Common Misconceptions

I watched a kids TV show about animals the other day. It was an American show (or maybe Canadian, not sure) and there 1312koala-posters.jpgwere SO MANY mistakes. I would like to clear some of these up.

Koalas are called koalas. Not koala bears and in reality they have nothing in common with bears. Okay? Moving on.

Onto the magnificent platypus. It is not called a duck-billed platypus. Yes, it may have a bill that looks likplatypus.jpge a duck, but it also has a tail that looks like a beaver and we don’t call it the beaver-tailed platypus, do we? Also when talking about them, we say one platypus, two platypi. Not platypusses.

I used to go fishing with my Dad in a certain river close by and if I sat very quietly I was pretty much guaranteed to see a platypus. They truly are amazing to watch in the water. Unfortunately they have a tendency to try and steal your bait (and hence, get caught in the fishing line) so in the end I sat and watched and gave up on the trout.

echidna.jpgEchidnas. Pronounced E-kid-nah. The show I was watching called them extrememly rare and told us that you weren’t likely to see them. Maybe in some places echidnas are rare, but here in Tassie I see them all the time. Not quite so often that I have stopped paying attention, but probably one a week through Spring Summer and Autumn.

Echindnas and Platypi belong to a very small (ie: they are the only animals in it) group of mammals called monotremes. Basically, they lay eggs like a bird, but they suckle their young like a mammal. kookaburra.jpg

Kookaburras. Pronounced Cook-ah-buh-ruh. Not any of the other mangled ways I have heard it said. Yes, they are native to Australia, but not to Tasmania. I reserve the right to hate them greatly.

070514_austral_kangaroo_vlrg_8awidec.jpgNow for the contentious issue of the Kangaroo. Yes, we eat the Kangaroo. Yes, we cull the Kangaroo (not nearly enough, my freezer is SO empty). YES, okay I get it. We are the only country that kills and eats it’s National emblem.

You do know that the kangaroo (and it’s smaller [and tastier] counterpart the wallaby) is at plague proportions, right? That there are thousands of them stripping farmers land of good stock feed, eating the crops and generally making a nuisance of themselves. WHILE we are in the middle of a drought.

We NEED to cull them, or risk being over run like we were with the rabbits (which incidentally are havoc creating animals and taste delicious roasted [with bacon]).

Also? Unlike Skippy, kangaroos do NOT call for help. They do NOT run back to the farm and raise the alarm when you have fallen down a cliff and they do NOT make clicking sounds. They make look at you a bit oddly as you lay there crying for help at the bottom of said cliff, but they are not in essence, helpful animals.

They may also beat you up if you annoy them, or intrude onto their territory.

So there you go. I am sure there are many many more things that I will discover wrong in TV shows as Amy and I watch them. Don’t worry, I will keep you posted.


21 responses to “Common Misconceptions”

  1. Lou Avatar

    Not all American TV gets that stuff wrong, because I knew all that stuff and I’ve never made a study of Australian Animal Husbandry – so it likely hasn’t come to me from books. That said, I HAVE heard that kangaroo is tasty, I have no problem, at all, with culling and eating, I just don’t like the notion of wholesale slaughter.

    Why do you hate the kookaburra?

    Lou’s last blog post..nonsense from the past

  2. Burgh Baby's Mom Avatar

    I’m so proud that I knew all that! Woohoo for not being a dumb American!

    Burgh Baby’s Mom’s last blog post..Signs of Spring

  3. Marylin Avatar

    oh I always hated that bloody Skippy! It’s as bad as Lassie!

    I always liked the sound of Kangaroo meat… maybe one day I’ll get to try some πŸ˜‰

    Marylin’s last blog post..This really get’s my goat…

  4. Ree Avatar

    When I was in Amsterdam, one of the guys I was with had kangaroo and raved about it. I, however, um, could not eat it. I stuck with fish. or something. I do remember the champagne I had. Not the food.


    And I knew that too, but why do you hate the Kookabura?

    Ree’s last blog post..Which is Saddest?

  5. witchypoo Avatar

    It could not have been a Canadian show. Really. We are fastidious about correct details. And the Canadian public are quite well educated. They would boo the show off the air.
    I would love to know what kangaroo tastes like.
    I would also love to know what God was thinking when she made the platypus.

    witchypoo’s last blog post..Ask witchypoo: Heaven or Hell?

  6. Jeff Gordon Avatar

    great blog, very insightful

  7. zoe Avatar

    the kookabura is sooooo cute. why do you hate the poor little thing? kangaroo meat??? dear lord!

    zoe’s last blog post..Pass the Guiness!!

  8. Xbox4NappyRash Avatar


    this is one of those ‘spot the lie’ posts yeah?
    Cuz I just KNOW I ate one of those with some rice and salsa on Saturday.

    Xbox4NappyRash’s last blog post..ET phones home…

  9. Tasina Avatar

    So do they taste like chicken? πŸ˜‰

    Tasina’s last blog post..So sad

  10. Jenty Avatar

    Nice post πŸ™‚
    And I did know most of that πŸ™‚ which I’m quite proud of. As for the kangaroo meat thing… you’re not alone there, we eat Springbok meat in this country πŸ˜‰ Well, it’s a delicacy and not often eaten, but it is served at some restaurants and is quite delicious (yes, I’ve had some)

    Jenty’s last blog post..Weekly Winners #10

  11. Taz Avatar


    whats wrong with a Kookaburra.. there call is beautiful.. i really like em..

    i seriously have never heard of platypi so thats a new one on me.. πŸ™‚

    Taz’s last blog post..21 weeks old

  12. Tanya Avatar

    that was awesome. It’s hilarious to see tourists come to visit and then are horrified to find out that we eat kangaroo. Some places make things out of emu meat too. Rabbits should become a delicacy here then they would get culled appropriately. We see about 6-10 kangaroos around our place every night. The lead-foot neighbours run over them. That makes me really mad. Only kill it if you are going to eat it.

    It’s funny cause my mum ate horse and moose in Finland…

    and that is considered normal

  13. Tara Avatar

    Delaney’s favorite song for a while was Kookaburra in the old gum tree (I know, I know…that’s probably not the right name), and we sang that Kookaburra up and down and in and out of that damn gum tree!

    Incidentally, about 20 or so years ago here on American TV, the know-it-alls were selling some informational encyclopedia cards about animals to kids – you know, the kind in which you buy 100 and get five free-type deals? Anyhow, the one thing I remember about that darn commercial is that they featured the “duck billed platypus” So thanks for setting me straight after all these years…

    Tara’s last blog post..Weekly Winners, 16 Mar (#5)

  14. Kelley Avatar

    Just don’t go telling the Americans that we don’t ride roo’s to work and school and have pet Koalas OK? Cause that never ceases to crack me up.

    Off to put a shrimp on the barbie…


    Kelley’s last blog post..I am channelling the devil.

  15. Sandy (Momisodes) Avatar

    *GASP!* You roasted the Easter bunny with bacon!?! πŸ˜›

    Sandy (Momisodes)’s last blog post..You want me to do what? On top of where?

  16. river Avatar

    Skippy used to annoy me too. They always said “here Skippy, here BOY”, but skippy had a pouch which is only found on females……In later years I think they changed it, but the show still annoyed me, that silly kid, always going off where he shouldn’t, getting into trouble.
    I’ve eaten quite a bit of kangaroo, it’s tasty, stronger flavoured so you can use less in a pie or stew,and it has no cholesterol. Hey, right there is a reason to start buying it again, my cholesterol is too high. Roo mince makes great burgers for the BBQ, and marinated fillets BBQ’d, YUM. I don’t understand why they aren’t farmed and sold like sheep and cows,although that might send the price up. Now that I think about it, someone must be farming them because roo meat is sold in supermarkets now as well as Central Market, one of my favourite places to shop.

  17. Candy Avatar


    You DON”T ride kangaroos to work and have a pet koala?

    Then why am I reading this blog??? This is no fun!

    Candy’s last blog post..Full Disclosure

  18. alejna Avatar

    Ah, this was lots of fun.

    The platypus always seems a bit like a mythical beast to me. How cool that you’ve gotten to see them in the wild.

    alejna’s last blog post..all my eggs in one basket

  19. Leslie Avatar

    No surprises here. Of course, I watch The Wiggles. I’m in the know.

    Leslie’s last blog post..The Fine Print Of Wish-Making

  20. amanda Avatar

    One of my friends spent a year in Australia, and she is forever trying to get me to quit calling koalas, ‘koala bears’, but I just can’t help it. πŸ™‚

    amanda’s last blog post..Lottery Tickets From My Gay Aunt Flo

  21. GARETH Avatar

    did i tell you about the time a kangaroo rescued me from a deep ravine… no?? oh it must have been a dream !!

    platypi… what a word !! i must drop that into conversation sometime today !!
    sorry this is late, i have been meaning to respond to this one for ages !!