Category: Life

  • Oh Hi! How Are You? You’re Here For The Blog Post Aren’t You… or Oh Wait, What Was I Going To Say Again?

    I used to be able to write while I listened to music. Not anymore apparently because I just had to turn my music off so I could write a coherent sentence.

    Unfortunately, the ability to write a coherent sentence does NOT actually give me anything good to write about. So damn.

    My daughter is playing by my side, absolutely covered in pen. She seems to have discovered that drawing on paper is not half as much fun as drawing all over her legs. Oh wait! Now she is climbing up onto my lap. Joys! After holding her by her feet and swinging her from side to side, much like a pendulum, I have managed to extricate myself from her grasp for long enough to write this sentence.

    She is chewing on my knee now.

    Oh wait! Now climbing me sounds good again.

    Okay. I am back. She has been placated with a cup of peas. Peas you ask? Yes peas. My daughters love of peas is amazing. She would happily eat peas (slightly minted thankyou!) for every meal.

    So now, what was I blogging about? You don’t know? Shit. I didn’t tell you yet, did I.

    In amongst all the pea getting, hot water and toddler dodging, spoon manhandling and leg climbing, I completely forgot what I was going to talk about.

    Maybe about the complete lack of Tasmania bloggers about the place. (Do you know any? Do ya? Huh? Tell meeeeeeeeeeeee!)

    Or about how I feel so far different to the other kids in my age group. (Yes, kids. Do you know, they are going out and partying? How. Much. Fun. Or not.)

    Maybe about how Amy drew on the wall in pen and I had to scrub it off. (I haven’t told Nathan this one yet. Ooops)

    Or how she has tattooed her dolls heads. (She wants them to be like her Poppy apparently)

    We discovered today that milk + frozen berries + the blender = Amy’s favourite beverage. (and healthy too!)

    We also discovered that tomato stains the carpet (and Ajax is fantastic for getting it out)

    Also that the Toddler likes copying what Mummy is doing (by spreading food into the carpet as I am Ajaxing food stains out. She used the exact same hand movements I was)

    I have noticed that she does a very distinct set of movements when she needs to wee, probably about 30 seconds before she actually does. (yes Amy, we are going to buy you this fun thing called a potty!)

    So anyway, does anyone know of a meal you can make entirely out of condiments? Maybe with a few peas thrown in? I seem to have a cupboard full of sauces and not much else. *sigh*

    That’s okay though, we will survive. You know why? Because I still have peas. Yay!

  • Oh How The Place Has Deteriorated

    You remember how I posted a photo of my lovely clean office? Well, she has deteriorated just a little bit since then (read: the room is a shambles.)


    Clean office





    What is that you ask? Does the washing get dried in my office? Why yes! Yes it does. What gives me away? Is it the MASSIVELY HUGE (okay, it is probably the smallest pile of washing I have ever had. EVER) pile of washing in the corner?

    Also, why is Amy carrying around my percolator? I might need that tomorrow. Remind me that it is in my office when I need coffee tomorrow.

    Now, on my table is – a cup, 2 bowls, the foil from a packet of chocolate coins I was saving (the foil, not the chocolate. How can you save chocolate around me?) an air freshener (a present from Amy) and the empty packet from a block of chocolate. *sniff*

    Also there is a baby wipe and a sponge. More presents from Amy.

    I think I need to clean my office. *sigh*

    This post shamelessly inspired by Sandy from Momisodes. Thankyou.

  • The Reason That Bloggers Make Bad Mothers

    It’s because we take photos first and then rescue the kids, all the while composing blogs in our head.

    Mr Lady from Whiskey in My Sippy Cup has just highlighted what a BAD BAD mother she is* because she takes photos first.

    Also, here is a great example of a mother grabbing the camera first and cleaning up second. PS. Don’t go there unless you have a strong stomach.

    I would just like the throw my towel in with these guys, because GOD KNOWS I do exactly the same thing. Observe.

    Example A


    Amy cried alot (a freaking lot okay) when she was a baby. Eventually I just had to laugh at her and take photos.

    Example B


    Mashed peaches and rice cereal. I should have been cleaning her up, seeing as how she was done eating, but I had my camera handy.

    Example C


    Look Mum! I am crawling through your cupboards. Oh wait, I’m a little stuck. Help please? (Sorry about the blurriness.)

    Example D

    Climbing the Couch

    Now, just you wait there Mum, while I launch myself off the couch.

    Example E


    Looky, here I am in the TV cabinet. It’s cosy. And high. Have I mentioned that I can’t even crawl properly here yet?

    Example F

    Playing behind the fire screen

    Now I’m behind the fire screen. Oh wait! You still have the camera handy? Let me just pull this piece of wood on my feet. (NO! the fire wasn’t going)

    Example G


    I’m stuck in the drier Mum. Help? No! Now! Don’t take a photo first, I am STUCK!

    Example H

    amy stuck in the bassinet

    Now I’m stuck in the bassinet. You are supposed to be helping me! Not taking photos!

    Example I


    Here I am on the window sill. I wonder if I should stand up?

    Example J

    Raspberry Mess

    Mmmmmm. Raspberries. Now, if I run really really fast, I might be able to make it over there to the carpet before Mummy cleans me up!

    (Side note: What kind of landlord has cream carpet in their rental house?)

    See? All those times when I should have been rescuing my daughter, instead I was taking photos of it. There have been alot of times I missed because the camera wasn’t handy, or the batteries were flat. (Falling out of her highchair and hanging by one foot springs to mind and no, she wasn’t hurt), but ah well. I am sure I have years of photos to take as I hold my breath that she stays still.

    Sorry about the poor quality of some of these photos.

    *Yeah if you think I was being serious here, then your funny bone needs fixing.

  • Bedtime Miracles and Weekly Winners

    You know how my daughter wakes up every 2 hrs? Yeah, you all get that?

    Well, after yesterday and all the tears and the stress, she slept through the night.

    Yes, you did read it right. Amy. Slept through the night. From 9pm – 7.30am without waking up. There were a few whimpers at 5am, but she settled fast (read: 30secs) and went back to sleep.


    So here is to hoping that is becomes a regular occurence. I did wake up with porn star style boobs, (rock hard and massive) but Amy had a feed this morning and has helped out there.

    Anyway, onto the order of the day.


    Cheeky Girl

    Only one photo this week, mostly because I didn’t remember to take the camera up to Launceston with me. Pity really, because there were some great photos I could have taken.

    She is such a cheeky girl, I took this photo this morning as she chased me around the kitchen giggling.

  • Blogging Bedtime As It Happens.

    If you are bored with my sleep issues, then feel free to skip this post.

    8pm – Finish up dinner and read a book. I am mentally preparing myself for bedtime.

    8.10 – I took Amy upstairs, laid her down with a bottle of water, her dog and a dummy. I left the room. Cue crying.

    8.10 and 30 secs. – She just climbed out of bed. She is at the top of the stairs crying for me.

    8.15 – I went back upstairs and cuddled her, read another story, laid her back down and left. Instant tears as soon as she couldn’t see me.

    8.15 – Climbed out of bed again. Threw everything down the stairs. Alternately crying and playing.

    8.20 – Back upstairs to cuddle and re-settle her. These tears are hard, but my nipples are still sore. I have to be very strong. *takes deep breaths*

    8.21 – She is back out of bed. Can you see a pattern emerging?

    8.30 – Upstairs to resettle.

    8.32 – Yep, back downstairs. She cried as soon as I left and isnow alternately tantrumming and playing. Throwing stuff down the stairs as well. Good thing she can’t climb the gate, that would be nasty.

    8.40 – She is crying at the stairs still. I need to go put her back to bed, but I know she won’t stay there long. *sigh* I will wait a bit longer until the crying changes.

    8.42 – 2 minutes is an awfully long time. Did you know that?

    8.44 – I’m gonna head back upstairs and re settle. I can’t listen to her cry and not want to fix it.

    8.50 – One pooey nappy later, she is back downstairs. I think we will watch some TV.

    9.05 – Back upstairs with a clean nappy. We had big snuggles on the couch and read another book. In bed we had big snuggles and Amy had a huge drink of water. I put her in bed and left the room. She cried for a minute but is quiet now. I wonder if she is still in bed?

    9.18 – Suspicious silence. I didn’t hear the thump that normally accompanies a climb out of bed. I am too scared to go check on her. Sometimes she will play up there in my room for ages before I hear anything. I will swear black and blue she is asleep and then she proves me wrong. I don’t dare hope yet.

    9.20 – Still silent. I am trying to convince myself that checking on her is a bad thing. I really want to see those eyes closed for myself though.

    9.25 – Silence. Is this sleep? I am going to check, wish me luck!

    9.28 – Fast asleep!!! Probably has been for 15mins at least. I tempted fate and took a photo. Sorry about the terrible angle etc, but I wasn’t tempting fate by taking more than one.

    Fast Asleep. Finally!

    No, I didn’t risk turning on the light. That is my flash. Also, see the bottle? That is the first time she has taken a bottle in her life. It’s full of water because it is so hot upstairs, I didn’t want her asleep up there with no boobs and no drink. That brown thing that she is laying on? That is her favourite toy ‘Doggy’. She sleeps terribly if he isn’t about, though in a pinch ‘Ducky’ will do.

    She has also rolled about and dragged the sheet off the bed, but hey! I’m not gonna fix it now. The morning is soon enough.

    Also? My boobs are very full and they hurt. Ouch.