I just put Amy down for a nap. Without giving her boobs.
I am a horrid horrid mother according to Amy.
She kept looking at me and crying and asking for ‘boooooobs’. Her eyes got so big and sad when I refused to let her pull up my top and have a feed.
My reasons for this? She has become lazy and is refusing to latch on properly. 2 broken and bleeding nipples later (she ground her teeth on one), I think I need a break, if only for a few hours. When it hurts I will remove her and re-attach her, but she pulls away and twists her head and rarely stays attached properly for long.
So today, she is going down for a nap, without having a breastfeed.
It has been 2 1/2 hours of crying and wailing and gnashing of teeth (me, not her) and 2 1/2 hours of crying and tantrumming (her, not me).
She has a bottle of milk in case she is thirsty (it’s a hot day), she has her doggy (who is now milk and tear sodden) and she has a dummy for just in case. She also has a severe lack of sleep happening at the moment.
It is hard. It is very very hard, but at the same time, my nipples are singing my praises as they get a chance (even if only a few hours) to heal a little.
I have been up and down my stairs like a yoyo, putting her back into bed every time she climbs out, along with kisses and cuddles and I love you’s, but no boobs.
I am the worst mother in the world apparently. *sigh*
2hrs 45mins and counting. Still no sleep in sight.
Updated: At 3hrs and 10mins after I put her to bed, she fell asleep. Still minus the boobs. Woo Hoo! Still, I feel awful.