Channeling the Zen

I am channeling my inner Zen.

I am thinking calming thoughts.

I am not stressed anymore.

My period was due today, and it isn’t here. Today is almost over.

I am conveniently ignoring the fact that my cycle can be a complete arsehole sometimes and sneak unexpected things on me (like super long cycles and super long periods and strange bleeding and cramping and… well, lets just agree that my cycle is an arsehole who likes to play with my head).

Tomorrow is CD31 and I am ready for it.

Nat’s parents are going to visit, so I am going to take the oppurtunity to let Amy show her Nanny how she goes down the slide (very fast, needs her hands holding or she eats dirt at the bottom, and trust me, it isn’t fun and it isn’t pretty) while I try to dig some of the front fenceline.

I want to plant a hedge of mint along the front fence, just because mint is lovely and it smells beautiful and it deters mice. Apparently.

And yes, I do know that mint is a weed and will spread. GOOD. I want it to spread. Along the front fence line at least. I want a pretty smelling hedgy bushy thing there and I want to be able to not worry about kids eating it.

So, digging, mint, slides, zen and no period.

Yep, that is about it from me today. Hehe.

Oh the other thing? I won’t be getting broadband. No way, no how. Apparently it is ‘too costly to repair the line for only 1 family to use’. Some arsehole on the mainland made the decision.

If you work for TELSTRA and you made the decision for me, revoke it okay? You are mucking up my blogging.


15 responses to “Channeling the Zen”

  1. Suzie Avatar

    Very exciting. I am thinking fetile thoughts for you (NOT ME Body you hear that)!! Mint sounds really nice. You could make a good mint julip with that too.

    Suzies last blog post..The Banana Dance

  2. Trish Avatar

    Good luck …fingers crossed and fertile thoughts.You can have all of mine.

    Minted mice sounds nice …

    That really sucks about broadband I don’t know how you manage on dialup .

    Trishs last blog post..TGIF ?

  3. Taz Avatar

    good luck re no period hun..

    Tazs last blog post..29 Weeks Old.. (mothers day special)

  4. Jenn Avatar

    Good luck !

  5. Marylin Avatar

    Hope AF stays away, the Mint planting goes well, and the in-laws love Amy’s new trick 🙂

    REALLY sucks about the broadband 🙁

    Marylins last blog post..Ain’t I kute?

  6. Xbox4NappyRash Avatar

    I’m looking forward to seeing pictures of your bush….

    …, no, wait…

    Xbox4NappyRashs last blog post..A fornication fifty-fifty

  7. Lou Avatar

    Minty bush? … Mint bush. … Doesn’t that sting?

    Lous last blog post..The Barechested Woman

  8. Barbara Avatar

    Oh, mint on the fence – what a good idea. No more poisoning the children.

    Fingers and other things crossed for you. Look after yourself.

    Barbaras last blog post..137/366 – Pushing It

  9. Talina Avatar

    Oooo!! Thinking good thought for ya! Sorry about the internet huh..

    I think mint is a wonderful idea for the hedge! It smells so yummy!

    Talinas last blog post..Again I am experencing the infamous 2 week wait…

  10. Hyphen Mama Avatar

    Mmmmm MINT! I think that’s an excellent idea.

    Also, I have bloggy bling for you at my place AND tomorrow’s post will be a tribute to you. I know, I know…it’s too much, but really it snot.

    Hyphen Mamas last blog post..It’s Amazing I’m Not a Raging Alcoholic

  11. Ree Avatar

    Dear Telstra,
    You suck. We need our Veronica.

    Rees last blog post..…We got a thing…Going on….

  12. Sandy (Momisodes) Avatar

    Minty weed..hehe. Sounds so forbidden 🙂

    Crossing my fingers for you!

    Sandy (Momisodes)s last blog post..Hai’ahh…

  13. Sharon Avatar

    New reader to your blog. Love it . Fingers X’ed for the no-show period.

    WTF? can’t believe you can be the ONLY family in Tassie that wants Broadband or am I missing something here? Are you on a island off Tassie?

  14. katef Avatar

    Mint is good… sliding is fun.. telstra sucks (if you are on any kind of dial-up have they told you what they will do once they discontinue those services at the end of the year???) and I have all my fingers and toes crossed.

    katefs last blog post..Smiley Saturday Swap Time!

  15. Laura McIntyre Avatar

    Mmm mint . hope everything has worked out

    Laura McIntyres last blog post..Mean