Remember Chuck?
Yes, Chuck is here to visit again. With less chupachups this time, and instead, pins and thimbles. Actually, I should have asked what on earth I was meant to do with pins and thimbles. I didn’t poke myself in the fingers with them, so that’s always a bonus, right? Right?
Anyway, Chuck is on tour and at the moment, he is visiting Tasmania. Not the fun bits of Tasmania mind, just my part of it. I’ll all broken and stuff, so leaving the house to take Chuck sightseeing is a bit beyond me.
First we took Chuck over to see the ducks. They weren’t impressed with him.
We decided that swimming at this time of year probably wasn’t a good idea. And the ducks didn’t like the idea of someone swimming in their water.
Chuck climbed a tree and, like a cat, managed to get himself firmly stuck. It’s the wrong time of year for cherries anyway and I did try and tell him that.
Even naughtier, he tried to climb the fence and get into the cow pasture.
I probably should have warned him that it’s an electric fence. He soon found out anyway. Poor Chuck.
The cows weren’t impressed either, although they were curious.
Having utterly failed to impress any of the Tasmanian animals he had met, he stomped back over towards the house. Only to find himself stuck in a patch of long grass. Being 8 inches tall isn’t fun for anyone involved.
We had a look around the garden, before Chuck got himself stuck AGAIN.
It’s true though, broad beans and cauliflower are almost like a jungle. An edible jungle. Without too many poisonous creatures.
Chuck did discover a few things while he was here though.
1) Animals don’t like him much.
2) Small children delight in trying to steal his t-shirt.
3) Australia Post is great at losing all your bags containing the chupachups. Unfortunately, he was dropped into a chupachup free zone here and it was torture. Apparently. So I hear. Over the crunching of my …. oh my, I’m not eating chupacups. Ahem. Never mind. He wasn’t eating them anyway.
If you’re interested, you can follow chuck on tour via his facebook page! Who knows, you might even see this post there.
This post is part of a competition that I am hoping to win.
9 responses to “Chuck visits Tasmania”
awesome pics
I love pictures of where you life – it looks so beautiful and tranquil!
hilarious. he is so cute and naughty!
I wish someone would post me off to Tasmania. With or without clothes. Doesn’t matter.
I’m assuming that’s what chupachups are. Or maybe not. Perhaps it is food? Because you wouldn’t eat clothes, would you?
Oh, that little thing looks so funny! LOL!
smiling here in the UK. due to this post. Good luck with the competition.
Chuck is cute, looks like he enjoyed his stay even with all the trouble he got into. Love your cows.
Till the first pic, I was wondering who Chuck was:) Hello from India, hopped across from the ‘rip you apart blog. Great review, obviously well deserved. See you more often and good luck with the competition! 🙂