’t hurt her.

    toddler sucking nipple – I don’t want to even think about who you are and what you were doing on my blog.

    good luck of 2 birds in my house – It is good luck? Well, sheesh! Why didn’t anyone tell me that? I might have spent less time squealing and more time thanking my lucky stars last time I had birds in the house.

    what are the things which annoy children – All kinds of thing. Sometimes even someone breathing near them will cause a tantrum. Why do you want to annoy children may I ask?

    Progesterone test shows I ovulate – Hey me too! CONGRATULATIONS!!! I’m still not pregnant though.

    no egg-white mucus this month – Were you checking regularly? Could you have missed some? No? Then you probably didn’t ovulate.

    19 year old grey hair – Yeah yeah, I know. Don’t remind me. I need to buy some dye already.

    can you have a fireplace in the kitchen? – Ummm DUH! Of course you can! Why, you can even cook on it! Who knew?

    ‘tickle her feet’ feather – There is a special feather for that kind of thing???

    lady where to get dressy shorts – In the dressy short section. Wait! I didn’t know you could get dressy shorts. Do they look different to regular shorts? Maybe they have sequins…

    stuffing trackies into boots – If you are wearing boots, then you shouldn’t be wearing trackies (sweatpants). Unless of course you meant gumboots (wellingtons)? And then I would say, yes, stuff away. How else are you going to keep your trackies out of the mud?

    toddler boys grabbing breasts – Yeah, I am just going to walk away backwards from this one. You are creepy m’dear.

    People are weird y’know?

  • Happy (Slightly Belated) De-Lurk Day!

    You know what? I didn’t even realise yesterday was delurk day until I was over at Ree’s place and saw this post.

    Well, blow me down, how did I miss that?

    So I pinched the pretty little graphic off her page and slightly modified it (What? I’m allowed! And as it is still the 10th in a good portion of the world, I will defend my right to do so).

    Delurk, delurk, delurk ALREADY!

    So hello! And big waves to my lurkers. Who are you? How did you find me? If you leave me your blog addy, I promise to try and get back to comment on your post. Even better, leave me your favourite email address and I will personally email you back.

    Anything you want to know about yours truly? I will make it open season. Ask me a question and I PROMISE to answer you back. How’s that for love?

  • More Random Mindless Drivel With Me Shouting SQUEEEEEE! In The Middle.

    Don’t you hate it, when there is something at the forefront of your mind and YOU CAN’T BLOG ABOUT IT??? Arghhh!

    So anyway, I hope that I can tell you guys about it next week sometime. I can tell you that is awesomely good and it makes me want to jump up and down and yell ‘SQUEEEEEEEEEEE’ (and I don’t normally shout squeeee!), but no, I’m not pregnant. Have I gotten your interest sufficiently piqued yet?

    I suppose this is where I should tell you to Subscribe! so that you don’t miss my reveal all post, but honestly, if you don’t think I am awesome and wonderful and want to heap bloggy love on me then meh, don’t subscribe.

    See? How easy was that?

    Now onto today’s regular blog.

    Who on earth convinced me to subscribe to blog365? Oh wait, I know. It was Sarah, she tipped me over the edge and made me say ‘Dammit! All the cool kids are doing it, I want to be involved already!’ So I joined. And now I wish I hadn’t as I am blogging about random drivel.

    Oh wait! Look, something SHINY!

    Are you distracted yet?

    Sooooooooo, today was hot. Meltingly hot. Have I mentioned that I live in TASMANIA? That is very close to ANTARCTICA. It shouldn’t be this hot here *sigh*.


    See? See? Do you SEE???

    I am hot.