
I noticed an odd referring URL today when I was checking my stats.

So, as you do, I clicked to follow it back, to find out where people were clicking from.

I wasn’t expecting to find this though:

The web server you are attempting to reach has a list of IP addresses that are NOT allowed to access this site and your IP address is on this list.

Maybe poking at the Premier gets you blacklisted.



Actually, I was under no illusions I would be allowed to check out where the visitor had been referred from, due to the Admin part of the URL. I bet if *you* click over to the site, you will get the same blocked message.

And of course it’s probably just a wording issue that SHOULD say ‘IP addresses of ALLOWED computers have been logged and unfortunately, you aren’t on the safe list. Go away.

But what if it’s not?

According to my stats, they clicked over to me a bit earlier from Bleeter’s blog – Bleeter the Serial Government Botherer – so it *could* be a blacklist.

Things like this amuse me.



Please don’t forget I have that amazing competition running. Feel free to enter your blog, no obligations asked after the month. Your ad will be seen by around 12,000 people over the course of the month, give or take. Entries are open for another few days, until the 1st of March, so send me an entry!

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I don’t get political here very often, although there is no doubt I am green at heart.

It recently came to my attention that there is a law in place silencing discussion of the upcoming Tasmanian election by people on blogs and twitter. We’re not allowed to write about them anonymously, or comment on them anonymously. And in this case, anonymous means not having your full name and home address at the bottom of every single post or comment. For clarification, this is the definition of the ambiguous ‘electoral matter’.

This same law recently caused outrage in South Australia – why are we not seeing the same outrage in Tasmania? This law, it’s been in place for SIX YEARS.

Six years.

Of course, this is the first election where the Internet and social media are in heavy use by the voting population and it seems that no one actually knows what the precedent is.

But you tell me, if you’re making comment about our election, do you really want to have to add your full name and home address at the bottom of that comment?

No. Me either.

It’s a safety issue for one.

I don’t see our esteemed Premier, Mr David Bartlett giving out the address where his children live.

Why should I have to?

Don’t worry though, the writs aren’t in place for another 5 days, so for now, I’m safe.

I’m half tempted to write about the election anyway, just because I can.

I should clarify first, before you read the rest of this post, that this is not David Bartlett’s law. He didn’t create it and pass it and he wasn’t Premier when it went through.


On twitter, I follow a lot of our political leaders and enjoy having the backwards and forwards with the politicians. It’s my opinion that having to answer to us personally on twitter keeps them honest.

However, I clicked over to see what our Premier was up to today and discovered I wasn’t following him anymore.

Strange I thought, and pressed follow.

Oh you can guess what happened next.

Remember, this is our Premier. The leader of our state. The man who makes all the decisions that impact on me personally.

And he blocked me. On twitter.

I thought you had to have a thick skin to get into politics?

Not be a wussy cry baby who worries about twitter and being made accountable.

Now to be fair, I have disagreed with him. The state of the midland highway is atrocious and I wanted him to answer me as to why it was left looking unfinished. I heard nothing from him by the way.

I have questioned his policies, but then, I assumed that as Premier of Tasmania, questioning his policies would be something he was used to.

And yet, he blocked me.

What a sook.

Feel free to tell him what a sook he is if you like.

Heh. Appears my soapbox is getting a bit of work lately. I might just keep it out, just in case.

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So it happened again.

by Veronica on February 1, 2010

in Soapbox

So it happened again.

The temperatures soared, the wind picked up and faster than you’d expect, we were surrounded by a thick fog of smoke, unable to see the hills.

As the smoke got thicker, the butterflies in my stomach grew and I brought up the Tas Fire Service (TFS) website to find out where the fires were.


Page cannot be displayed.

I pressed refresh and refresh again, hoping for something, anything, to let me know where the fires are. I’m not in the city, I’m a rural girl and when the smoke starts to hang overhead, I start counting how long it will take to fill up all the water containers on the property. I start thanking my lucky stars that I had water delivered recently and my tanks are still full. I do a quick  walk around and a survey, looking at anything that might be flammable that needs damping down.

So as I pressed refresh on the website and nothing was coming up, I got a little worried. The sky was dark and smoke filled and the sun had gone a blood red, the kind of red you only see in bushfire season.

I grabbed the phone book and hunted for the TSF number. It took me three tries to find it, in my worried state.  In case anyone is wondering, it is under Tasmania Fire Service (not under Tasmanian Fire Service, nor under FIRE! EEEK HELP!).

I rang and spoke to a computer.

Which told me to please see the website for information on fires.

Fine, except the website, had crashed. Again.

This happened last time we had bushfires in the state, a few weeks back. Their site crashed and the public got a touch irate. But you tell me, wouldn’t you think that they would plan for it and FIX IT before the next lot of bad weather?

Eventually I got through to an operator, after being told to instead, check the website THREE times, and he was lovely (kudos to the TFS, whoever is manning your phones always does a brilliant job). The fires were about 35 km to the west of me and the wind was blowing the smoke straight over.

Hanging up, I could breath a little easier, even as I continued to push refresh on the website, eager for any information I could gather. Mobile phone reception out here in rural Tasmania is patchy at best and nonexistant in many places. I can’t pick up any radio stations here and trying to play them through the live streaming on the computer has, in the past, proved to be more static that radio.

It might be that I’m spoiled, living here in my first world country and getting my news delivered up to the second by twitter and online news sites like the ABC.

But you know what? When that blanket of smoke descends on you and you can’t breath for the smell of burning gum trees, I think you could forgive me for wanting up to the second information on what the fires are doing and which direction they are headed.

So to the TFS, thank you for defending our state from bushfires and thank you for manning your phones with people who don’t get exasperated when yet another Tasmanian, rings and asks about the smoke.

But, we’re living in a technological world now, I would think that you could have sorted out any teething problems with the website by now. Your computer on the other end of the phone lines tells you to check the website no less than three times while you’re pushing buttons, trying to get hold of someone to tell you whether you need to sleep with one eye open tonight.

In this day and age of instant information, I don’t think having your website crash at a critical time is acceptable. Buy more bandwidth. Sort out your servers. Pay someone to recode the website better so that you can update it without it going offline.

Because a page cannot be displayed error, when I can smell the gumtrees burning, it’s just not good enough.


Thankyou to ABC radio for providing information on the fires through twitter.

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Dear Facebook:

by Veronica on January 12, 2010

in Headfuck, Soapbox

Dear People of Facebook:

If all your photos are of you (topless) with your mates (also topless) I’m going to start to wonder if you’ve become a male stripper. Please, stop my wondering and fill out the Work part of your profile. I don’t care if you’re working for Manpower, I just need to know whether or not to avoid Manpower shows.

Also you? Yes, you. Your breasts are lovely. I’m not offended, although I didn’t really need to see them. I’ve got photos of my breasts up too, of course, my breasts had a baby attached to them, but whatever. You know what made me want to stab my eyes out? The terrible photoshopping job that was done on your ‘model’ pictures. Please, have a look at your legs and then look at the way the reflection is sitting. The angle is all wrong and it’s making me stabby. Ask your photographer to either a) photoshop well or b) don’t photoshop a reflection in. The photos are of you, a bad job of them looks bad for your portfolio. And makes me want to stab things.

You there! Group creator! Stop using the word ‘retard’ as an insult. It is offensive and it makes me cringe inside. Stop it, or I’ll start flagging you as offensive. Actually, I’m going to do that anyway.

Right, now, the one who writes EvErYtHiNg LiKe ThIs, doesn’t it take 10 times as long to type a simple sentence? It makes your words indecipherable, not cool or smart. You don’t look awesome for doing it. You look like a fucking jackass who doesn’t know how to use a shift key. You could be talking french for all I know and it would still shit me. Stop it.

Stop Capitalising Every Word Of Your Status Updates. It’s not a giant long fucking title, it’s a status update. Type it like a regular sentence.

You! I went to high school with you. I KNOW you know basic grammar and spelling, use it. Apostrophes are your friend. So are commas and full stops.

Text speak is for TEXTS. Not for status updates. I’m pretty sure you’ve got a qwerty keyboard in front of you (and if you’re updating FB from your phone, I will forgive you. a little) so USE IT. I’m not trying to learn another language, I’m trying to read through my timeline. If I friended you, likely I care about what you’re up to. Make it easy for me, please? Plus, it makes you look stupid, when everything lks lik dis, lolz epic fail /jk.

Photos!!! Learn a basic fucking edit. If the photo is blurry, delete it. Sure your kid might be cute, but I can’t tell when it’s the doorway 4 metres behind him that’s in focus. On the same rant, if you’ve got 20 photos of the same thing, maybe you ought to only upload one? I don’t care that in this one you’ve got one eye squinted and in that one you’re looking to the left. EDIT. DELETE. UPLOAD ONE. I’ll care more if I’m not wading through 10 photos of you with your eyes crossed.

For people with kids, I want to see the photo updates. I don’t want to click on an album and find 200 photos in it. My cousins wife has the right idea, she uploads photos in 1-2 month albums. It means that each album gets 20-30 photos and I actually look at them and CARE. (It helps that their son is a little younger than Isaac, actual family and rather cute.)


I think I feel better now. Of course, feel free to add to my rather venty list.


Disclaimer: Cos I need one otherwise people will whine at me about this: If you think this is about you, it isn’t. I know most of the FB friends who read here (they’ve either emailed or commented before) and they don’t annoy me. I will forgive a typo, I make them all the time. I will forgive a slight grammatical slip, although if you’re confusing your and you’re or their, there and they’re, I might get stabby. Fuck, I will forgive most things. Just please, at least pretend that you know how to craft a sentence? I’m pretty sure you can speak well enough, why can’t you write it too?


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Sign the No Clean Feed petition

by Veronica on December 15, 2009

in Soapbox

The Australian Government, namely Senator Stephen Conroy has given the green light for a ‘Clean Feed’ to be applied to Australian internet.

News posts here, here and here.

In laymens terms, this means that come next August, MANDATORY ISP filtering will occur on all internet.

It’s not up to the Government to say what I can and can’t look at on the internet. I am an adult and so long as my activity isn’t illegal (ch*ld porn) then the Government should have NO RIGHT to filter my internet.

It is up to me to keep my children safe on the net. Not the Government.

See NoCleanFeed for more details and if you agree with me, sign the petition.


As a web publisher, this scares me senseless. Officials have admitted that the filtering, while effective against the kind of sites they are wanting to filter (a blacklist, if you will. who knows what exactly they will be deeming ‘not suitable’) there are also plenty of false positives, ie: sites blocked that shouldn’t have been.

Does that mean I could ‘accidentally’ have Sleepless Nights blocked? Or what about you. What happens if your website gets blocked?

I don’t agree with it. It is censorship plain and simple.

Sign the petition against it. Please.


Feel free to copy/paste this entire post to your blog if you like. Just remember to give credit to either OR

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