CD30 (Approach With Caution. Blogger Grumpy)

by Veronica on April 19, 2008

in Headfuck

Today is Cycle Day 30 (CD30, see?).

Today is 12 days (hell, sometimes even 15 days) before my period is due. I have a 42 day cycle. I have learned to live with that.

My period started today.

Fuck fuck fuckity fuckity fuck.

10 days early is very very early, so I am almost suspecting that it is more irregular spotting. That said, it is heavier than spotting, but not quite as heavy as my period yet.

It just shits me that we can’t seem to get it together. It is always one thing after another fucking with my cycles, my body, my head.

I will be going to see my GP to get a referral to a Gyno this week. I’m not entirely sure what the waiting period would be to get in, but at this stage I am prepared to wait if it means that something is getting done.

When I had my ultrasound done Monday, the sonographer saw a small blood clot, that was dislodged with all his poking and prodding. My instincts are telling me that this [bleeding] is more than just one small blood clot being passed (hey, I saw the clot. It was small, allright?).

Some part of me is worrying that what he saw may possibly have been something trying to implant, but he POKED ME and messed it up. Then my head tells me I am being stupid and that isn’t possible.

[Tell me that it isn’t possible please]

So, I am bleeding [AGAIN! cue groans] and I am cramping [AGAIN! cue groans] and my mother has been too busy to go out looking for yarrow [that the wallabies have actually nibbled to death! cue groans].

So it seems that there will be no pregnancy this month. It also seems that we may need further investigations done to find out WHAT THE FUCK is going on.

I’m thinking a semen analysis wouldn’t go astray either. Luckily Nathan agrees.

Now ‘scuse me, I am all done banging my head on the brick wall and I have a lemon and honey drink that needs sipping. Then my bed and heat pack are calling me.


PS. Any and all advice welcomed EXCEPT for comments about relaxation. I am relaxed dammit. I will be less relaxed if you tell me to be so. Also, similar stories of woe welcomed. It’s all about the solidarity.

Memarie Lane April 19, 2008 at 1:29 am

Dude! You need to relaaaaaaax.


I hope you can get it all sorted out quickly.

What is a wallaby anyway?

Memarie Lane’s last blog post..Message from the Past

Marylin April 19, 2008 at 1:30 am

Aww hun, not gonna tell you to relax, just sending ya hugs from Scotland. (((((((((((Hugs)))))))))

Marylin’s last blog post..I’m Hai!

witchypoo April 19, 2008 at 1:33 am

I hope you mum finds some yarrow soon. I noticed I have some coming up in my tiny garden. The good news is that it’s invasive, so once you find some, consider it will be there a long time.

witchypoo’s last blog post..Spring?

Suzie April 19, 2008 at 1:38 am

You know my mother always tells me to relax and even though I love her it makes me wanna scream. So do not relax! So there! I am sorry this is hard. I’m sure the blood clot is just a clot.Good luck at the docs.

Suzie’s last blog post..Those Crazy Little Fish Balls

maiden53 April 19, 2008 at 1:43 am

I will keep my fingers crossed for you that the GYN will find a quick and easy – on you – cure!

maiden53’s last blog post..Ducklings Update

Hyphen Mama April 19, 2008 at 1:54 am

I’m pretty sure, almost 50% positive that poking around with the ultrasound THINGY couldn’t possibly interrupt an implanting something-or-other that is all the way up inside the uterus. I’m going with the same concept that sex during pregnancy won’t really put a hole in the baby’s head… due to the separation of the 2 areas with tissue and bone.

Feel better soon!

Hyphen Mama’s last blog post..Pet Peeve Thursday

Lou April 19, 2008 at 3:38 am

Nope. Sorry. No solidarity here. Never had a period. Not ever. Had wet dreams, once upon a time. THOSE were interesting. But never had a period. Plumbing all wrong, you know. The last time I had cramps led to a serious bout of sharts. Not anything I care to repeat. Don’t much care for the cramps. Oh yeah, don’t like having to throw underwear away, either. Garbageman doesn’t like it either.

Lou’s last blog post..C Word Challenge PLUS

Talina April 19, 2008 at 4:14 am

Similar stories of woe? I am your girl! 🙁

Sorry hun! It is so damn frustrating huh? Are you able to pin point impending ovulation in your charting? [Oops, I accidentally typed sharting and thought of witchypoo.., nice comment Lou!!]

The timing of intercourse is very close to ovulation time huh? Are you ovulating at all? I know breastfeeding can stop ovulation for awhile.. Maybe that is the problem and you need some time to get back on track. Just a some random thoughts.

Some advice? Get smashed like I did last night, we aren’t pregnant so we might as well be drunk right? Enjoy it while we can! Alcohol has calories too…

Talina’s last blog post..Counting calories to GAIN weight… A rant.

Ree April 19, 2008 at 5:48 am

Aw babe. That sucks. I also wonder if the breastfeeding has interrupted something.

I don’t know though. Practice Husband had no sperm (seriously. none.) so I know how you feel.

Ree’s last blog post..When in doubt,

Sarcastic Mom April 19, 2008 at 6:05 am

A couple things that you are already aware of, I’m sure – both the pill and breastfeeding could be screwing with you. Takes me awhile after leaving the pill (several cycles) to get back on track. And BF, I’m sure, factors in as well. With the on again off again of the pill, combined with the BF, maybe your hormones are all WTF, WOMAN!?!? Heh.

I will not tell you to relax. I will recommend large amounts of chocolate and cheese, combined with lots of foot rubs. Tell Nathan I said so.

Thinking of and praying for you, little darlin.

Sarcastic Mom’s last blog post..Don’t act like it’s never happened to you.

Burgh Baby's Mom April 19, 2008 at 6:46 am

Yeah, what Sarcastic Mom said. She’s smart and stuff.

Burgh Baby’s Mom’s last blog post..Real or Really Creepy No. 1

Xbox4NappyRash April 19, 2008 at 6:49 am

conveniently ignoring the iffy women bits stuff, I’ll go straight to sniggering at poor Nathan…

Xbox4NappyRash’s last blog post..Zinc or Swim?

Taz April 19, 2008 at 7:20 am

i think your taking the right steps hun.. 🙂

Taz’s last blog post..25 weeks old

teeni April 19, 2008 at 8:55 am

I’m sorry things are looking down for you right now – but the good thing is that things do tend to change so things should be looking up soon! I really just stopped in to say Congratulations on getting the Chat award from Talina though, so congratulations! See? It’s already started! 🙂

teeni’s last blog post..I’m Chatty and The 4th Occasional Teeni Awards

Anja April 19, 2008 at 9:49 am

It took me ten seconds to work out what ‘sharts’ were. Now I wish I hadn’t. Thanks for that, Lou.

As for you, our grumpy little person…

I won’t tell you to relax. I WILL tell you to take the pressure off yourself.

I can be 99.9% certain that what was dislodged was not anything implanting.

And before you hook poor Nathan up to the milking machine, examine a few things.

You’re young. You will conceive again.

When the hormonal horror effects of the pill leave your system, you WILL feel better.

And I will give you the same advice as I gave the vertically impaired love god who resides in the land of the crazy Dutch peoples…

Sex is fun, remember the fun bits. All this watching the calendar, performing on cue, waiting to see if it’s positive or negative… how much strain do you want to put on yourself?

Now be a good girl and get your cute little bunk buddy to massage your stomach. I will leave the rest of the scenario up to your wicked imagination.


Anja’s last blog post..Putin is a putz, and another woman ends up on the scrap heap.

kaylee April 19, 2008 at 12:54 pm

SENDING HUGS AND THOUGHTS YOUR way.. hope you are okay veronica! ypu are worrying me 🙁

kaylee’s last blog post..I need a hug today

Marie April 19, 2008 at 1:03 pm

Hey. We’ve not met yet, though I found you through another blog that I read regularly… and now I read yours regularly too. So hi! You’re being stalked from Midwest USA. First, I love your blog. You’re so real. That’s hard to find. Second, I know what you’re going through, totally. Only for me, it’s not that there’s odd bleeding, too much, at the wrong time, but that there’s none at all, and we’ve not figure out why yet. SO frustrating. So. Solidarity! Hang in there – hopefully a tiny squirming bundle will be coming to both of us soon.

tiff April 19, 2008 at 7:16 pm

Hugs. Lots of solidarity a BTDT kind of way. I know it doesn’t look that way but I wasn’t always the super breeder.

How about some rose quartz for positive thinking and moon rock for fertility?

tiff’s last blog post..“Davey Oliver”

river April 19, 2008 at 8:10 pm

No tales of woe from me, sorry. I wanted a baby, I got a baby, 4 times…….
My cycle was so regular I could set my watch by it.
I hope you get a gyno appointment really quickly and I hope he or she takes the time to examine every possible aspect of the problem. Meanwhile forget about the whole thing until you see the gyno.

katef April 19, 2008 at 11:31 pm

just sending some positive vibes… and maybe a visit to a natropath? I have some good success with herbal remedies getting my cycles back on track (though not with a view to conceive) after a missed miscarriage years and years ago.

katef’s last blog post..Following a Blog Trail

Kat April 20, 2008 at 3:30 pm

Damn, Veronica. Take a chill pill.
HAHA Sorry. Truly. I’ll bend over and you can kick me.

We’re not trying yet for #2 and it only took us a week of trying to get knocked up with #1… cross fingers that its that easy again.

But… my cycle? 24-25 days. Always. No fail. Consider yourself lucky, I say.

And also? The pill can take a really long time to fully leave your system and let your body function as its meant to. I really would just wait it out for a while before you get too concerned.

Kat’s last blog post..An Engineer’s Guide to Cats

GARETH April 21, 2008 at 10:06 pm

I feel for you I do, sorry i am late replying..
you must not think about the clot as being something implanting ,and being dislodged. I KNOW it is easy for me to say this, Jayne and I went through simular thoughts, You must put it out of your mind, because things like that take over..
You have been through a lot of stress , what with moving house, etc etc, and this plays a part with fertility, Again, it is easy to say this, but you have time on your side, and the referal will hopefully sort things out.
All the best Gareth

kaylee April 23, 2008 at 12:14 pm

hey are you doing any better? I am worried for you!

kaylee’s last blog post..Baseball game

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