Pregnant. Finally.


by Veronica on November 16, 2008

in Life, Pregnant. Finally.

30 weeks and 3 days in. Only 9 and a half weeks left to go, right?

Please excuse my terrible posture, Nathan made me laugh just as he was taking the photo and I kinda threw my head forwards.


What to say about 30 weeks?

Has anyone else found that their fingernails grow twice as fast while they are pregnant? Seriously, what is up with that? I seem to be having to clip my talons every 2 weeks, rather than however often I used to do it before. Not as often as now though, I feel like every time I clip them, they need it again.

And let’s not talk about hair.

I’m all for my head hair growing twice as fast and twice as strong (or whatever happens) but seriously, everything else? Really? Do I need inch long pubes in order to give birth?

I think not.

And considering that I am having a hard time seeing anything below my belly button at the moment -where all my stretchmarks currently reside- how on earth am I meant to trim or shave my pubes? I’m not game enough to work blind with sharp implements down there.

So the hair growth? Feel free to slow down anytime now. I’m not sure Nathan really wants me to hand him the razor and say ‘go for it baby’ when things aren’t going to progress much past the shaving part. Poor boy.

On that note, how unfair is it that my libido seems to have returned? Just at the point where the actual logistics of getting laid are much more involved than the actual act?

Not fair at all. To either of us.

Leaky boobs. Oh the fun!

I had forgotten just how much FUN leaky boobs are.

I was examining my nipple the other day (as you do) making sure that everything was fine – I had cracks show up prior to Amy’s birth. Funnily enough, I didn’t get any after she was born, even though she spent all her time attached to my boob like a limpet – when, I squeezed a little too hard OBVIOUSLY and squirted myself in the eye.

Sure it would have been funny, if it wasn’t MY eye.

Plus, colostrum is much stickier than actual milk. I’m lucky that I had a sleeve handy or I might just have glued my eye shut.

[Wonder if I could glue Nathan’s shut the next time he pisses me off? Squirt him while he is sleeping and see what happens…]

Right, I think that’s just about everything covered. Fingernails, pubes, sex and breasts. Sound about right?

Hey, I never said I had any modesty left. At the end of all this I fully expect to push a baby out of my vagina and that isn’t exactly the kind of thing to lend itself to modesty.

So there.

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by Veronica on November 3, 2008

in Pregnant. Finally.

It’s funny, I haven’t really had any cravings this pregnancy. Sure I occasionally say to Nathan ‘I could definitely eat some …. if we had some’ but it’s never dire enough to make me beg him to go to the supermarket for me.

Not that begging for a supermarket trip would work, seeing as how the closest one is a bit over 30 minutes drive away. Sigh.

I drink a lot of milk and I’m a little worried if I run out of chocolate, but that’s nothing that I didn’t do before I was pregnant. I also eat a lot of fruit and salad, but again, nothing that I don’t do when I’m not pregnant. I didn’t crave much with Amy’s pregnancy either. I ate a lot of egg and bacon sandwiches, but I like eggs and bacon anyway so I don’t think it was that unusual.

The only strange thing is I will eat Vegemite when I am pregnant and normally I detest the stuff. Generally with butter on Saladas (dry biscuits) *shudder*

But it got me thinking, what kind of things do other pregnant women crave?

So, I did some googling.

[If someone got to your site by googling ‘pregnant cravings’ or something similar, Hi! *waves* That was me.]

So my [oh so scientific] research has turned up lots of different cravings. Women saying that they craved Hungry Jacks or McDonalds, chocolate paddle pops, coke, fizzy drinks, lollies etc etc.

It makes me wonder if we use pregnancy as an excuse to eat more junk food than we normally would? Especially as a lot of women seem to be confessing that they still ‘crave’ the junk foods even though they aren’t pregnant anymore.

Not that I am judging, I’m just wondering is all.

However, an equal amount of women are saying that they craved fruit, milk, salad, steak and vegetables and really healthy stuff. Goes to show how pregnancy affects us all differently!

Now for some slightly unusual cravings…

– One women says her friend craved Radiant Washing Powder. Yuk! Instead of eating it (which she wanted to do apparently) she washed all her curtains in it and hung them up to dry inside so the smell went through the house. Definitely a much safer way to deal with a washing powder craving!

– Gravel. Ugh. Can you imagine how it would feel in your teeth?

– Belgian Chocolate ice cream and chives. Together. Very um, interesting?

– The smell of cumin. She said she carried a little tin of cumin around so she could sniff it during the day. Now that is interesting!

– raw red onion slices dipped in honey mustard.

– squashed up mars bars with pickles

– French fries and ice cream

And last but not least…

– “I craved air fresheners especially the orange and lemon ones. I used to just stand in a room and spray and smell”

Hey, at least her house would have smelt good!

So I’m curious, did you crave anything when you were pregnant? Anything weird? Any stories to share? I promise I won’t mock you!

And if you’ve never been pregnant (because a pregnant Xbox would be interesting to say the least) do you find yourself craving foods sometimes?


Thanks to Yahoo Answers for most of these cravings.

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So since the last lot of stress, everything seems to be going fine. The little one is kicking like a trooper (read: it hurts like a mo’fo at times) I am getting progressively fatter by the day (sort of maybe, I’m not sure) and things are happening the way they should (ie: I am not having my baby yet).

On the subject of getting progressively fatter, here’s the thing: I don’t really feel that much bigger than I was a fortnight ago. Actually, I don’t feel any bigger. I know from my last appointment that I was measuring small (nearly a month behind where my uterus should be).

I’m not that fussed about it considering I measured small with Amy during the entire pregnancy – I went and found my antenatal records for her pregnancy and I measured anywhere between 1 and 6 weeks behind at any given appointment – so I think that this pregnancy is probably going to follow in the same vein.

I can tell you that the baby is DEFINTELY getting bigger if his pokiness is anything to go by. Naughty poky baby.

He is grounded by the way. No ice cream, chocolate or lollies for him for a year after he arrives. Not to mention he won’t be allowed out to party with his friends or given access to the car keys either.

And anyway the less chocolate my children eat the more there is for me.


It’s hot.

October is not meant to be a hot month. Warm, yes, but not hot. Not 30C hot (that is 86F for all you Americans. Seriously, when are you going to convert to the metric system like civilised people?)

I’m quite pleased though, for all the heat that we put up with yesterday, my ankles didn’t swell even a little. So proud. Who knew that one could be proud of her ankles? But I am. No water retention over here.

Now watch Murphy shoot me down in flames and make me swell like a balloon for the next 12 weeks.


Amy has done quite well with the heat. Helps that she is only 2 and can run around naked without anyone looking at her oddly (although, I wonder would Nathan have a problem if I adopted Amy’s approach? Maybe the belly would mess with the aesthetics of it though…).

She has discovered the joys of icypoles. Unfortunately she is finicky as hell and hates being sticky. 2yo + icypoles + heat = lots of sticky water and an incredibly pissed toddler.

‘Wash HANDS mummy! Wash HANDS NOW please?’

‘Baff time? Yes? Now? Please baff time? Need baff Mummy!’ (Bath)

‘Need novver one? Can haff novver one please?’



Signs I am not having enough sex:

I found a spider lurking in my cleavage. Thank god he was only small. Now I’m thinking though, it’s been much too long since Nat and I ‘got it together’ if I’m finding spiders in my boobs. What’s next, cobwebs in my underwear?

Seriously though, it’s been WEEKS, possibly even MONTHS. We made the executive decision to not have sex after the first scare with the baby (but hadn’t gotten around to it for weeks before that anyway). Recurrent issues have shown us that we did indeed make the right choice. The last thing my cervix needs is any kind of bumping.

However, I’m thinking that our decision might just kill us in the long run. Sure there are plenty of other things we could do, none of which involve my cervix, but seriously, creativity is not my strong point when I am pregnant.

And then there is the whole reciprocating thing. Sigh.

It’s all just too much work you know?


Oh yes, I am working on a birth plan to share with everyone eventually and I will get Nathan to take a belly shot soonish to share too. Okay?

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by Veronica on October 25, 2008

in Pregnant. Finally.

Just a quick post to let everyone know that things seem to have settled down over night. Thank goodness.

I haven’t had any painful contractions or any blood/bleeding this morning whatsoever.

Fingers crossed that everything stays this way!

Naughty baby.

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by Veronica on October 24, 2008

in Headfuck, Pregnant. Finally.

So you know, we were doing really well.

I had stopped stressing; we had gone back to discussing ‘when the baby comes in January’ rather than ‘if I’m still pregnant for Christmas’ and I was content that the little one was going to remain where he belongs.

Then I spent 2 hours having painful contractions today. Sure they weren’t that regular and I could still talk through them, but they were happening and they were painful.

But I figured, as long as we don’t see any blood and they stop, we’ll be fine. I rested, I drank lots of water and they stopped.

Then I started to see small amounts of blood streaked mucus. (Only very small amounts of blood mind you)

It’s fine though, because now the contractions have stopped.

[Aside from the one right after dinner, where I had to breathe and concentrate and just ignore Amy screaming at you, because breathe dammit. The good thing? It wasn’t followed by any others]

So random painful contractions and a little staining. Can we say stress?

Now before you start to worry, I’m not in labour. I’m probably not even in prelabour.

This is exactly what happened a fortnight ago when I headed to the hospital and look what happened. I spent 3 days there without even a baby to show for my efforts!

[Thank god]

[And a fortnight ago I wasn’t having any kind of painful contractions; any I had didn’t hurt, but details details.]

To be fair though, we did spend yesterday doing alot of stuff. Sure I didn’t lift anything, or carry anything or even do that much, but we walked lots and I pulled all the weeds out of my garden (slowly; relaxingly; grumblingly) and we were busy. So I suspect that doing too much *may* just bring this kind of thing on. (We were quite busy the day before this happened last time too)

So here we are again. Waiting and watching to see what happens. Resting lots to make sure that I’m not putting any stress on myself. Drinking enough water to float a small boat. All the things I should be doing.

It’s just – I didn’t want to have to be doing this again, you know? One bout of stressing about preterm labour is MORE than enough to see me through to January thankyouverymuch. This baby has already sent me more than grey enough and he isn’t even here yet.

It’s enough to make me realise that I really don’t need anything to go wrong. I want this pregnancy to go full term and to deliver a healthy baby more than anything right now. Dammit, it took us long enough to actually fall pregnant, it should all get to be smooth sailing after we saw those 2 pink lines.


Let’s just get through this again and everything will be fine. 27w1d so far. Still far too early for this.

And don’t worry, if it continues or if I feel we need to, I will head on down to the hospital to make sure everything is okay. At this point in time it has been a few hours since I had any kind of contraction to speak of and I *think* the slight staining is settling down. We’re going to see how I go overnight.

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